2024 Exhibitions and Awards Recipients Search

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority congratulates all 2024 award winners for their effort and achievements. We acknowledge the support of families, friends, teachers and school staff during the year.

In 2024, 4092 awards were won, including 50 General Exhibitions and 40 Subject Exhibitions.

(Data as at 20 December 2024)

Filter list:

Beazley Medal: WACE

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Beazley Medal: VET

Castle, Kevin
Kent Street Senior High School

General Exhibition

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Peiris, John
Perth Modern School

Kan, Kai Jun
Perth Modern School

Nambi, Denzel
Shenton College

Wagh, Vivaan
Hale School

Khatri, Nibesh
Perth Modern School

Pike, Xavier
Aquinas College

Ghia, Tanay
Perth Modern School

Ly, Olivia
Perth Modern School

Wang, Jeremiah
Christ Church Grammar School

Laroyia, Samrath
Harrisdale Senior High School

Widjaja, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Daebritz, Ava
Iona Presentation College

Not For Publication
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Coates, Henry
Perth Modern School

Sam, Ann Eunice
Perth Modern School

van Aswegen, Benjamin
Hale School

Molyneux, Alexander
Christ Church Grammar School

Holliday, Chloe
Eastern Goldfields College

Dias Abeysinghe, Dinath
Perth Modern School

Sharma, Annabelle
Perth Modern School

Du, Jiaxuan
Perth Modern School

Chiang, Keisha
Willetton Senior High School

Steele, Lachlan
Hale School

Langford, Matthew
Willetton Senior High School

Laurance, Emily
John XXIII College

Chettiyadan, Mace
Perth Modern School

Ryan, Matthew
Trinity College

Manger, Charles
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Weerakody, Sienna
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Mintz, Maya
John XXIII College

Spencer, Kai
Duncraig Senior High School

Hadlow, Charlton
Perth Modern School

Frederic, Laura
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Ford, Anna
Carine Senior High School

Lim, Andrew
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ahuja, Cayden
Shenton College

Jia, Jiayi
Perth Modern School

Sathe, Atharva
Perth Modern School

Wilson, Jessica
Perth Modern School

Ji, Yiqing
Perth Modern School

Loh, Michelle
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Bellamy, Cate
Churchlands Senior High School

Ou, Emma
Perth College

Kessey, Genevieve
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Peh, Wesley
Christ Church Grammar School

Lai, Jianxiang
Willetton Senior High School

Kashmir, Shayon
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Goradia, Aarnav
Duncraig Senior High School

Koh, Aden Tze Shan
Perth Modern School

General Exhibition (ATSI)

Kitcher, Araminta
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Subject Exhibition: Accounting and Finance

Sooi, Hsien
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Ancient History

Bruining, Jessica
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Applied Information Technology

Loh, Michelle
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Biology

Paget, Ethan
Willetton Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Business Management and Enterprise

Chang, Christopher
Churchlands Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Career and Enterprise

Varagunanathan, Rupak
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Chemistry

Sharma, Annabelle
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Computer Science

Ahuja, Cayden
Shenton College

Subject Exhibition: Dance

Anthony, Cameron
All Saints' College

Subject Exhibition: Design

Tran, Alison
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Drama

Bolden, Jessica
Santa Maria College

Subject Exhibition: Earth and Environmental Science

Paget, Ethan
Willetton Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Economics

Bird, Henry
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Engineering Studies

Gray, Nicholas
Sacred Heart College

Subject Exhibition: English

Pandey, Arya
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Paila, Kalliopi
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Food Science and Technology

Yii, Grace
Willetton Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: French: Second Language

Jones, Patrick
All Saints' College

Subject Exhibition: Geography

Davison, Drew
Hale School

Subject Exhibition: Health Studies

Green, Ashanti
Melville Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Human Biology

Keogh, Charlotte
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Subject Exhibition: Italian: Second Language

Khatri, Nibesh
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Japanese: Second Language

Wang, Monroe
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Literature

Pandey, Arya
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Marine and Maritime Studies

Nolan, Alison
Sacred Heart College

Subject Exhibition: Mathematics Applications

Hobbs, Lincoln
Christ Church Grammar School

Subject Exhibition: Mathematics Methods

Kelly, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Mathematics Specialist

Huynh, Edward
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Media Production and Analysis

Bacon, Mitchell
Aquinas College

Subject Exhibition: Modern History

Cooper, Jessica
Shenton College

Subject Exhibition: Music

Arnold, Matthew
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Outdoor Education

Mallinder, Ellie
Mandurah Catholic College

Subject Exhibition: Philosophy and Ethics

Bouwer, Cassianne
Churchlands Senior High School

Subject Exhibition: Physical Education Studies

Gibson, Harry
Christ Church Grammar School

Subject Exhibition: Physics

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Subject Exhibition: Politics and Law

Pike, Xavier
Aquinas College

Subject Exhibition: Psychology

Kerrisk, Ally
Kennedy Baptist College

Subject Exhibition: Religion and Life

Laurance, Emily
John XXIII College

Subject Exhibition: Visual Arts

Martinez, Isabel
Santa Maria College

Special Subject Award: English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Morikawa, Lisa
MITA International School

VET Exhibition: Automotive, Engineering and Logistics

Castle, Kevin
Kent Street Senior High School

VET Exhibition: Community Services, Health and Education

McPherson, Ella
Mandurah Baptist College

VET Exhibition: Construction Industries

Hamer, Georgia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

VET Exhibition: Creative Industries

de la Rie, Eve
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

VET Exhibition: Primary, Environmental and Animal Care Industries

Oldfield, Jesse
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

VET Exhibition: Retail and Personal Services

Brisbane, Alice
Melville Senior High School

VET Exhibition: Tourism, Hospitality and Events

Harper, Tex
Melville Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Accounting and Finance

Johnson, Robert
Hale School

Ly, Olivia
Perth Modern School

Sooi, Hsien
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Ancient History

Bruining, Jessica
Perth Modern School

Scutt, Rosalie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Applied Information Technology

Loh, Michelle
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Fountain College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Biology

Grewal, Avneet
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Ho, Chloe
Perth Modern School

Hollett, Alexandra
John Curtin College of the Arts

Kerrisk, Ally
Kennedy Baptist College

Knowles, Aisling
Churchlands Senior High School

Manivelan, Gayatrri
Willetton Senior High School

Nobbs, Phoebe
Australind Senior High School

Paget, Ethan
Willetton Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Business Management and Enterprise

Chang, Christopher
Churchlands Senior High School

Duane, Emily
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Graham, Sophie
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Howard, Amy
Kennedy Baptist College

Muir, Ella
Santa Maria College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Career and Enterprise

Kumar, Parinita
Shenton College

Varagunanathan, Rupak
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Chemistry

Arefi, Mohammadamin
All Saints' College

Chua, Hong Liang
Perth Modern School

Daebritz, Ava
Iona Presentation College

Dias Abeysinghe, Dinath
Perth Modern School

Ghia, Tanay
Perth Modern School

Gishubl, Charlotte
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Hassan, Jordan
Applecross Senior High School

James, Santiago
Scotch College

Kashmir, Shayon
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lubis, Aqila Azziliano Farrel
Melville Senior High School

Nambi, Denzel
Shenton College

Nilakshan, Rajan
Shenton College

Peiris, John
Perth Modern School

Phan, Ngoc
Perth Modern School

Riches, Callum
Carine Senior High School

Ryan, Matthew
Trinity College

Sharma, Annabelle
Perth Modern School

van Aswegen, Benjamin
Hale School

Wagh, Vivaan
Hale School

Woon, Joshua
Perth Modern School

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Zhao, Yanyu
Perth Modern School

Zuvela, Krista
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Computer Science

Ahuja, Cayden
Shenton College

Wu, Yu-Cheng
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Dance

Anthony, Cameron
All Saints' College

Netto, Sansia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Design

Majer, Catherine
Applecross Senior High School

Tran, Alison
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Drama

Basnett, Luis
John Curtin College of the Arts

Bolden, Jessica
Santa Maria College

Bradshaw, Ella
Iona Presentation College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Earth and Environmental Science

Paget, Ethan
Willetton Senior High School

Pring, Grace
Kent Street Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Economics

Bird, Henry
Perth Modern School

Birt, Bailey
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Brown, Archie
Christ Church Grammar School

Hashemi, Sarina
Willetton Senior High School

Jia, Jiayi
Perth Modern School

Kan, Kai Jun
Perth Modern School

Kaur, Harbal
Harrisdale Senior High School

Patel, Sienna
Shenton College

Samovarova, Stefaniya
School of Isolated and Distance Education

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Engineering Studies

Gray, Nicholas
Sacred Heart College

Resch, Joel
Wesley College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: English

Alam, Haajrah
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Anderson, Olivia
Mater Dei College

Augustine, Leah
Perth Modern School

Cook, Erin
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Cronin, Matilda
Churchlands Senior High School

