Prequalification through NAPLAN

To meet the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) standard of literacy and numeracy, students may prequalify through their performance in the reading, writing and numeracy tests of the Year 9 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). These students are therefore not required to again demonstrate their skills in the corresponding component through the OLNA.

The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) produces an individual NAPLAN report for each student, which shows their performance in each of the NAPLAN assessment areas against four proficiency levels. More information about the proficiency levels is available at

ACARA has provided a cut point score for each of the NAPLAN reading, writing and numeracy assessment areas that corresponds with the reading, writing and numeracy standards required to demonstrate the WACE literacy and numeracy standard. For each assessment area, students who are at or exceed the determined/required cut point score are considered to have prequalified for that standard, and hence do not need to sit the corresponding component of the OLNA.

Further information about determining student prequalification from a NAPLAN individual student report is available in the OLNA and Prequalification through Year 9 NAPLAN: Information for Parents/Carers and Schools brochure.

Students who achieved Band 8 or above in any of the reading, writing and numeracy assessment areas of Year 9 NAPLAN are considered to have prequalified for that standard, and hence do not need to sit the corresponding component of the OLNA.

Due to privacy reasons, the Authority does not have access to other states’ NAPLAN results.

Therefore, schools must email a scanned copy of a student’s complete Year 9 NAPLAN individual student report to the Authority.

Once the submitted report has been processed, the school will be emailed outlining whether the student has prequalified for one or more components.