10585NAT Certificate III in Career Advancement 363 12 514 1201 GEN19 Y 31/12/2021 17 10601NAT Certificate III in Catholic Youth Ministry and Leadership 310 12 514 917 272211 Y 31/12/2019 9 10661NAT Certificate III in Applied Language 320 12 514 915 242200 Y 30/04/2022 4 10741NAT Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology 470 12 514 917 272211 CH Y 31/12/2023 8 10816NAT Certificate III in Work Skills for Career Enhancement and Management 360 12 514 1205 GEN19 Y 27/04/2024 12 10949NAT Certificate II in Applied Language 280 12 521 0915 GEN19 GV Y 30/06/2026 4 10971NAT Certificate IV in Justice Studies 425 12 511 0911 599999 BU Y 30/09/2026 10 11011NAT Certificate III in Catholic Youth Ministry and Leadership 395 12 514 0905 411714 CH Y 31/12/2026 9 11074NAT Certificate III in Applied Language 320 12 514 0915 GEN19 GV Y 30/04/2027 4 11132NAT Certificate III in Christian Leadership 580 12 514 0917 272211 Y 11/02/2028 10 11236NAT Certificate III in Christian Ministry and Theology 490 12 514 0917 272211 Y 31/12/2028 8 22289VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies 400 12 521 313 899914 GV Y 30/06/2020 11 22472VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults 390 12 524 1201 GEN19 GV Y 30/06/2023 16 22473VIC Certificate II in General Education for Adults 335 12 521 1201 GEN19 GV Y 30/06/2025 11 22474VIC Certificate III in General Education for Adults 295 12 514 1201 GEN19 GV Y 30/06/2025 8 22476VIC Certificate I in General Education for Adults (Introductory) 390 12 524 1201 GEN19 GV Y 30/06/2023 16 22527VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Pre-vocational) 408 12 521 0313 899914 GV Y 30/06/2025 10 22586VIC Certificate II in Integrated Technologies (Pre-vocational) 358 12 521 0313 313199 GV Y 31/12/2026 10 22632VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies 340 12 521 1205 712311 EM Y 31/12/2028 9 52700WA Certificate II in Plumbing 249 12 521 403 334100 BD Y 31/10/2019 16 52748WA Diploma of Performing Arts 1800 12 421 1001 211100 AE Y 30/04/2020 16 52769WA Certificate I in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) 350 12 524 1205 GEN19 GV Y 31/12/2020 7 52770WA Certificate I in Wider Opportunities for Work (WOW) 290 12 524 1205 134400 GV Y 31/12/2020 6 52824WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) 250 12 521 0403 821111 BD Y 9/03/2022 13 52825WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Para Professional) 457 12 521 403 821111 BD Y 31/05/2022 12 52831WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies 300 12 511 0603 423300 CH Y 11/05/2022 7 52834WA Certificate III in Ballet Performance 1098 12 514 1001 211112 AE Y 30/09/2022 16 52840WA Certificate II in Introduction to Disability Care 322 12 521 0905 423111 CH Y 31/12/2023 7 52841WA Certificate II in Introduction to Aged Care 300 12 521 905 423111 CH Y 31/12/2023 8 52845WA Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations 326 12 521 303 712212 EM Y 31/03/2024 10 52858WA Certificate II in Welding for Shipbuilding 363 12 521 307 712311 EM Y 31/08/2025 14 52860WA Certificate I in Industrial Skills (Entry Level Training) 450 12 524 1205 330000 SP Y 31/10/2025 6 52875WA Certificate I in Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) 340 12 524 1205 GEN19 GV Y 31/05/2026 7 52878WA Certificate I in Leadership 265 12 524 1205 134499 GV Y 31/05/2026 9 52879WA Certificate II in Leadership 300 12 521 1205 134499 GV Y 31/05/2026 9 52887WA Certificate II in Plumbing 316 12 521 0403 334111 BD Y 31/08/2026 18 52890WA Certificate II in Community Health and Wellbeing 313 12 521 0699 411711 CH Y 31/10/2026 9 52891WA Course in Early Career Discovery 6 12 912 1205 GEN19 GV Y 31/10/2026 1 52893WA Certificate II in Building and Construction (Pathway - Trades) 250 12 521 0403 821111 BD Y 31/03/2027 14 52895WA Certificate IV in Preparation for Health and Nursing Studies 320 12 511 0603 423300 CH Y 31/05/2027 7 52904WA Certificate III in Defence Industry Pathways 587 12 514 1205 712300 EM Y 31/12/2027 19 52922WA Certificate II in Building and Construction Technical Support 538 12 521 0403 561999 BD Y 31/05/2029 14 ACM10117 Certificate I in Animal Studies 195 11 524 611 361199 PI Y 31/12/2018 5 ACM10121 Certificate I in Animal Care Industry Pathways 195 11 524 0611 361199 GV Y 7 ACM20117 Certificate II in Animal Studies 335 11 521 0611 361199 GV Y 31/12/2018 12 ACM20121 Certificate II in Animal Care 390 11 521 0611 361199 GV Y 12 ACM20217 Certificate II in Horse Care 553 11 521 501 841516 GV Y 14 ACM20221 Certificate II in Horse Care 590 11 521 0501 842318 GV Y 13 ACM30117 Certificate III in Animal Studies 490 11 514 611 361199 GV Y 31/12/2018 12 ACM30121 Certificate III in Animal Care Services 700 11 514 0611 361199 GV Y 17 ACM30122 Certificate III in Animal Care Services 700 11 514 0611 361199 GV Y 17 ACM30821 Certificate III in Horse Care 965 11 514 0501 842318 GV Y 18 ACM40418 Certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing 1130 11 511 0611 361311 GV Y 21 AHC10120 Certificate I in Conservation and Ecosystem Management 205 11 524 0509 841999 GV Y 6 AHC10216 Certificate I in AgriFood Operations 180 11 524 0501 842411 GV Y 31/12/2019 6 AHC10222 Certificate I in Agriculture 129 11 524 501 842411 GV Y AHC10316 Certificate I in