Del Casale, Jessica
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Dinesh, Parvati
Perth Modern School

Dorfman, Lilia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Doyle, Isabelle
Chisholm Catholic College

D'Souza, Sherlyn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Engelbrecht, Cristian
Kingsway Christian College

Ercleve, Isabella
Shenton College

Graham, Sophie
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Greenaway, Isaac
Christ Church Grammar School

Guimbeau, Rainy
Santa Maria College

Hankin, Ashleigh
Manea Senior College

Harris, Sarah
Perth Modern School

Haynes, Olivia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Jia, Jiayi
Perth Modern School

Joshi, Neha
School of Isolated and Distance Education

Larsen, Jessica
Sacred Heart College

Not For Publication
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Li, Jacky
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lim, Richard
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Marra, Abigail
Santa Maria College

Martin, Adison
Presbyterian Ladies' College

McIntyre, Maggie
East Kimberley College

Meyer, Maximillian
Shenton College

Miller-Furesh, Audrey
Perth College

Monzavi, Artina
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Nijo, Irene
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Nordhoff, Xavier
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Pandey, Arya
Perth Modern School

Patel, Kashvi
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Perrone, Marco
John Curtin College of the Arts

Rankin, Sarah
Eastern Goldfields College

Raveesh, Effie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Renton, William
CBC Fremantle

Rhee, Riki
Christ Church Grammar School

Richards, Blake
Woodvale Secondary College

Schwarz, Jade
Nagle Catholic College

Smith, Claire
Our Lady of Mercy College

Soo, Carrie
Willetton Senior High School

Stillisano, Deveryn
Kalamunda Senior High School

Su, Selene
Harrisdale Senior High School

Voong, Caitlyn
Shenton College

Waters, Ivy
Great Southern Grammar

Wood, Sophie
Melville Senior High School

Not For Publication
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Food Science and Technology

Benjamin, Nikita
Willetton Senior High School

Yii, Grace
Willetton Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: French: Second Language

Bird, Henry
Perth Modern School

Jones, Patrick
All Saints' College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Geography

Bramah, Madeline
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Chin, Ethan
Hale School

Davison, Drew
Hale School

Edwards, Teagan
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Molyneux, Alexander
Christ Church Grammar School

Nairn, Sienna
Applecross Senior High School

Poole, Natalie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Purser, Rory
Scotch College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Health Studies

Green, Ashanti
Melville Senior High School

Horsfall, Jorja
Bunbury Senior High School

Orton, Jasmine
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Human Biology

Adlam, Daniella
Bunbury Senior High School

Ball, Zara
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Bellamy, Cate
Churchlands Senior High School

Crooks, Elizabeth
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Frederic, Laura
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Har Paz, Luna
John Curtin College of the Arts

Harris, Sarah
Perth Modern School

Hashemi, Sarina
Willetton Senior High School

Ho, Chloe
Perth Modern School

Jacobsen, Matilda
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Kay, Georgie
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Keogh, Charlotte
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Lim, Amy
Churchlands Senior High School

Petterson, Kirsten
Perth Modern School

Reidy, Ana
Kingsway Christian College

Scutt, Molly
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Seats, Aisha
John Curtin College of the Arts

Zeeb, Isabella
St Norbert College

Zeeb, Meleina
St Norbert College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Italian: Second Language

Isidienu, Chudy
Perth Modern School

Khatri, Nibesh
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Japanese: Second Language

Tan, Evan
Perth Modern School

Wang, Monroe
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Literature

Bronnum-Lee, Lucas
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Daebritz, Ava
Iona Presentation College

Giltrap, Hana
Mandurah Baptist College

Gishubl, Charlotte
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Lau, Anne-Marie
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Pandey, Arya
Perth Modern School

van Aswegen, Benjamin
Hale School

Wang, Jeremiah
Christ Church Grammar School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Marine and Maritime Studies

Howard, Cooper
Sacred Heart College

Nolan, Alison
Sacred Heart College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Mathematics Applications

Bhutani, Aakrish
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Blackwell, William
Christ Church Grammar School

Boag, Charlie
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Broers, Olivia
Kennedy Baptist College

Bronnum-Lee, Lucas
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Brooker, Jamie
Perth Modern School

Broux, Bailey
Shenton College

Chapman, Kieron
Kennedy Baptist College

Chia, Bing Hng Cayden
Applecross Senior High School

Not For Publication
Christ Church Grammar School

Clark, Jarrod
Perth Modern School

Crawford, Caitlin
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Criddle, Joshua
Christ Church Grammar School

Crisan, Esther
Carine Senior High School

Dhillon, Nadia
Shenton College

Hobbs, Lincoln
Christ Church Grammar School

Holliday, Chloe
Eastern Goldfields College

Huth, Christopher
Applecross Senior High School

Joseph, Joel
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Kessey, Genevieve
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Kirk, Isabelle
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Not For Publication
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Lew, Jordan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Mason-Chambers, Patrick
Churchlands Senior High School

Mawinata, Selyna
Applecross Senior High School

McGinn, Fiona
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Ou, Emma
Perth College

Pang, Angela
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Renouf, James
Christ Church Grammar School

Riley, Lucas
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Ryan, Eliza
Mercedes College

Not For Publication
Carine Senior High School

Taylor, Harrison
Shenton College

Toeante, Marcel
Applecross Senior High School

Trew, Charlie
Carine Senior High School

Vogan, Benjamin
Hale School

Williams, Lysbeth
Shenton College

Yeo, Nathaniel
Willetton Senior High School

Zuvela, Krista
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Mathematics Methods

Buckler, Ellis
Shenton College

Chettiyadan, Mace
Perth Modern School

Colton, Toben
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Deeyagaha Waduge, Omal
Perth Modern School

Ghia, Tanay
Perth Modern School

Goradia, Aarnav
Duncraig Senior High School

Ji, Dexin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Kashmir, Shayon
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Kelly, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Khatri, Yuvraj
Carine Senior High School

Laroyia, Samrath
Harrisdale Senior High School

Le, Jennifer
Chisholm Catholic College

Patel, Paranj
Carine Senior High School

Rizvi, Syed
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Rogers, Jamie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ryan, Matthew
Trinity College

Trang, Andrew
Shenton College

Wijns, Lucas
Shenton College

Xu, Dora
Shenton College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Mathematics Specialist

Dias Abeysinghe, Dinath
Perth Modern School

Goradia, Aarnav
Duncraig Senior High School

Huynh, Edward
Perth Modern School

Lai, Jianxiang
Willetton Senior High School

Nambi, Denzel
Shenton College

Wang, Chenyu
Christ Church Grammar School

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Media Production and Analysis

Bacon, Mitchell
Aquinas College

Liyanage, Larissa
Methodist Ladies' College

Ottone, Sofia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Modern History

Bradshaw, Ella
Iona Presentation College

Cooper, Jessica
Shenton College

Hadi, Edward
Christ Church Grammar School

Langford, Matthew
Willetton Senior High School

Low Choy, Elliott
Shenton College

Pandey, Arya
Perth Modern School

Patel, Sienna
Shenton College

Rea, Áine
John Curtin College of the Arts

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Music

Arnold, Matthew
Perth Modern School

Not For Publication
Methodist Ladies' College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Outdoor Education

Christensen, Binti
Mandurah Catholic College

Mallinder, Ellie
Mandurah Catholic College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Philosophy and Ethics

Bouwer, Cassianne
Churchlands Senior High School

George Strickland, Lyla
Churchlands Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Physical Education Studies

Broughton, Libby
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Brown, Archie
Christ Church Grammar School

Chapman, Kieron
Kennedy Baptist College

Gibson, Harry
Christ Church Grammar School

Ho, Genevieve
All Saints' College

Mann, Hayley
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Petterson, Kirsten
Perth Modern School

Rechichi, Renton
Willetton Senior High School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Physics

Chen, Kevin
Christ Church Grammar School

Fernando, Mihindukulasooriya
Perth Modern School

Ghia, Tanay
Perth Modern School

Goradia, Aarnav
Duncraig Senior High School

Haselhurst, Gabriel
Christ Church Grammar School

Ji, Dexin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lubis, Aqila Azziliano Farrel
Melville Senior High School

Morgan, Abraham
Christ Church Grammar School

Peiris, John
Perth Modern School

Steele, Lachlan
Hale School

Stockenstroom, Kristoffer
Shenton College

Wu, Andy
Christ Church Grammar School

Yamen, Michael
Carmel School

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Politics and Law

Bosustow, Hayley
Iona Presentation College

Dale, Amity
Newman College

D'Mello, Jamie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Nelles, Bryony
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Pike, Xavier
Aquinas College

Wilson, Jessica
Perth Modern School

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Psychology

Holliday, Chloe
Eastern Goldfields College

Kerrisk, Ally
Kennedy Baptist College

Laurance, Emily
John XXIII College

Not For Publication
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Litchfield, Sophie
Penrhos College

Moody, Genevieve
John XXIII College

Orton, Jasmine
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Rapoff, Montana
Newman College

Wilcox, Ciaan
Iona Presentation College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Religion and Life

Boog, Jasmine
John XXIII College

Cleary, Megan
John XXIII College

Laurance, Emily
John XXIII College

Mason, Ariana
Newman College

Tarquinio, Clara
Santa Maria College

Subject Certificate of Excellence: Visual Arts

Komnick, Ava
Corpus Christi College

Martinez, Isabel
Santa Maria College

Special Subject Certificate of Excellence: Accounting and Finance

Beijing Aidi School

Special Subject Certificate of Excellence: English as an Additional Language or Dialect

Masood, Zoraiz
Willetton Senior High School

Morikawa, Lisa
MITA International School

Ng, Le Anne
Sunway College

Nguyen, Anh
Saigon International College

Special Subject Certificate of Excellence: Mathematics Methods

Balram, Ishika
Perth Modern School

Special Subject Certificate of Excellence: Visual Arts

Tan, Sara
Shenton College

VET Certificate of Excellence: Automotive, Engineering and Logistics

Ball, Lachlan
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Castle, Kevin
Kent Street Senior High School

Hewitt, Timothy
St Norbert College

Hills, Brodie
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Narrogin

Wiehl, Phillip
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Narrogin

VET Certificate of Excellence: Business and Financial Services; Information and Communications Technology

Jones, Tara
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Mason, Blake
Harrisdale Senior High School

Smith, Elijah
Applecross Senior High School

VET Certificate of Excellence: Community Services, Health and Education

Kitching, Mia
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Masson, Lily
Shenton College

McPherson, Ella
Mandurah Baptist College

Richards, Ffion
Harrisdale Senior High School

Syed, Shayaan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Valentino, Claudia
St Norbert College

Ward, Sofie
Pinjarra Senior High School

VET Certificate of Excellence: Construction Industries

Hamer, Georgia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

McKay, Cooper
Hale School

Rushton, Xavier
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Russell, Dylan
Kolbe Catholic College

VET Certificate of Excellence: Creative Industries

de la Rie, Eve
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

VET Certificate of Excellence: Primary, Environmental and Animal Care Industries

Fowler, Brandon
Harrisdale Senior High School

Hammelburg, Addison
Applecross Senior High School

Not For Publication
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Oldfield, Jesse
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

VET Certificate of Excellence: Retail and Personal Services

Brisbane, Alice
Melville Senior High School

Not For Publication
Esperance Senior High School

Smith, Elijah
Applecross Senior High School

VET Certificate of Excellence: Sport, Recreation and Public Safety

Nancarrow, Lucy
St Norbert College

VET Certificate of Excellence: Tourism, Hospitality and Events

D'Ovidio, Isabella
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Harper, Tex
Melville Senior High School

Riley, Mekhi
St Norbert College

Special VET Certificate of Excellence: Business and Financial Services; Information and Communications Technology

Pereira, Zeldiino Jose Sunnil
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Certificate of Distinction

Abbott, Seth
Scotch College

Not For Publication
Morley Senior High School

Not For Publication
Fountain College

Abordi, Joshua
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Abrutat-Wu, Mercedes
Iona Presentation College

Adamos, Isaac
Trinity College

Adlam, Daniella
Bunbury Senior High School

Agaloos, Julian Vince
Mandurah Catholic College

Ahangama Walawege, Dinadi
Willetton Senior High School

Albert, Daniel
Shenton College

Albrecht, Harry
Melville Senior High School

Aleyas, Megha
Perth Modern School

Allan, Bethany
Methodist Ladies' College

Allegre, Basile
Shenton College

Alteruthemeyer, Sophie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Ambrosino, Sofia
Perth College

Not For Publication
Kingsway Christian College

Amri, Tara
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Andel, Georgia
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Anderson, Ava
St Brigid's College

Ang, Ryan
Perth Modern School

Angel, Clayton
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Anzar, Talha
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Aravinth, Shanth
Christ Church Grammar School

Archer, Aston
Aquinas College

Argent, Chayla
Nagle Catholic College

Armstrong, Cooper
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Arnold, Matthew
Perth Modern School

Arora, Rishika
Perth Modern School

ASCHE, Oscar
Mazenod College

Ashok, Nandita
Perth Modern School

Atartis, Sophia
Perth Modern School

Atkins, Phoebe
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Attwill, Lauren
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Augustin, Jack
All Saints' College

Augustus, Jaydon
Newman College

Avasarala, Karthik
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Ayson, Joshain
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
Al-Ameen College

Bacon, Mitchell
Aquinas College

Baddock, Riley
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Bai, Grace
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Bailey, Gemma
John XXIII College

Baillie, Julia
Methodist Ladies' College

Ball, Zara
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Banfield, Clancy
Scotch College

Bangie, Tahiyya
Morley Senior High School

Banwala, Yashdeep
Perth Modern School

Bardsley, Georgina
Churchlands Senior High School

Bariss, Joel
Perth Modern School

Barnard, Grace
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Not For Publication
Hampton Senior High School

Barr, Aoife
La Salle College

Barton, Louise
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Barugh, Tahlia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Bass, Malini
Nagle Catholic College

Bastanhagh, Taha
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Battalis, Nadia
Mercedes College

Not For Publication
Geraldton Grammar School

Bayakly, Amber
Churchlands Senior High School

Beashel, Rex
Perth Modern School

Beasley, Freya
Perth College

Beckwith, Ruby
Mandurah Catholic College

Bekker, Gianna
Iona Presentation College

Bellamy, Cate
Churchlands Senior High School

Benganal, Rianne
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Benjamin, Nikita
Willetton Senior High School

Benny, Jerryl
Perth Modern School

Benson, Mia
Great Southern Grammar

Bernstein, Noa
Carmel School

Berry, Mary
Iona Presentation College

Best, Maya
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Bevan, Jake
Prendiville Catholic College

Bevis, Rachel
Penrhos College

Bhetwal, Samriddha
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Biegun, Carla
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Birch, Frank
Christ Church Grammar School

Bird, Henry
Perth Modern School

Birt, Bailey
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Bisnath, Ajay
Perth Modern School

Black, Hudson
Christ Church Grammar School

Blackwell, William
Christ Church Grammar School

Blair, Lachlan
Guildford Grammar School

Blandford, Ingrid
Bunbury Catholic College

Bodalwala, Dhruvin
Harrisdale Senior High School

Bogaards, Amali
Churchlands Senior High School

Boland, Conor
Trinity College

Bolden, Jessica
Santa Maria College

Bolland, Xavier
Perth Modern School

Bolton, Isabella
Perth College

Boog, Jasmine
John XXIII College

Booker, Holly
Iona Presentation College

Borude, Pranav
Perth Modern School

Bosman, Eckart
Grace Christian School

Boston-MacQuillan, James
Shenton College

Bosustow, Hayley
Iona Presentation College

Boulden, Charlotte
Mercedes College

Bourgault du Coudray, Orlando
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Bouwer, Cassianne
Churchlands Senior High School

Bowden-Jones, Nicholas
Trinity College

Bowles, Zackary
St Joseph's School

Bowman, Ally
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Brades, Ava
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Bradley, Campbell
Trinity College

Bradley, Mitchell
Atwell College

Bradshaw, Ella
Iona Presentation College

Brandis, Daniel
Hale School

Breen, Evan
Christ Church Grammar School

Brewer, Aidan
John XXIII College

Bridson, Arden
Kennedy Baptist College

Broers, Olivia
Kennedy Baptist College

Bronnum-Lee, Lucas
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Brooks, Piper
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Brooks, Samuel
Guildford Grammar School

Broux, Bailey
Shenton College

Brown, Connor
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Brown, Darcy
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Brown, Lachlan
Trinity College

Brown, Scarlett
Bunbury Senior High School

Brown, Taneisha
Ellenbrook Christian College

Bruning, Tegan
John Calvin Christian College

Bruyns, Elijah
St Luke's College

Buchanan, Chloe
Tranby College

Buckman, Bindi
Applecross Senior High School

Budas, Madeleine
Sacred Heart College

Budijanto, Nicholas
Willetton Senior High School

Buffham, Samuel
Hale School

Bugg, Jack
Hale School

Bui, Hoang
Perth Modern School

Bui, Lynn
Mercedes College

Bui, Thompson
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Bui, Winnie
Nagle Catholic College

Bullen, Allegra
Sacred Heart College

Burford, Kento
Perth Modern School

Burnet, Belle
Perth College

Burns, Chloe
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Burton, Emma
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Burton, Tenley
John XXIII College

Butler, Leon
Christ Church Grammar School

Butler, Olivia
Methodist Ladies' College

Butler, Taleisha
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Butterworth, Aimee
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Byrne, Samuel
Karratha Senior High School

Byron, Emma
Santa Maria College

Cahill, Abbie
Iona Presentation College

Cahyono, Callista
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Cain, Zariah
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Camden, Tyler
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Cao, Kerry
All Saints' College