Horticulture 190 11 524 0503 841411 GV Y 6 AHC10322 Certificate I in Horticulture 144 11 524 503 843211 GV Y AHC10416 Certificate I in Permaculture 165 11 524 503 841411 GV Y 31/12/2019 7 AHC10422 Certificate I in Permaculture 130 11 524 0503 843211 GV Y AHC20116 Certificate II in Agriculture 498 11 521 0501 842411 GV Y 31/12/2019 18 AHC20122 Certificate II in Agriculture 505 11 521 0501 842411 GV Y 16 AHC20320 Certificate II in Production Horticulture 407 11 521 0503 841200 GV Y 15 AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture 475 11 521 0503 843211 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 AHC20422 Certificate II in Horticulture 450 11 521 0503 843211 GV Y AHC20516 Certificate II in Arboriculture 679 11 521 503 841412 GV Y 20 AHC20520 Certificate II in Arboriculture 460 11 521 0503 841412 GV Y 11 AHC21020 Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management 480 11 521 0509 843912 GV Y 15 AHC21216 Certificate II in Rural Operations 456 11 521 0503 843111 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 AHC21316 Certificate II in Shearing 280 11 521 501 841517 GV Y 31/12/2019 9 AHC21416 Certificate II in Wool Handling 235 11 521 501 841517 GV Y 31/12/2019 8 AHC21621 Certificate II in Landscaping 450 11 521 0401 843211 GV Y AHC21716 Certificate II in Permaculture 405 11 521 503 841411 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 AHC21722 Certificate II in Permaculture 495 11 521 0503 843211 GV Y AHC30116 Certificate III in Agriculture 526 11 514 0501 843111 GV Y 31/12/2019 16 AHC30122 Certificate III in Agriculture 720 11 514 501 842314 GV Y AHC30216 Certificate III in Agriculture (Dairy Production) 555 11 514 501 841512 GV Y 31/12/2019 17 AHC30416 Certificate III in Pork Production 505 11 514 0501 842314 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 AHC30422 Certificate III in Pork Production 630 11 514 0501 842315 GV Y AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture 585 11 514 0503 362211 GV Y 31/12/2019 16 AHC30820 Certificate III in Arboriculture 1115 11 514 0503 362511 GV Y 18 AHC30916 Certificate III in Landscape Construction 550 11 514 503 362213 GV Y 15 AHC31316 Certificate III in Sports Turf Management 547 11 514 503 362311 PI Y 20/04/2021 16 AHC31416 Certificate III in Conservation and Land Management 506 11 514 509 362200 GV Y 31/12/2019 16 AHC31420 Certificate III in Conservation and Ecosystem Management 747 11 514 0509 362200 GV Y 16 AHC31818 Certificate III in Beekeeping 550 11 514 0501 121311 GV Y 18 AHC33016 Certificate III in Wool Clip Preparation 770 11 514 501 399917 GV Y 31/12/2019 14 AHC33116 Certificate III in Advanced Wool Handling 290 11 514 501 399917 GV Y 31/12/2019 10 AHC40116 Certificate IV in Agriculture 480 11 511 501 121000 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 AHC40916 Certificate IV in Conservation and Land Management 480 11 511 509 311100 GV Y 12 AHC40920 Certificate IV in Conservation and Ecosystem Management 540 11 511 0509 234300 GV Y 12 AHC50416 Diploma of Horticulture 490 11 421 503 362211 GV Y 12/12/2019 10 AMP20117 Certificate II in Meat Processing (Food Services) 404 11 521 1101 831311 GV Y 14 AMP20316 Certificate II in Meat Processing (Abattoirs) 420 11 521 1101 831311 GV Y 11 AMP30815 Certificate III in Meat Processing (Retail Butcher) 879 11 514 1101 351211 GV Y 31/12/2017 44 AUM20218 Certificate II in Automotive Manufacturing Production - Bus, Truck and Trailer 430 11 521 301 832211 GV Y 31/12/2020 11 AUM30218 Certificate III in Automotive Manufacturing Technical Operations - Bus, Truck and Trailer 900 11 514 301 324211 GV Y 31/12/2020 28 AUR10116 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation 140 11 524 305 899916 GV Y 31/12/2018 8 AUR10120 Certificate I in Automotive Vocational Preparation 140 11 524 0305 899916 GV Y 8 AUR20220 Certificate II in Automotive Air Conditioning Technology 290 11 521 0305 899916 GV Y 13 AUR20420 Certificate II in Automotive Electrical Technology 297 11 521 0305 899411 GV Y 16 AUR20516 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology 365 11 521 305 899916 GV Y 31/12/2018 20 AUR20520 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology 365 11 521 0305 899916 GV Y 20 AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation 230 11 521 305 899916 GV Y 31/12/2018 12 AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation 230 11 521 0305 899916 GV Y 12 AUR20920 Certificate II in Automotive Body Repair Technology 317 11 521 0305 899916 GV Y 13 AUR21820 Certificate II in Automotive Steering and Suspension System Technology 250 11 521 0305 899916 GV Y 11 AUR21920 Certificate II in Automotive Tyre Servicing Technology 266 11 521 0305 899415 GV Y 14 AUR30320 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology 955 11 514 0305 321111 GV Y 32 AUR30420 Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology 1020 11 514 0307 321211 GV Y 36 AUR30520 Certificate III in Marine Mechanical Technology 840 11 514 0317 321211 GV Y 30 AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology 985 11 514 0305 321211 GV Y 36 AUR30720 Certificate III in Outdoor Power Equipment Technology 875 11 514 0307 321214 GV Y 38 AUR30820 Certificate III in Motorcycle Mechanical Technology 1000 11 514 0305 321213 GV Y 36 