Carbone, Sophia
Iona Presentation College

Carlson, Chloe
Merredin College

Carpenter, Abbey
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Carstens, Melissa
Ashdale Secondary College

Carter, Thomas
Hale School

Casella, Gemma
St Brigid's College

Cash, Ruby
Methodist Ladies' College

Caspelherr, Kai
Applecross Senior High School

Cassey, Emily
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Chalmers, Thomas
Scotch College

Chamberlain, Hannah
Iona Presentation College

Champion, David
Perth Modern School

Chan, Amberly
Shenton College

Chan, Christopher
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Chan, Yuchen
Methodist Ladies' College

Chandra, Vea
Applecross Senior High School

Chang, Christopher
Churchlands Senior High School

Chang, Sarah
Morley Senior High School

Not For Publication
Perth Modern School

Chan-Salmon, Jordan
Woodvale Secondary College

Chao, Yee-Ping
Perth Modern School

Chase, Charles
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Chavez, Aaron
Kiara College

Chen, Kevin
Christ Church Grammar School

Cheng, Benedict
Kingsway Christian College

Cheshire, Kirra
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Chettiyadan, Mace
Perth Modern School

Chi, Yilin
Perth Modern School

Chia, Bing Hng Cayden
Applecross Senior High School

Chian, Chris Anthony
Corpus Christi College

Chiang, Daniel
Shenton College

Chiang, Keisha
Willetton Senior High School

Chin, Callum
Christ Church Grammar School

Chin, Ethan
Hale School

Chin, Matthew
Perth Modern School

Chipper, Billie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Choe, Christian
Perth Modern School

Choi, Vivi
Servite College

Chong, Jing Quan
All Saints' College

Chong, Kah Whye
Perth Modern School

Chong Sue, Kalani
Christ Church Grammar School

Choo, Sarah
Methodist Ladies' College

Chopra, Ayesha
Perth Modern School

Chowdhury, Tanisha
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Christie, Gabrielle
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Chua, Hong Liang
Perth Modern School

Chuka, Ezekiel
Perth Modern School

Churchill, Jamie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Clarke, Bethany
Perth College

Clayden, Maia
Santa Maria College

Cleary, Megan
John XXIII College

Coates, Henry
Perth Modern School

Coelho, Elizabeth
Chisholm Catholic College

Coffey, Amelie
Santa Maria College

Cole, Ashlyn
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Coleman, Benjamin
Trinity College

Colley, Brianna
Newman College

Collier, Clara
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Collins, Flynn
Denmark Senior High School

Colton, Toben
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Convery, Clare
Willetton Senior High School

Cooke, Eleanor
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Cooney, Esther
Methodist Ladies' College

Cooper, Jessica
Shenton College

Cooper, Lillian
St Joseph's College

Cooper, Matti
Hale School

Corvaia, Luca
Shenton College

Cotter, Charlie
Hale School

Coulson, Ari
Scotch College

Coveney, Chantelle
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Cox, Finn
Christ Church Grammar School

Crawford, Caitlin
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Crawley, Molly
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Cresswell, Chelsea
Churchlands Senior High School

Crew, Zani
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Crisafio, Marysia
Mercedes College

Crooks, Elizabeth
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Crowe, Jake
Warwick Senior High School

Crozier, Ned
Helena College

Csontos, David
Aquinas College

Cu, Phuong Vy
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Cubong, Frances
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Cunningham, Brooke
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Daebritz, Ava
Iona Presentation College

Daglish, Emily
Kennedy Baptist College

D'Agostino, Jamie
Trinity College

Dallimore, Will
Margaret River Senior High School

Dang, Athena
Chisholm Catholic College

Dang, Tina
Dianella Secondary College

Dark, James
Perth Modern School

Dartnell, Sophie
John XXIII College

Davey, Jessica
Corpus Christi College

Davies, Annabella
Methodist Ladies' College

Davies, Elizabeth
Emmanuel Christian Community School

Davison, Drew
Hale School

Dawson, Connor
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Day, Emma
Presbyterian Ladies' College

De Jesus, Jessica
Prendiville Catholic College

De Mello, Bianca
Chisholm Catholic College

de Vries, Hannah
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Deckers, Jacob
Kent Street Senior High School

Deepu, Georgia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Deeyagaha Waduge, Omal
Perth Modern School

Del Casale, Jessica
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Delgahagoda, Sathini
Shenton College

Della Bona, Sarah
Santa Maria College

Demarte, Zac
Carine Senior High School

den Hollander, Claire
Perth Modern School

Desai, Anuj
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Deurloo, Jake
Hale School

Devereux, Luke
Exmouth District High School

Dewamullage, Samalmi
Perth College

Dewing, Abby
Narrogin Senior High School

Dey, Angus
Christ Church Grammar School

Dhruva, Keshav
Hale School

Di Prinzio, George
Scotch College

Di Toro, Talisa
Chisholm Catholic College

Dias Abeysinghe, Dinath
Perth Modern School

Diaz, Joshua
Corpus Christi College

Dickie, Rosa
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Dimovski, Jade
Servite College

Dinesh, Parvati
Perth Modern School

D'Lima, Crystal
Corpus Christi College

Dlugi, Alexandra
Darling Range Sports College

D'Mello, Jamie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Do, Joshua
Hale School

Donaldson, Shae
Kolbe Catholic College

Doncon, Hayley
St Brigid's College

Donovan, Leah
Greenwood College

Donovan, Matthew
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Dorfman, Lilia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Dorji, Pema
Churchlands Senior High School

Doyle, Aisling
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Doyle, Isabelle
Chisholm Catholic College

Draffin, Ryder
OneSchool Global WA

Dragovic, Sienna
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

D'Souza, Sherlyn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Du, Angela
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Du, Jiaxuan
Perth Modern School

du Toit, Leon
Corpus Christi College

Duff, David
All Saints' College

Duffy, Sally
Churchlands Senior High School

Dun, Arjan
Como Secondary College

DUPONT, Matthew
Mazenod College

Dutta, Gaurang
Shenton College

Dyer, Siobhan
Manea Senior College

Dyson, Cy
Hale School

Dzelme, Elizabete
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Eames, Imogen
Mercedes College

Eaves, Karla
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Edgeloe, Mason
Mindarie Senior College

Edwards, Jacob
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Edwards, Sophie
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Edwards, Teagan
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Eggleston, Josephine
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Eggleston, Margot
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Elkington, Henry
John XXIII College

Ellery, Angus
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Elliott, Kenji
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Elliott, Seth
Kennedy Baptist College

Elvadura, Vinura
Perth Modern School

Emby, Olivia
Penrhos College

Engelbrecht, Cristian
Kingsway Christian College

Esdale, David
Perth Modern School

Esterhuysen, David
Christ Church Grammar School

Ettrick, Madison
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Evans, Chelsea
Great Southern Grammar

Farah, Hannah
Methodist Ladies' College

Faraone, Alexandria
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Fardon, Jaime
Iona Presentation College

Fardon, Tayla
Iona Presentation College

Farrant, Joshua
Hale School

Faulkner, Matilda
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Fauser, Kelani
Mandurah Baptist College

Ferguson, Carlie
Methodist Ladies' College

Fernando, Mihindukulasooriya
Perth Modern School

Fievez, Lyla
Santa Maria College

Finlayson, Joshua
Prendiville Catholic College

Fiorentini, Julia-Grace
John XXIII College

Fisher, Bradley
Holy Cross College

Fitzgerald, James
Wesley College

Not For Publication
Scotch College

Fletcher, Emma
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Fong, Jaslyn
Perth Modern School

Foo, Jordaan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ford, Anna
Carine Senior High School

Forster, Lachlan
Broome Senior High School

Foster, Brady
Hale School

Foster, Jonathan
Perth Modern School

Foti, Sebastian
Trinity College

Fowler, Orla
Santa Maria College

Frederic, Laura
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Fredericks, Saskia
Methodist Ladies' College

Freeman, Stella
Perth College

French, Indiana
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Fricker, Ben
Manea Senior College

Furness, Angus
John XXIII College

Galipo, Roberto
Trinity College

Gambitta, Michael
Hale School

Gao, Lanting
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Garas, Chantal
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Garner-Dart, Jack
Hale School

Garnett, Skylah
Mindarie Senior College

Garton, Emily
Willetton Senior High School

Gaur, Divyansh
Perth Modern School

Gee, Dustin
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Gemeniano, John
Divine Mercy College

George Stephen, Sahara
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

George Strickland, Lyla
Churchlands Senior High School

George Strickland, Merle
Churchlands Senior High School

Georgiu, Jack
Sacred Heart College

Germano, Max
Perth Modern School

Geurts, Tyson
John Calvin Christian College

Ghia, Tanay
Perth Modern School

Ghosal, Abhigyan
Perth Modern School

Giangiulio, Timothy
Hale School

Gibson, Amber
Methodist Ladies' College

Gilbey, Ella
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Gilchrist, Archie
Scotch College

Gill, Aishleen Kaur
Willetton Senior High School

Gill, Harmanjeet
Carey Baptist College Forrestdale

Gill, Reshan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Giltrap, Hana
Mandurah Baptist College

Gishubl, Charlotte
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Glazier, Timothy
Applecross Senior High School

Gleghorn, Frederick
John XXIII College

Glover, Ashleigh
Carine Senior High School

Godber, Madison
Churchlands Senior High School

Goel, Ishita
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Goh, Aaron
Christ Church Grammar School

Goh, Annabel
Applecross Senior High School

Gol, Raina
Harrisdale Senior High School

Gonzalez, Joshua
Trinity College

Goodall, Tiki
Margaret River Senior High School

Goradia, Aarnav
Duncraig Senior High School

Graham, Melissa
Governor Stirling Senior High School

Graham, Sophie
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Granger, Holly
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Grant, Oliver
Perth Modern School

Grant, Zachary
Hale School

Grassi, Kayla
Mercedes College

Grassi, Olivia
Mercedes College

Gray, Zigge
Shenton College

Grayson, Olivia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Greer, Asha
Chisholm Catholic College

Grewal, Avneet
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Grinceri, Caitlin
Sacred Heart College

Grondal, Lucia
Perth College

Grondal, Olivia
Santa Maria College

Gronow, Shanaya
Geraldton Grammar School

Grose, Charlotte
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Grunert, Jake
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Guimbeau, Rainy
Santa Maria College

Gullapalli, Gana Suman
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Guo, Angela Yanchen
Perth Modern School

Gupta, Abhav
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Gupta, Kloves
Canning Vale College

Gupwell, Lucy
Sacred Heart College

Ha, Faith
Kent Street Senior High School

Hadi, Edward
Christ Church Grammar School

Hadlow, Charlton
Perth Modern School

Halabi, Victoria
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Hall, Cadhla
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Hall, Milla
Perth College

Hamanaka, Leila
Christmas Island District High School

Hamilton, Jack
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Han, Yutian
Perth Modern School

Hands, Ryan
Great Southern Grammar

Hanikeri, Jonah
Christ Church Grammar School

Hankin, Katie
Duncraig Senior High School

Hansen-Knarhoi, Jack
Trinity College

Har Paz, Luna
John Curtin College of the Arts

Harding, Samuel
Christ Church Grammar School

Harris, Alexander
CBC Fremantle

Harris, Ciara
Mercedes College

Harris, Mia
Mindarie Senior College

Harris, Oliver
Churchlands Senior High School

Harris, Sarah
Perth Modern School

Harris, Sophie
Perth Modern School

Harrison, Maddison
Carmel School

Harvey, Matilda
Mercedes College

Haselhurst, Gabriel
Christ Church Grammar School

Hashemi, Sarina
Willetton Senior High School

Hassan, Adiva
Perth Modern School

Hassan, Jordan
Applecross Senior High School

Havas, Erin
Carmel School

Hay, Jazmyn
Sacred Heart College

Hay, Kaleb
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Haynes, Olivia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Haynes, Thomas
All Saints' College

Healey, Lauren
Tranby College

Healey, Marcus
Hale School

Hehir, Jamison
Trinity College

Hendrawan, Laureen
Emmanuel Catholic College

Hester, Lauren
Santa Maria College

Hewitt, Evie
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Heyns, Nicole
Kingsway Christian College

Hie, Jonathan
John XXIII College

Hiew, Lauren
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Higgs, Ethan
Shenton College

Hill, Samantha
Iona Presentation College

Hinchliffe, Campbell
Hale School

Ho, Chloe
Perth Modern School

Ho, Genevieve
All Saints' College

Ho, Kaitlyn
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Hodgkinson, Brock
Carine Senior High School

Hogarth, Poppy
St Mary MacKillop College

Hollett, Alexandra
John Curtin College of the Arts

Holliday, Chloe
Eastern Goldfields College

Holt, Avril
Penrhos College

Holt, Jack
Hale School

Holtzhausen, Caden
Belridge Secondary College

Hong, Angela
Churchlands Senior High School

Hong, Wai King
Applecross Senior High School

Hooper, Jaycie
Leeming Senior High School

Hope-Johnstone, Lauren
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Horsham, Nicola
Willetton Senior High School

Hotchkin, Paige
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Howard, Amy
Kennedy Baptist College

HoyPoy, Lacey
Greenwood College

Hu, Caleb
Trinity College

Huang, Yicheng
Corpus Christi College

Hubbard, Imogen
Methodist Ladies' College

Hughes, Ashlee
Manjimup Senior High School

Hunt, Rachel
St Brigid's College

Hunter, Lara
Denmark Senior High School

Hurstfield, Emily
Churchlands Senior High School

Hutchens, Caitlin
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Huynh, Edward
Perth Modern School

Huynh, Michael
Churchlands Senior High School

Ijeneme, Chioma
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Indra, Austin
Baldivis Secondary College

Ingram, Lila
John Curtin College of the Arts

Ireland, Alex
Manea Senior College

Isidienu, Chudy
Perth Modern School

Ison, Lachlan
Wesley College

Not For Publication
Aquinas College

Jackson, Eleanor
Perth Modern School

Jackson, Jenna
Willetton Senior High School

Jacobsen, Matilda
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Jain, Aadit
Rossmoyne Senior High School

James, Kesia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

James, Santiago
Scotch College

Jang, Chaekyung
Willetton Senior High School

Jarvis, Matthew
Christ Church Grammar School

Jayasekara, Senuka
All Saints' College

Jayasundera, Manisha
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Jeffery, Samuel
Great Southern Grammar

Jeffery, Xavier
John XXIII College

Jeffs, Lawrence
Hale School

Jeyendran, Shireeya
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Ji, Dexin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ji, Yiqing
Perth Modern School

Jia, Jiayi
Perth Modern School

Jiggins, Holly
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Jimmy, Rose
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Johnson, Hannah
John XXIII College

Johnson, Kate
Sacred Heart College

Johnson, Robert
Hale School

Johnston, Daniel
Guildford Grammar School

Jojo, Gavin
La Salle College

Jones, Callum
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Jones, Patrick
All Saints' College

Jones, Rory
Kolbe Catholic College

Jones, Stephanie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Jonker, Zac
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Joseph, Joel
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
Ashdale Secondary College

Joyce, Sophia Thirza
Sacred Heart College

Kaba, Fahd
Seton Catholic College

Kagi, Georgia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Kalajzich, Milly
Geraldton Grammar School

Kan, Kai Jun
Perth Modern School

Kane, Grace
Sacred Heart College

Kankumbkar, Spandan
Perth Modern School

Kannangara Koralalage, Nethuli
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Karunawardena, Minudi Umaya
Guildford Grammar School

Kashmir, Shayon
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Kaur, Harbal
Harrisdale Senior High School

Kay, Georgie
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Kaza, Gnanadeep
Perth Modern School

Keating, Fontine
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Not For Publication
St Joseph's College

Keeshan, Ella
Como Secondary College

Kelly, Hannah
Helena College

Kemp, Levi
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Kennedy, Piper
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Kerrisk, Ally
Kennedy Baptist College

Kessey, Genevieve
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Khalifeh Soltan, Ayli
Perth Modern School

Khan, Muhammad
Halls Head College

Khatri, Nibesh
Perth Modern School

Khuu, Valerie
Willetton Senior High School

Kilcullen, Joseph
John XXIII College

Kilzer Macau, Thais
Quinns Baptist College

Not For Publication
Harrisdale Senior High School

Kimber, Jess
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

King, Eva
Chisholm Catholic College

King, Max
Christ Church Grammar School

King, Sofia
Carmel School

Kingston, Erynna
Churchlands Senior High School

Kirkman, Kate-Ruby
Penrhos College

Kiss-Kajanto, Attila
Duncraig Senior High School

Klopper, Pieter
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Knowles, Aisling
Churchlands Senior High School

Ko, Joshua
Hale School

Ko, Shery
Karratha Senior High School

Koh, Aden Tze Shan
Perth Modern School

Koh, Merlene
Willetton Senior High School

Kok, Zara
Newman College

Komnick, Ava
Corpus Christi College

Kosonlawat, Jane
Coastal Lakes College

Krajancich, Chloe
Penrhos College

Kristianto, Aurora
Perth Modern School

Kuan, Sophia
Willetton Senior High School

Kueh, Tze Lin
Lynwood Senior High School

Kwang, Shirin
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Kwon, David
Hale School

Lai, Amelia
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Lai, Chantelle
Churchlands Senior High School

Lai, Jianxiang
Willetton Senior High School

Lam, Amy
Methodist Ladies' College

Lam, Naomi
John Curtin College of the Arts

Lambert, Benjamin
Ridge View Secondary College

Lan, Ziyan
Shenton College

Lance, Anthony
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Lane, Maxwell
Christ Church Grammar School