AUR31120 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology 1095 11 514 0305 321211 GV Y 36 AUR31220 Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology 1099 11 514 0305 321211 GV Y 36 AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology 902 11 514 0305 324211 GV Y 31 AUR32316 Certificate III in Automotive and Marine Trimming Technology 900 11 514 305 324212 Y 31/12/2017 30 AUR32320 Certificate III in Automotive and Marine Trimming Technology 900 11 514 0305 324212 GV Y 30 AUR32416 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology 900 11 514 305 324311 GV Y 30 AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology 900 11 514 0305 324311 GV Y 30 AVI30219 Certificate III in Aviation (Cabin Crew) 550 11 514 1101 451711 GV Y 21 AVI30419 Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) 345 11 514 315 711999 GV Y 14 AVI50215 Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) 1112 11 421 315 231111 GV Y 12/02/2021 29 AVI50219 Diploma of Aviation (Commercial Pilot Licence - Aeroplane) 1112 11 421 315 231111 GV Y 29 BSB10120 Certificate I in Workplace Skills 145 11 524 0809 531111 GV Y 6 BSB20115 Certificate II in Business 325 11 521 809 531111 GV Y 30/12/2018 12 BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills 265 11 521 0809 531111 GV Y 10 BSB30115 Certificate III in Business 420 11 514 0809 531111 GV Y 30/12/2018 12 BSB30120 Certificate III in Business 445 11 514 0809 531111 GV Y 13 BSB30215 Certificate III in Customer Engagement 385 11 514 805 541112 Y 31/12/2018 12 BSB30220 Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business 380 11 514 0809 531111 GV Y 10 BSB30320 Certificate III in Legal Services 325 11 514 0809 521212 GV Y 10 BSB30420 Certificate III in Library and Information Services 535 11 514 0913 599711 GV Y 12 BSB30719 Certificate III in Work Health and Safety 274 11 514 613 312611 GV Y 11 BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business 530 11 511 0803 512100 GV Y 12 BSB40215 Certificate IV in Business 515 11 511 0803 512000 GV Y 30/12/2018 10 BSB40320 Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business 445 11 511 0803 132111 GV Y BSB40520 Certificate IV in Leadership and Management 460 11 511 0803 512111 GV Y 12 BSB40620 Certificate IV in Legal Services 475 11 511 0911 599214 GV Y 10 BSB41015 Certificate IV in Human Resources 415 11 511 803 599411 GV Y 10 BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety 470 11 511 0613 312611 GV Y 10 BSB41915 Certificate IV in Business (Governance) 530 11 511 803 512000 GV Y 30/12/2018 12 BSB42215 Certificate IV in Legal Services 620 11 511 911 599214 GV Y 30/12/2018 12 BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing and Communication 440 11 511 805 225113 GV Y 31/12/2019 10 BSB42618 Certificate IV in New Small Business 420 11 511 803 512100 GV Y 10 BSB50120 Diploma of Business 610 11 421 0803 512111 GV Y 12 BSB51319 Diploma of Work Health and Safety 460 11 421 0613 312611 GV Y 10 BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management 665 11 421 0803 111211 GV Y 12 BSB52215 Diploma of Legal Services 480 11 421 911 521212 GV Y 10 CHC14015 Certificate I in Active Volunteering 140 11 524 1205 411711 GV Y 5 CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services 235 11 521 905 411711 GV Y 31/12/2018 9 CHC24015 Certificate II in Active Volunteering 155 11 521 1205 411711 GV Y 31/12/2018 7 CHC30113 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care 775 11 514 0905 421111 CH Y 31/12/2017 18 CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care 1062 11 514 0701 421111 GV Y 15 CHC30213 Certificate III in Education Support 525 11 514 799 422116 CH Y 31/12/2017 17 CHC30221 Certificate III in School Based Education Support 670 11 514 0701 422116 GV Y 10 CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Services 480 11 514 0905 411700 GV Y 31/12/2018 12 CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support 555 11 514 905 423313 GV Y 31/12/2018 13 CHC34015 Certificate III in Active Volunteering 345 11 514 0905 411711 GV Y 10 CHC40113 Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care 780 11 511 799 421114 CH Y 31/12/2017 19 CHC40213 Certificate IV in Education Support 565 11 511 799 422116 CH Y 31/12/2019 17 CHC40221 Certificate IV in School Based Education Support 755 11 511 0701 422116 GV Y 17 CHC40413 Certificate IV in Youth Work 795 11 511 905 411716 CH Y 31/12/2017 18 CHC42015 Certificate IV in Community Services 660 11 511 0905 411711 GV Y 31/12/2018 15 CHC42021 Certificate IV in Community Services 705 11 511 0905 411711 GV Y CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support 830 11 511 0905 423111 GV Y 31/12/2018 18 CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability 650 11 511 905 411712 GV Y 14 CHC43315 Certificate IV in Mental Health 720 11 511 905 423111 GV Y 15 CHC50121 Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care 1175 11 421 701 421111 GV Y 15 CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services 820 11 421 905 411700 CH Y 31/12/2018 16 CPC10120 Certificate I in Construction 228 11 524 0403 821113 GV Y 11 CPC20120 Certificate II in Construction 400 11 521 0403 821111 GV Y 15 CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways 200 11 521 