Langford, Matthew
Willetton Senior High School

Laroyia, Samrath
Harrisdale Senior High School

Larsen, Jessica
Sacred Heart College

Lau, Anne-Marie
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Laurance, Emily
John XXIII College

Not For Publication
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Lawrance, Saskia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Le, Angela
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Le, Emilia
Perth Modern School

Le, Jennifer
Chisholm Catholic College

Le Gay Brereton, Henry
Shenton College

Lee, Callum
Hale School

Lee, Jessica
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lee, Myra
Churchlands Senior High School

Lee, Rebecca
All Saints' College

Lee, Richie
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Lee, Wei-Xian
Willetton Senior High School

Lefebvre, Luka
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Leu, George
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Not For Publication
Kingsway Christian College

Lewis, Jeremy
Sacred Heart College

Li, Gloria
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Li, Jacky
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lian, Yuen Ching
Willetton Senior High School

Liau, Tiana
Chisholm Catholic College

Liew, Ynson
John Curtin College of the Arts

Lillingston-Tolich, Ava
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Lim, Adam
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Lim, Amy
Churchlands Senior High School

Lim, Andrew
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lim, Naomi
Perth College

Linaker, Noah
Aquinas College

Ling, Devon
Methodist Ladies' College

Ling, Isabelle
Methodist Ladies' College

Lippinkhof, Ryan
Morley Senior High School

Litchfield, Sophie
Penrhos College

Liu, Anika
Penrhos College

Liu, Nathan
Hale School

Liu, Qi Qi
Willetton Senior High School

Liu, Zhenyang
Lynwood Senior High School

Liu, Zhimin
Perth Modern School

Lodis, Angela
Perth Modern School

Loh, Michelle
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lospa, Andreea
Duncraig Senior High School

Lottering, Danelle
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Loughton, Micah
Shenton College

Lourey, Mitchell
Hale School

Love, Jade
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Loveridge, Eloise
John XXIII College

Low, Katherine
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Low Choy, Elliott
Shenton College

Lu, Erick
Shenton College

Lu, Kiet
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Lu, Lachlan
Chisholm Catholic College

Lucas, Connar
Australind Senior High School

Lukan, Bailey
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Luo, Yuanao
Perth Modern School

Luong, Jasmyn
Chisholm Catholic College

Luu, Alexander
Woodvale Secondary College

Ly, Olivia
Perth Modern School

Lyons, Ruby
Sacred Heart College

Lyra, Isabelle
Chisholm Catholic College

Macauley, Darius
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Macnaughtan, Jack
Hale School

Maddeford, William
CBC Fremantle

Mahalingham, Kai
Christ Church Grammar School

Mahar, Ashleigh
Penrhos College

Maher, Leo
Perth Modern School

Maheta, Pranay
Shenton College

Mairs, Tom
Christ Church Grammar School

Majer, Catherine
Applecross Senior High School

Malatzky, Ella
Mercedes College

Mali, Swara
Perth Modern School

Manger, Charles
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Mangharam, Hector
Perth Modern School

Marden, Lucy
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Marra, Abigail
Santa Maria College

Martin, Harriet
Albany Senior High School

Martin, Harry
John XXIII College

Martinez, Isabel
Santa Maria College

Martono, David
Corpus Christi College

Mason, Ariana
Newman College

Masoud, Antony
Hale School

Matheson, Jake
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Mathew, Amisha
Mandurah Catholic College

Mathur, Pranay
Como Secondary College

Matta, Nidhi
Canning Vale College

Mawinata, Selyna
Applecross Senior High School

Maxted, Hugo
Christ Church Grammar School

Mazzella, Elizabeth
Perth College

McAllister, Josie
Chisholm Catholic College

McAtee, Rhys
Our Lady of Mercy College

McBain, Marylou
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

McCallum, Oscar
Guildford Grammar School

McCoy, Oliver
Shenton College

McCullough, Mason
Hale School

Not For Publication
All Saints' College

McElwee, Erin
Swan Christian College

McFarlane, Elizabeth
Applecross Senior High School

McGinn, Fiona
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

McGirr, Kingston
Australind Senior High School

McGlynn, Hamish
John Curtin College of the Arts

McGrath, Ella
Shenton College Deaf Education Centre

Mchechesi, Benjamin
Kennedy Baptist College

McKay, Nadia
Ocean Reef Senior High School

McKeiver, Caleb
John XXIII College

McKerracher, Isabelle
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

McMurtrie, Stella
Mercedes College

McSweeney, Angus
Great Southern Grammar

Meharry, Rose
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Not For Publication
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Merano, Lothlorien Claisse
Belmont City College

Mercer, Reilly
Lumen Christi College

Metcalf, Abe
Shenton College

Mews, Hayley
Karratha Senior High School

Mezzatesta, Marissa
Mercedes College

Michea-Palmer, Zoe
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Mihovilovich, Logan
Carine Senior High School

Miller, Linus
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Mills, Hayley
Perth Modern School

Minahan, Loki
Bunbury Senior High School

Mintz, Maya
John XXIII College

Mirco, Amelia
Helena College

Mitchell, Elizabeth
Kingsway Christian College

Modica, Grace
Mercedes College

Moesker, William
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Mohanram, Kaveeshan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Mok, Victoria
Perth College

Molyneux, Alexander
Christ Church Grammar School

Monk, Hamish
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Monzavi, Artina
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Moody, Genevieve
John XXIII College

Moore, Lauren
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Moore, Zoe
Sacred Heart College

Moorhouse, Lucinda
Penrhos College

Moran, Mallissaa
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Morgan, Abraham
Christ Church Grammar School

Morphett, Zachary
Hale School

Mostert, Lily
Churchlands Senior High School

Mottram, Phoebe
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

Moulds, Christina
Swan Christian College

Mouton, Nina
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Muchamore, Hannah
Nagle Catholic College

Muhammad, Haroon
Willetton Senior High School

Muhammed, Zaid
Melville Senior High School

Muir, Ella
Santa Maria College

Mulcrone, Katherine
Mindarie Senior College

Mulder, Ella
John Calvin Christian College

Mullaley, Abby
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Munday, Sophie
Perth College

Muraleetharan, Mayuriga
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Murphy, Ashleigh
Mindarie Senior College

Murphy, Paige
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Murphy, Ryan
Trinity College

Murphy, Tobias
Perth Modern School

Musetti, Matilde
Perth Modern School

Musitano, Kobe
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Musk, Nina
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Naidu, Ronan
Perth Modern School

Nallan, Sowmya Sri
Willetton Senior High School

Nambi, Denzel
Shenton College

Nanthavarman, Praneeath
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Naylor, Madison
Perth Modern School

Nazir, Ayden
Hale School

Nederpelt, Mikayla
Mercy College

Nelles, Bryony
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Nelson, Bonnie
Kent Street Senior High School

Nelson-Palmer, David
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Netto, Sansia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Newman, Ella
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Ng, Christopher
Corpus Christi College

Ng, Dylan
Christ Church Grammar School

Ng, Jing-Jing
Willetton Senior High School

Ng, Misha
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Ngo, Emily
Mercedes College

Nguyen, Daniel
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Nguyen, Emily
Perth College

Nguyen, Gemma
Perth Modern School

Nguyen, Minh
Perth Modern School

Ni, Tiansheng
Perth Modern School

Nichols, Levi
Manea Senior College

Nicoll, Rosie
Great Southern Grammar

Nielsen, Gemma
Penrhos College

Nilakshan, Rajan
Shenton College

Nimalan, Nishok
Aquinas College

Nobbs, Phoebe
Australind Senior High School

Nunn, Lily
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Nwoko, Makayla
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Not For Publication
Kent Street Senior High School

Oee, Damian
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Ogle, Sophia
Churchlands Senior High School

Oh, David Jeongbin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ong, Caitlyn Tien Yun
Kingsway Christian College

Oosthuizen, Karien
Quinns Baptist College

Ou, Emma
Perth College

Paget, Ethan
Willetton Senior High School

Pakes, Sophie
Penrhos College

Pal, Abris
Shenton College

Panar, Sahil
Hale School

Pandithage, Dasindu
Perth Modern School

Pang, Angela
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Parker, Sophie
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Parker, William
John XXIII College

Parkin, Madeleine
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Patel, Bhagwat
Hedland Senior High School

Patel, Dhruv
Perth Modern School

Patel, Paranj
Carine Senior High School

Patel, Purva
Churchlands Senior High School

Patel, Rhea
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Patel, Shray
All Saints' College

Patel, Sienna
Shenton College

Paton, Asha
John XXIII College

Patterson, Jett
Scotch College

Pauline, Declan
All Saints' College

Pawlowski, Ruby
Servite College

Payne, Bridie
Guildford Grammar School

Peacock, Amelie
Mundaring Christian College

Peckham, Blake
Aquinas College

Pedrazza, Joshua
Ashdale Secondary College

Peet-Lalor, Liam
Kent Street Senior High School

Pegrum, Georgia
Methodist Ladies' College

Peh, Wesley
Christ Church Grammar School

Peirce, Josephine
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Peiris, John
Perth Modern School