0403 821111 GV Y 10 CPC30111 Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying 768 11 514 403 331111 BD Y 31/12/2019 27 CPC30211 Certificate III in Carpentry 784 11 514 403 331212 BD Y 31/12/2020 30 CPC30216 Certificate III in Signs and Graphics 566 11 514 403 399611 GV Y 31/12/2018 16 CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry 1003 11 514 0403 331212 GV Y 34 CPC30313 Certificate III in Concreting 680 11 514 403 821211 Y 31/12/2017 20 CPC30611 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating 803 11 514 403 332211 BD Y 31/12/2019 27 CPC30820 Certificate III in Roof Tiling 510 11 514 0403 333311 GV Y CPC31220 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining 833 11 514 0403 333211 GV Y 29 CPC32011 Certificate III in Carpentry and Joinery 885 11 514 403 331212 BD Y 31/12/2019 32 CPC32413 Certificate III in Plumbing 975 11 514 403 334111 BD Y 31/12/2017 65 CPC32420 Certificate III in Plumbing 1182 11 514 0403 334111 GV Y 58 CPC32612 Certificate III in Roof Plumbing 579 11 514 403 334115 BD Y 31/12/2017 25 CPP20121 Certificate II in Surveying and Spatial Information Services 185 11 521 0311 312116 GV Y 8 CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations 293 11 521 999 442217 GV Y 31/01/2020 14 CPP40115 Certificate IV in Building Design Drafting 846 11 511 403 312111 GV Y 15 CPP40121 Certificate IV in Residential Drafting 820 11 511 0403 312111 BD Y 10 CPP41519 Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis 451 11 511 0999 442216 GV Y CSC20115 Certificate II in Justice Services 210 11 521 911 442111 Y 30/12/2018 8 CUA10113 Certificate I in Dance 180 11 524 1001 211112 AE Y 31/12/2017 6 CUA10215 Certificate I in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts 225 11 524 1003 399599 GV Y 31/12/2017 6 CUA10220 Certificate I in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts 225 11 524 1003 399599 GV Y 6 CUA10320 Certificate I in Visual Arts 215 11 524 1003 399500 GV Y 6 CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance 380 11 521 1001 211112 AE Y 10 CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries 250 11 521 0805 621111 GV Y 10 CUA20415 Certificate II in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Arts 365 11 521 1003 399599 GV Y 10 CUA20620 Certificate II in Music 260 11 521 1001 399516 GV Y 8 CUA20715 Certificate II in Visual Arts 355 11 521 1003 399500 GV Y 31/12/2018 9 CUA20720 Certificate II in Visual Arts 355 11 521 1003 399500 GV Y 9 CUA30120 Certificate III in Dance 495 11 514 1001 211112 AE Y 13 CUA30220 Certificate III in Community Dance Theatre and Events 474 11 514 1001 211199 AE Y CUA30320 Certificate III in Assistant Dance Teaching 360 11 514 0701 249212 AE Y 12 CUA30620 Certificate III in Arts and Cultural Administration 409 11 514 0803 139911 GV Y 12 CUA30720 Certificate III in Design Fundamentals 515 11 514 1005 211400 GV Y 12 CUA30915 Certificate III in Music Industry 345 11 514 1001 399516 GV Y 31/12/2019 11 CUA30920 Certificate III in Music 419 11 514 1001 399500 GV Y 11 CUA31020 Certificate III in Screen and Media 394 11 514 1007 599912 GV Y 11 CUA31115 Certificate III in Visual Arts 535 11 514 1003 211400 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 CUA31120 Certificate III in Visual Arts 535 11 514 1003 211400 GV Y 12 CUA40120 Certificate IV in Dance 645 11 511 1001 211112 AE Y 13 CUA40320 Certificate IV in Dance Teaching and Management 613 11 511 0701 249212 GV Y 14 CUA40420 Certificate IV in Live Production and Technical Services 655 11 511 1001 399513 GV Y 16 CUA40520 Certificate IV in Musical Theatre 825 11 511 1001 211113 AE Y 15 CUA40720 Certificate IV in Design 665 11 511 1005 211400 GV Y 15 CUA40920 Certificate IV in Music 560 11 511 1001 399500 GV Y 14 CUA41120 Certificate IV in Photography and Digital Imaging 770 11 511 1003 211311 GV Y 15 CUA41215 Certificate IV in Screen and Media 570 11 511 1007 399500 GV Y 13 CUA41220 Certificate IV in Screen and Media 560 11 511 1007 399500 GV Y 13 CUA50113 Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) 1358 11 421 1001 211112 Y 31/12/2017 17 CUA50213 Diploma of Musical Theatre 985 11 421 1001 211199 AE Y 31/12/2019 16 CUA50220 Diploma of Musical Theatre 985 11 421 1001 211199 GV Y 16 CUA50715 Diploma of Graphic Design 920 11 421 1005 392211 GV Y 19 CUA50815 Diploma of Music Industry 757 11 421 1001 211200 N 31/12/2017 16 CUA50820 Diploma of Music 779 11 421 1001 211200 GV Y CUA51015 Diploma of Screen and Media 705 11 421 1007 399500 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 CUA51115 Diploma of Visual Arts 744 11 421 1003 211400 Y 31/12/2017 15 CUA60113 Advanced Diploma of Dance (Elite Performance) 640 11 411 1205 211112 AE N 31/12/2019 18 FBP20121 Certificate II in Food Processing 385 11 521 0303 831199 FP Y 13 FBP20122 Certificate II in Food Processing 385 11 521 0303 831199 GV Y FBP20221 Certificate II in Baking 400 11 521 1101 851211 GV Y 11 FBP30317 Certificate III in Cake and Pastry 740 11 514 1101 351112 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 FBP30417 Certificate III in Bread Baking 745 11 514 1101 351111 GV Y 31/12/2019 14 FBP30517 Certificate III in Baking 1040 11 514 1101 351111 GV Y 31/12/2019 19 FBP30521 Certificate III in Baking 1040 11 514 1101 351111 GV Y 19 FBP30617 Certificate III in Food Processing (Sales) 540 11 514 803 621511 SP Y 31/12/2019 14 FNS10120 Certificate I in Basic Financial Literacy 180 11 524 0811 552000 GV Y 6 FNS20120 Certificate II in Financial Services 270 11 521 0811 552000 GV Y 8 FNS30120 Certificate III in Financial Services 370 11 514 0811 552000 GV Y 12 FNS30122 Certificate III in Financial Services 370 11 514 0811 552000 GV Y 12 FNS30317 Certificate III in Accounts Administration 375 11 514 801 551111 GV Y 31/12/2019 11 FNS30322 Certificate III in Accounts Administration 375 11 514 0801 551111 GV Y 11 FNS40217 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping 605 11 511 801 551211 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping 605 11 511 0801 551211 GV Y 13 FNS40821 Certificate IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking 445 11 511 0811 222112 GV Y 12 FNS50322 Diploma of Finance and Mortgage Broking Management 625 11 421 0811 222112 GV Y FSK10113 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways 115 11 524 1201 GEN19 GV Y 26/11/2021 11 FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways 115 11 524 1201 GEN19 GV Y 11 FSK10219 Certificate I in Skills for Vocational Pathways 115 11 524 1201 GEN19 GV Y 11 FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways 205 11 521 1201 GEN19 GV Y 14 FWP20121 Certificate II in Forest Operations 375 11 521 0505 843111 GV Y 13 FWP20122 Certificate II in Forest Operations 375 11 521 0505 843111 GV Y 13 FWP20516 Certificate II in Timber Manufactured Products 325 11 521 301 839413 GV Y 31/12/2018 13 HLT21015 Certificate II in Medical Service First Response 260 11 521 613 441211 GV Y 31/12/2017 9 HLT21020 Certificate II in Medical Service First Response 272 11 521 0613 441211 GV Y 9 HLT23215 Certificate II in Health Support Services 323 11 521 613 423312 GV Y 31/12/2017 12 HLT23221 Certificate II in Health Support Services 323 11 521 0613 423312 GV Y 12 HLT26015 Certificate II in Population Health 370 11 521 613 411000 GV Y 31/12/2017 9 HLT31220 Certificate III in Basic Health Care 383 11 514 0699 411111 GV Y 7 HLT33015 Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance 410 11 514 699 423314 GV Y 31/12/2017 11 HLT33021 Certificate III in Allied Health Assistance 560 11 514 0699 423314 GV Y HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance 470 11 514 0699 423311 GV Y 31/12/2018 15 HLT35015 Certificate III in Dental Assisting 670 11 514 607 423211 GV Y 31/12/2019 11 HLT35021 Certificate III in Dental Assisting 740 11 514 0607 423211 GV Y 10 HLT35115 Certificate III in Dental Laboratory Assisting 330 11 514 0607 411213 GV Y 11 HLT36015 Certificate III in Population Health 555 11 514 613 251911 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 HLT37315 Certificate III in Health Administration 490 11 514 809 542114 GV Y 13 HLT40213 Certificate IV in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care Practice 1335 11 511 613 411511 Y 31/12/2017 21 HLT41115 Certificate IV in Health Care 650 11 511 0699 411111 GV Y 16 HLT41120 Certificate IV in Health Care 745 11 511 0699 411111 GV Y 16 HLT43015 Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance 665 11 511 699 423314 GV Y 31/12/2017 16 HLT45021 Certificate IV in Dental Assisting 500 11 511 0607 423211 GV Y 8 HLT47315 Certificate IV in Health Administration 555 11 511 809 512211 GV Y 31/12/2017 14 HLT47321 Certificate IV in Health Administration 600 11 511 0809 512211 GV Y HLT52015 Diploma of Remedial Massage 1675 11 421 619 411611 GV Y 21 HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing 1635 11 421 603 411411 GV Y 31/12/2017 20 ICP20120 Certificate II in Printing and Graphic Arts 390 11 521 0301 899511 GV Y 12 ICP31220 Certificate III in Printing 905 11 514 0301 392311 GV Y 21 ICT20115 Certificate II in Information, Digital Media and Technology 370 11 521 0203 532100 GV Y 31/12/2018 14 ICT20120 Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies 385 11 521 0203 532100 GV Y 12 ICT30120 Certificate III in Information Technology 410 11 514 0203 313112 GV Y 12 ICT30515 Certificate III in Telecommunications Technology 725 11 514 313 342314 GV Y 1/03/2021 16 ICT40118 Certificate IV in Information Technology 765 11 511 0203 313100 GV Y 20 ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology 805 11 511 0203 313100 GV Y 20 ICT40315 Certificate IV in Web-Based Technologies 705 11 511 299 313113 GV Y 31/12/2018 22 ICT40518 Certificate IV in Programming 805 11 511 201 261312 GV Y 18 ICT40815 Certificate IV in Digital Media Technologies 700 11 511 299 232413 GV Y 17 ICT40915 Certificate IV in Digital and Interactive Games 730 11 511 201 261211 GV Y 16 ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology 610 11 421 203 313100 GV Y 20 ICT50215 Diploma of Digital and Interactive Games 700 11 421 201 261211 GV Y 31/12/2018 16 MAR10220 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (General Purpose Hand Near Coastal) 150 11 524 0317 899211 GV Y MAR10418 Certificate I in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 Near Coastal) 247 11 524 0317 231213 GV Y 8 MAR20318 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal) 350 11 521 0317 231213 GV Y 13 MAR20321 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 Near Coastal) 350 11 