Peiris, Samodya
John Curtin College of the Arts

Pemberton, Eloise
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Penglis, Madeleine
Iona Presentation College

Penhale, Christopher
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Pensabene, Jacob
Seton Catholic College

Pereira, Gabriel
Trinity College

Pereira, Preston
Wesley College

Perrone, Marco
John Curtin College of the Arts

Perry, Georgia
John XXIII College

Petterson, Kirsten
Perth Modern School

Phan, Kevin
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Phiri, Emmanuel
Swan Christian College

Pieren, Faiza
Duncraig Senior High School

Piestrzeniewicz, Abbey
Emmanuel Christian Community School

Pike, Xavier
Aquinas College

Pineda Beasley, Sky
John XXIII College

Pino, Madison
Santa Maria College

Pintaudi, Kalen
CBC Fremantle

Piotrowski, Andreas
CBC Fremantle

Pittard, Isabella
Mindarie Senior College

Plant, Evey-Jane
John XXIII College

Poole, Natalie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Poon, Ema
Shenton College

Poreddy, Mahathi
Perth Modern School

Poulson, Jack
Christ Church Grammar School

Powell, Jake
Kennedy Baptist College

Power, Zoe
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Poyatos, Marc
Kent Street Senior High School

Poznanovic, Danica
Ridge View Secondary College

Prabakara Rao, Deppika
Leeming Senior High School

Pracy, Sana
Willetton Senior High School

Prasad, Anthony
All Saints' College

Premachandra, Sathmi
Perth College

Prentice, Mikiela
Iona Presentation College

Price, Connor
John XXIII College

Prince, Ria Leah
Ashdale Secondary College

Purcell, Ruby
John XXIII College

Quadros, Isaac
Trinity College

Quek, Ven Thun
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Quinn, Matthew
Melville Senior High School

Rackham, Carey
Applecross Senior High School

Rackham, Wendy
Applecross Senior High School

Raffan, Savannah
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Rai, Abby
Willetton Senior High School

Raiter, Asher
Carmel School

Rakshasbhuvankar, Alakh
Hale School

Ramachandran, Dharunya
Emmanuel Catholic College

Ranford, Amber
Churchlands Senior High School

Range', Ariel
Carmel School

Rapley, Michael
Ashdale Secondary College

Ratajczak, Lillian
Iona Presentation College

Ravanbakhsh, Bahar
Perth Modern School

Raveesh, Effie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ravjee, Diya
Melville Senior High School

Rawat, Aaryan
Perth Modern School

Rawlins, Isabelle
Iona Presentation College

Rawstorne, Hayden
Shenton College

Raynaud, Heloise
Applecross Senior High School

Razavi Manesh, Daniel
Corpus Christi College

Readhead, Kele
Perth Modern School

Ree, Juliette
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Rego, Tamika
Willetton Senior High School

Reid, Cate
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Reidy, Ana
Kingsway Christian College

Not For Publication
Churchlands Senior High School

Ren, Jinquan
Shenton College

Renton, Micah
CBC Fremantle

Resch, Joel
Wesley College

Reubenson, Jordan
Carmel School

Reynolds, Cooper
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Reynolds, Mackenzie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Rhee, Riki
Christ Church Grammar School

Richards, Blake
Woodvale Secondary College

Riordan, Declan
Scotch College

Rippey, Benjamin
Christ Church Grammar School

Rivers, Jesse
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Rizvi, Syed
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Robbins, James
Chisholm Catholic College

Roberts, Regan
Kelmscott Senior High School

Robertson, James
Ballajura Community College

Rogers, Jamie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Rogers, Leila
Churchlands Senior High School

Rollason, Benjamin
Christ Church Grammar School

Roshan, Ron
Ellenbrook Christian College

Rouillard, Marc
Kalamunda Senior High School

Rowstron, Liam
Broome Senior High School

Rowstron, Tyler
Broome Senior High School

Rozenkevich, Alina
John Curtin College of the Arts

Rubens, Olivia
Newman College

Rucklidge, Noah
Christ Church Grammar School

Ryan, Eliza
Mercedes College

Ryan, Matthew
Trinity College

Ryan, Matthew
Hale School

Ryan, Oliver
Duncraig Senior High School

Saad, Jacob
Applecross Senior High School

Not For Publication
Sacred Heart College

Salam, Alma
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Salim, Phoebe
Perth Modern School

Sam, Ann Eunice
Perth Modern School

Samovarova, Stefaniya
Fremantle College

Sanderson, Olivia
Penrhos College

Sandhu, Savraj
Perth Modern School

Santos, Lanah
John Forrest Secondary College

Santos, Micah
John Forrest Secondary College

Santosh, Samuel
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Sathe, Atharva
Perth Modern School

Satyawan, Benjamin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

SCANLAN, Lachlan
Mazenod College

Schneider, Lauren
Perth Modern School

Schoen, Tyler
Mindarie Senior College

Schubert, Darcy
John XXIII College

Schwarz, Ariella
Carmel School

Schwarz, Jade
Nagle Catholic College

Schweitzer, Erica
Perth College

Scott, Emily
St Brigid's College

Scriva, Jessica
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Scutt, Molly
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Scutt, Rosalie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Scutti, Cassandra
Chisholm Catholic College

Seah, Sze Xian Zoey
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Sear, Madison
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Seats, Aisha
John Curtin College of the Arts

Sebastain, Hannah
Servite College

Sedgman, Isabella
Kingsway Christian College

Seet, Dylan Kai Ren
Willetton Senior High School

Seet, Olivia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Seroney, Katie
St Norbert College

Setiawan, Daniel
Hale School

Sewpal, Layla
Duncraig Senior High School

Seyyar, Timur
Perth Modern School

Shah, Soham
Perth Modern School

Shah, Syed Ahmad Ali
Hale School

Shan, Audrey Aojie
Penrhos College

Shanbhag, Neel
Melville Senior High School

Sharma, Annabelle
Perth Modern School

Shaw, Elizabeth
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Sheehy, Riley
Seton Catholic College

Shelby, Courtney
Penrhos College

Shelton, Isobel
Esperance Senior High School

Sheridan, Amity
Chisholm Catholic College

Shi, Hefan
Perth Modern School

Shibu, Yeldho
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Shields, Olivia
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Shirley, Kate
John XXIII College

Silva, Nicholas
John XXIII College

Silva, Venuja
Perth Modern School

Singh, Nimardeep
Willetton Senior High School

Sirmans, Shelby
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Slade, Jack
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Sliusenko, Danylo
Leeming Senior High School

Smith, Abigale
Santa Maria College

Smith, Cameron
Manjimup Senior High School

Smith, Charlotte
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Smith, Denby
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Not For Publication
Perth College

Smith, Ella
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Smith, Hudson
Scotch College

Smith, Josephine
Como Secondary College

Smith, Lainie
Busselton Senior High School

Smith, Mackenzie
Santa Maria College

Smith, Samantha
All Saints' College

Soh, Robert
Applecross Senior High School

Song, Woojin
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Sonsee, Jade
Penrhos College

Soo, Jazmyn
John Forrest Secondary College

Soo, Ming
Scotch College

Sooi, Hsien
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Spagnolo, Elena
Mercedes College

Spencer, Charlotte
Methodist Ladies' College

Spencer, Kai
Living Waters Lutheran College

Spencer, Kai
Duncraig Senior High School

Stanley, Jed
Perth Modern School

Steel, Imogen
Kent Street Senior High School

Steele, Lachlan
Hale School

Stevens, Albie
Christ Church Grammar School

Stevens, Emilie
Churchlands Senior High School

Stillisano, Deveryn
Kalamunda Senior High School

Stirbinskis, Tomiko
Churchlands Senior High School

Mazenod College

Stockdale, Zoe
Eastern Goldfields College

Stockenstroom, Kristoffer
Shenton College

Stojkoska, Mihaela
Chisholm Catholic College

Stokes, Chloe
John XXIII College

Stokes, Kya
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Stokes, Laura
Perth College

Stopforth, David
Aquinas College

Stubbs-Denny, Harry
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Sturley, Thomas
Shenton College

Sturrock Green, Dominic
Duncraig Senior High School

Sue, Happy
Halls Head College

Not For Publication
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Sun, Anrui
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Suseno, Charlize
Corpus Christi College

Suseno, Michael
Trinity College

Svendsen, Jessica
Methodist Ladies' College

Swartzentruber, Elijah
Perth Modern School

Syminton, Thomas
John XXIII College

Ta, Krystal
Morley Senior High School

Tacadena, Joanna
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Talijancic, Zak
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Applecross Senior High School