521 0317 231213 GV Y 13 MAR20418 Certificate II in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 Near Coastal) 347 11 521 0317 231212 GV Y 13 MAR30818 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 Near Coastal) 432 11 514 0317 231212 GV Y 17 MAR30918 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres Near Coastal) 413 11 514 0317 231213 GV Y 15 MEA20418 Certificate II in Aeroskills 520 11 521 315 323111 GV Y 11 MEA50218 Diploma of Aeroskills (Mechanical) 2475 11 421 315 323112 GV Y 29/03/2021 36 MEM10119 Certificate I in Engineering 144 11 524 307 839111 GV Y 3 MEM20105 Certificate II in Engineering 302 11 521 307 839111 EM Y 31/12/2019 6 MEM20413 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways 340 11 521 307 839111 EM Y 31/12/2019 12 MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways 354 11 521 0307 839111 GV Y 12 MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade 864 11 514 307 323000 EM Y 31/12/2019 14 MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade 864 11 514 307 323000 GV Y 21 MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade 864 11 514 307 322211 Y 31/12/2019 14 MEM30319 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade 864 11 514 0307 322211 GV Y 22 MEM30505 Certificate III in Engineering - Technical 360 11 514 307 312500 ST Y 31/12/2019 10 MEM30522 Certificate III in Engineering - Technical 360 11 514 0307 312500 GV Y 10 MEM30619 Certificate III in Jewellery Manufacture 864 11 514 1003 399411 GV Y 22 MEM30805 Certificate III in Locksmithing 864 11 514 307 323313 EM Y 31/12/2020 24 MEM31215 Certificate III in Engineering - Industrial Electrician 996 11 514 313 341112 EM Y 31/12/2018 33 MEM31322 Certificate III in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 864 11 514 0313 342111 GV Y MEM40412 Certificate IV in Engineering Drafting 620 11 511 0307 312500 EM Y 11 MEM40422 Certificate IV in Engineering Drafting 620 11 511 0307 312500 GV Y 15 MEM50212 Diploma of Engineering - Technical 756 11 421 307 312911 ST Y 20 MSF10113 Certificate I in Furnishing 251 11 524 301 832211 ST Y 31/12/2019 8 MSF20313 Certificate II in Furniture Making 324 11 521 301 832211 ST Y 31/12/2019 13 MSF20322 Certificate II in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology 292 11 521 0301 832211 TF Y 12 MSF20516 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways 345 11 521 301 832211 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 MSF20522 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways 345 11 521 0301 832211 GV Y 12 MSF30113 Certificate III in Furniture Finishing 800 11 514 301 394211 TF Y 23 MSF30322 Certificate III in Cabinet Making and Timber Technology 901 11 514 0301 394112 GV Y MSF30418 Certificate III in Glass and Glazing 738 11 514 403 333111 GV Y 23 MSF30713 Certificate III in Upholstery 930 11 514 301 393311 TF Y 31/12/2019 25 MSF30822 Certificate III in Flooring Technology 676 11 514 0403 332111 GV Y MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making 800 11 514 301 394111 TF Y 31/12/2019 28 MSF40118 Certificate IV in Interior Decoration 778 11 511 0401 399912 GV Y 17 MSF40122 Certificate IV in Interior Decoration 778 11 511 0401 399912 GV Y 17 MSF50218 Diploma of Interior Design 1283 11 421 401 399912 AE Y 29 MSL20118 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement 280 11 521 0199 311400 GV Y 31/12/2019 8 MSL20122 Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement 280 11 521 199 311400 GV Y MSL30118 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills 580 11 514 0199 311000 GV Y 13 MSL30122 Certificate III in Laboratory Skills 580 11 514 0199 311000 GV Y 13 MSL40118 Certificate IV in Laboratory Techniques 900 11 511 0199 311000 GV Y 15 MSM10216 Certificate I in Manufacturing (Pathways) 270 11 524 0301 839999 GV Y 31/12/2018 9 MSM20116 Certificate II in Process Manufacturing 427 11 521 0303 839912 GV Y 14 MSM30116 Certificate III in Process Manufacturing 558 11 514 0303 839000 GV Y 21 MST20616 Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology 451 11 521 0301 711611 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 MST20722 Certificate II in Apparel Fashion and Textiles 526 11 521 0301 393000 GV Y MST30116 Certificate III in Clothing and Textile Production 652 11 514 301 393200 GV Y 30/07/2021 19 MST30119 Certificate III in Clothing and Textile Production 652 11 514 0301 393200 GV Y 19 MST40516 Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising 966 11 511 1005 393200 TF Y 31/12/2020 25 MST40519 Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising 966 11 511 1005 393200 GV Y 25 MST50116 Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising 1576 11 421 1005 393212 TF Y 31/12/2020 35 NWP20119 Certificate II in Water Industry Operations 282 11 521 0509 712921 GV Y 11 NWP30219 Certificate III in Water Industry Operations 340 11 514 0509 712921 GV Y 11 PMA20116 Certificate II in Process Plant Operations 475 11 521 0303 399211 GV Y 31/12/2019 16 PMA30116 Certificate III in Process Plant Operations 690 11 514 303 399211 GV Y 31/12/2019 21 PSP20116 Certificate II in Government 265 11 521 901 531111 GV Y 31/12/2017 9 PSP20122 Certificate II in Government 275 11 521 0809 531111 GV Y 9 PSP20218 Certificate II in Auslan 470 11 521 915 411711 GV Y 3 PSP30116 Certificate III in Government 375 11 514 901 531111 GV Y 13 PSP30218 Certificate III in Auslan 945 11 514 915 411711 GV Y 6 PSP40416 Certificate IV in Government Investigations 430 11 511 0901 599500 GV Y 15 PSP40818 Certificate IV in Auslan 1380 11 511 915 411711 GV Y 9 RGR30518 Certificate III in Racing (Trackwork Rider) 910 11 514 921 361112 PI Y 11 RII10115 Certificate I in Resources and Infrastructure Operations 180 11 524 303 821900 GV Y 31/12/2017 6 RII20120 Certificate II in Resources and Infrastructure Work Preparation 250 11 521 0303 821900 GV Y 9 RII20215 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations 220 11 521 303 712212 GV Y 9 RII20220 Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations 220 11 521 0303 712212 GV Y 9 RII20515 Certificate II in Resource Processing 260 11 521 303 712912 GV Y 10 RII20720 Certificate II in Civil Construction 388 11 521 0309 721200 GV Y 16 RII20915 Certificate II in Drilling Operations 391 11 521 303 821912 GV Y 12 RII21222 Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations 301 11 521 303 712212 GV Y RII30115 Certificate III in Surface Extraction Operations 455 11 514 303 712212 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 RII30815 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations 636 11 514 0309 721211 GV Y 31/12/2019 19 RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations 636 11 514 0309 721211 GV Y 20 RII30919 Certificate III in Civil Construction 696 11 514 0309 721211 GV Y 25 SFI10119 Certificate I in Seafood Industry 130 11 524 0507 831313 GV Y SFI20119 Certificate II in Aquaculture 290 11 521 0507 842111 GV Y 12 SFI20219 Certificate II in Fishing Operations 270 11 521 317 899211 GV Y 12 SFI30119 Certificate III in Aquaculture 460 11 514 0507 842111 GV Y 16 SFI30219 Certificate III in Fishing Operations 455 11 514 0317 899211 GV Y 16 SFL30115 Certificate III in Floristry 622 11 514 1003 362111 GV Y 31/12/2019 21 SHB20116 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics 373 11 521 1103 621111 GV Y 31/12/2020 15 SHB20121 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics 490 11 521 1103 621111 GV Y 15 SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant 255 11 521 1103 451812 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 SHB30115 Certificate III in Beauty Services 555 11 514 1103 451111 SP Y 31/12/2019 15 SHB30121 Certificate III in Beauty Services 659 11 514 1103 451812 GV Y 18 SHB30215 Certificate III in Make-Up 473 11 514 1103 399514 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 SHB30221 Certificate III in Make-Up 535 11 514 1103 399514 GV Y 15 SHB30315 Certificate III in Nail Technology 475 11 514 1103 451111 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 SHB30321 Certificate III in Nail Technology 540 11 514 1103 451111 GV Y SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing 790 11 514 1103 391111 Y 31/12/2019 28 SHB30516 Certificate III in Barbering 660 11 514 1103 391111 GV Y 31/12/2019 26 SHB40115 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy 907 11 511 1103 451111 GV Y 31/12/2019 19 SHB40121 Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy 1025 11 511 1103 451111 GV Y 23 SHB50115 Diploma of Beauty Therapy 1362 11 421 1103 142114 GV Y 31/12/2019 25 SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy 1339 11 421 1103 142114 GV Y 29 SIR10116 Certificate I in Retail Services 125 11 524 805 621111 GV Y 31/12/2019 5 SIR20116 Certificate II in Community Pharmacy 370 11 521 805 621411 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services 305 11 521 0805 621111 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 SIR30116 Certificate III in Community Pharmacy 595 11 514 805 621411 GV Y 31/12/2019 19 SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail 395 11 514 805 621111 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 SIR40316 Certificate IV in Retail Management 350 11 511 0803 621511 GV Y 11 SIS10115 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation 165 11 524 921 531111 AE Y 31/12/2017 8 SIS10122 Certificate I in Sport and Recreation 163 11 524 921 531111 GV Y 12/12/2028 7 SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 265 11 521 0921 531111 GV Y 31/12/2018 13 SIS20122 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation 270 11 521 0921 531111 GV Y 12/12/2028 10 SIS20221 Certificate II in Sport - Developing Athlete 240 11 521 0921 452499 GV Y SIS20319 Certificate II in Sport Coaching 190 11 521 921 452300 GV Y 7 SIS20321 Certificate II in Sport Coaching 190 11 521 0921 452300 GV Y 7 SIS20419 Certificate II in Outdoor Recreation 248 11 521 0921 452215 GV Y 11 SIS30115 Certificate III in Sport and Recreation 415 11 514 921 452000 GV Y 31/12/2018 15 SIS30122 Certificate III in Sport Aquatics and Recreation 345 11 514 921 452321 AE Y 15 SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness 590 11 514 0921 452315 GV Y 31/12/2018 16 SIS30321 Certificate III in Fitness 603 11 514 0921 452315 GV Y 15 SIS30413 Certificate III in Outdoor Recreation 505 11 514 921 452200 AE Y 10/03/2021 24 SIS30619 Certificate III in Outdoor Leadership 650 11 514 0921 452215 GV Y 22 SIS31015 Certificate III in Aquatics and Community Recreation 355 11 514 919 411711 GV Y 31/12/2018 14 SIS40115 Certificate IV in Sport and Recreation 500 11 511 0921 452321 AE Y 17 SIS40221 Certificate IV in Fitness 870 11 511 0921 452111 GV Y 17 SIS40421 Certificate IV in Sport Development 420 11 511 0921 452323 GV Y 14 SIS40612 Certificate IV in Sport Development 815 11 511 921 452323 AE Y 10/03/2021 21 SIS50321 Diploma of Sport 620 11 421 0921 452321 GV Y 14 SIT10116 Certificate I in Tourism (Australian Indigenous Culture) 180 11 524 807 451611 GV Y 31/12/2019 6 SIT10122 Certificate I in Tourism (Australian Indigenous Culture) 180 11 524 0807 451611 GV Y 6 SIT10216 Certificate I in Hospitality 100 11 524 1101 431900 GV Y 31/12/2019 6 SIT10222 Certificate I in Hospitality 100 11 524 1101 431900 GV Y 6 SIT20116 Certificate II in Tourism 340 11 521 807 451600 GV Y 31/12/2019 11 SIT20122 Certificate II in Tourism 225 11 521 0807 451611 GV Y 11 SIT20216 Certificate II in Holiday Parks and Resorts 255 11 521 1101 899111 GV Y 11 SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality 355 11 521 1101 431000 GV Y 31/12/2019 12 SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality 355 11 521 1101 431000 GV Y 12 SIT20416 Certificate II in Kitchen Operations 325 11 521 1101 851311 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 SIT20421 Certificate II in Cookery 325 11 521 1101 851311 GV Y 13 SIT30116 Certificate III in Tourism 413 11 514 807 451611 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 SIT30122 Certificate III in Tourism 455 11 514 807 451611 GV Y 15 SIT30216 Certificate III in Travel 740 11 514 807 451612 GV Y 17 SIT30516 Certificate III in Events 345 11 514 1101 531111 GV Y 31/12/2019 13 SIT30522 Certificate III in Events 380 11 514 1101 149311 GV Y 13 SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality 570 11 514 1101 431000 GV Y 31/12/2019 15 SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality 340 11 514 1101 431000 GV Y 15 SIT30816 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery 843 11 514 1101 351411 GV Y 31/12/2019 25 SIT30821 Certificate III in Commercial Cookery 843 11 514 1101 351411 GV Y 25 SIT30921 Certificate III in Catering 594 11 514 1101 351411 GV Y SIT31016 Certificate III in Patisserie 627 11 514 1101 351112 GV Y 22 SIT40416 Certificate IV in Hospitality 865 11 511 1101 431400 GV Y 21 SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management 1044 11 421 0803 149311 GV Y SIT50316 Diploma of Event Management 855 11 421 803 149311 AE Y 31/12/2019 20 SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management 1255 11 421 803 141000 HT Y 31/12/2019 28 TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment 285 11 511 0701 242211 GV Y 10 TLI10115 Certificate I in Transport and Logistics (Pathways) 270 11 524 899 591112 GV Y 31/12/2019 7 TLI20321 Certificate II in Stevedoring 390 11 521 0317 891113 GV Y 14 TLI20420 Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations 309 11 521 0899 741100 GV Y 14 TLI20421 Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations 309 11 521 0899 741111 GV Y 14 TLI27120 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure 413 11 521 0399 821611 GV Y 16 TLI27121 Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure 413 11 521 0399 821611 GV Y 16 TLI30319 Certificate III in Supply Chain Operations 455 11 514 0899 591112 GV Y 14 TLI31616 Certificate III in Warehousing Operations 540 11 514 899 741111 GV Y 31/12/2019 19 TLI32416 Certificate III in Logistics 365 11 514 399 591211 GV Y 13 UEE20111 Certificate II in Split Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Systems 324 11 521 313 899914 UT Y 20 UEE20520 Certificate II in Computer Assembly and Repair 324 11 521 0313 899914 GV Y 8 UEE20720 Certificate II in Data and Voice Communications 378 11 521 0313 899914 GV Y 11 UEE20911 Certificate II in Electronic Assembly 324 11 521 313 899914 UT Y 31/12/2019 10 UEE20920 Certificate II in Electronic Assembly 324 11 521 0313 899914 GV Y 12 UEE21920 Certificate II in Electronics 324 11 521 0313 899914 GV Y 8 UEE22011 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) 324 11 521 313 899914 UT Y 31/12/2019 9 UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) 369 11 521 0313 899914 GV Y 11 UEE30111 Certificate III in Business Equipment 954 11 514 0313 342311 UT Y 19 UEE30411 Certificate III in Data and Voice Communications 954 11 514 0313 342411 UT Y 16 UEE30420 Certificate III in Data and Voice Communications 954 11 514 0313 342411 GV Y 23 UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician 954 11 514 313 341111 UT Y 31/12/2019 22 UEE30820 Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician 999 11 514 0313 341111 GV Y 27 UEE31411 Certificate III in Security Equipment 954 11 514 313 342313 Y 31/12/2017 17 UEE32111 Certificate III in Appliance Service 920 11 514 313 341111 UT Y 31/12/2019 30 UEE33011 Certificate III in Electrical Fitting 954 11 514 313 341111 Y 31/12/2017 22 UEE40111 Certificate IV in Computer Systems 1152 11 511 313 342314 UT Y 19 UEE40411 Certificate IV in Electrical - Instrumentation 1152 11 511 0313 341111 UT Y 29 UEE40711 Certificate IV in Electronics and Communications 1152 11 511 313 342313 UT Y 16 UET20312 Certificate II in ESI - Powerline Vegetation Control 341 11 521 313 899914 UT Y 24/03/2021 9