Tan, Ashlyne
Carey Baptist College Forrestdale

Tan, Shihan
Wesley College

Tang, Benjamin
All Saints' College

Tang, Christine
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Taranto, Estela
Santa Maria College

Tarquinio, Clara
Santa Maria College

Taseff, Caitlin
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Tawosli, Mahsa
Willetton Senior High School

Tay, Aiden
Canning Vale College

Taylor, Archie
Perth Modern School

Taylor, Mackenzie
Helena College

Taylor, Zoe
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Teh, Ari
Perth Modern School

Teh, Isabelle
Methodist Ladies' College

Templeman, Jenna
Methodist Ladies' College

Teng, Caithlyn
Methodist Ladies' College

Teo, Arthur
Perth Modern School

Teo, Athan
Applecross Senior High School

Teymant, Lexie
Kennedy Baptist College

Thibbotuge, Vinuja
Perth Modern School

Thomas, Aiden
Mother Teresa Catholic College

Thomas, Jeswin
Willetton Senior High School

Thomas, Prince
La Salle College

Thompson, Chloe
Kennedy Baptist College

Thompson, Isabella
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Thong, William
Willetton Senior High School

Thoo, Jesse
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Thum, Ashton
All Saints' College

Thumar, Jeel
Carine Senior High School

Thumma, Aryahi
Emmanuel Catholic College

Tien, Alanna
Methodist Ladies' College

Tienprasid, Intupa
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Tityiwe, Tatenda
Iona Presentation College

Tjerkstra, Klara
Kelmscott Senior High School

Toh, Wei Hng
Wanneroo Secondary College

Tomlinson, Rosemary
Applecross Senior High School

Toms, Helena
Mercedes College

Torihara, Manu
Perth Modern School

Torkzaban, Arman
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Torok, Nakita
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Torre, Massimo
John XXIII College

Torre, Xavier
Hale School

Tovey, Isla
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Trac, Nathan
Shenton College

Trainor, Grace
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Tran, Cynthia
Churchlands Senior High School

Tran, Ella-Jane
Methodist Ladies' College

Tran, Michelle
Chisholm Catholic College

Tran, Vivienne
Shenton College

Trang, Andrew
Shenton College

Trant, Kiara
Corpus Christi College

Trenerry, Eliana
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Trichilo, Josephine
Chisholm Catholic College

Trimboli, Julia
Sacred Heart College

Trolio, Allegra
Santa Maria College

Truffet, Georgia
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Tsang, Michael
Willetton Senior High School

Uddin, Tasnia
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Ullah, Fareeha
Willetton Senior High School

Van Ast, Jasper
John XXIII College

van Aswegen, Benjamin
Hale School

Van Damme, Jasmin
All Saints' College

Van de Velde, Alex
Hale School

Van den Berg, Taya
Perth College

Van Der Linde, Malan
John Calvin Christian College

Van Dijk, Anika
John Calvin Christian College

van Luinen, Jake
Wesley College

Mazenod College

Varagunanathan, Rupak
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Varughese, Michael
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Vayalakkara, Angela
Duncraig Senior High School

Veale, Tyson
Manea Senior College

Veldman, Stella
John Calvin Christian College

Vermaak, Francois
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Vijayasekaran, Amisha
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Vilé, Annaliese
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Vincent, Euan
Kolbe Catholic College

Vogan, Benjamin
Hale School

Vos, Branden
OneSchool Global WA

Wade, Annabelle
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Wade, Rebecca
John Curtin College of the Arts

Wager, Leticia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wagh, Vivaan
Hale School

Waldock, Myah
Santa Maria College

Walker, Alastair
Scotch College

Wall, Kesia
Shenton College

Wall, Mia
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Wallis-Hughes, Amelia
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Wallwork, Thomas
Scotch College

Walton, David
Scotch College

Wan, Lufei
Harrisdale Senior High School

Wang, Chenyu
Christ Church Grammar School

Wang, Jeremiah
Christ Church Grammar School

Wang, Jerry
Perth Modern School

Wang, Richard
Perth Modern School

Warman, Matilda
Perth College

Warner, Jade
Penrhos College

Warren, Chloe
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Warren, Madeleine
Great Southern Grammar

Waterer, Fergus
Hale School

Waterhouse, Katelyn
Shenton College

Watson, Angelique
John XXIII College

Watson, Jordan
Sacred Heart College

Watt, Max
John XXIII College

Watts, Cameron
South Coast Baptist College

Watts, Scarlett
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Weerakody, Sienna
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Welch, Freddie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Wells, Joshua
Hale School

West, Wesley
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Whale, Joshua
Perth Modern School

White, Kaleb
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Whitelaw, Keira
Applecross Senior High School

Wibisana, Keysha
Applecross Senior High School

Widjaja, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Wijns, Lucas
Shenton College

Wilcox, Ciaan
Iona Presentation College

Williams, Angela
John XXIII College

Williams, Benjamin
Hale School

Williams, Laura
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Wilmot, Lucy
Mercedes College

Wilson, Jessica
Perth Modern School

Wilson, Selina
Carine Senior High School

Windhofer, Eric
Mount Barker Community College

Winnett, Makayla
Kelmscott Senior High School

Winton, Max
Hale School

Wisewould, Rusty
Applecross Senior High School

Wong, Joselyn Le Shi
Shenton College

Wong, Kenneth
Leeming Senior High School

Wong, Matthew
Christ Church Grammar School

Not For Publication
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wong, Shi Han
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wong, Xun Yi
Baldivis Secondary College

Woo, Michael
John XXIII College

Wood, Ella
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Woon, Joshua
Perth Modern School

Wright, Elsie
Great Southern Grammar

Wu, Andy
Christ Church Grammar School

Wu, Gary
Perth Modern School

Wu, Gregory
Kennedy Baptist College

Wu, Haofei
Christ Church Grammar School

Wu, Ryan
Hale School

Wu, Yu-Cheng
Perth Modern School

Xiang, Jiarui
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Xu, Brightnie
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Xu, Dora
Shenton College

Xu, Jinbin
Perth Modern School

Xu, William
Perth Modern School

Xu, Zhiyuan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yamen, Michael
Carmel School

Yap, Ashlee
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yap, Ethan
Perth Modern School

Yap, Sarah
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ye, Saralyn
Willetton Senior High School

Yeap, Enn Enn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yee Wei Lei, Chantelle
Chisholm Catholic College

Yek, Jayden
Christ Church Grammar School

Yelland, Taylor
Perth College

Yeo, Ezra
Hale School

Yeo, Nathaniel
Willetton Senior High School

Yong, Sophie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Young, Harrison
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Young, Imogen
Helena College

Youngson, Olivia
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Yuan, Jenny
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Zachariassen-Baro, Aika
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Zaenker, Emma
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Zafer, Noah
Trinity College

Zaidi, Muhammad
Perth Modern School

Zammit, Anika
Santa Maria College

Zeeb, Isabella
St Norbert College

Zeng, Jayden
Willetton Senior High School

Zhang, Jerry
Perth Modern School

Zhang, Phoebe
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Zhang, Sophie
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Zhang, Tony
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Zhao, Quansheng
Christ Church Grammar School

Zhao, Yanyu
Perth Modern School

Zuvela, Krista
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Certificate of Merit

Abbonizio, Darcy
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Abdelaal, Maryam
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Abeysekera, Minoli
Divine Mercy College

Adams, Grace
Bunbury Senior High School

Adams, Jasper
Emmanuel Catholic College

Adams, Lucy
John Curtin College of the Arts

Adams, Michael
Perth Modern School

Adams, Zoe
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Afonso, Estelle
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Aftab, Areej
Willetton Senior High School

Aftab, Sameen
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Aggarwal, Naimish
Willetton Senior High School

Ahmad, Jibreel
Hale School

Al-Ameen College

Not For Publication
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Ahmed, Ariz
Perth Modern School

Airton, Ashton
Kent Street Senior High School

Aisbett, Tamzyn
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Aitken, Ruby
St James' Anglican School

Akhlil, Jakob
Christ Church Grammar School

Akolkar, Niyanta
Canning Vale College

Al Awadi, Fatima
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Alam, Haajrah
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Al-Ani, Fahd
Fountain College

Not For Publication
Fountain College

Al-Asadi, Nada
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Al-Assaad, Kanari
Fountain College

Alexander, Finlay
Shenton College

Ali, Kamal
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Alitovski, Emir
Morley Senior High School

Allan, Evelyn
Methodist Ladies' College

Allbeury, Julian
Kent Street Senior High School

Allen, Ashanti
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Allia, Stephanie
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Allington, Georgia
St Brigid's College

Allison, Jayda
Darling Range Sports College

Almeida Machado Bitencourt, Julia
Shenton College

Not For Publication
Fountain College

Altschuler, Ella
Carmel School

Altschwager, Hayley
Hedland Senior High School

Alvaro, Holly
Santa Maria College

Alves, Isabelle
St Luke's College

Amato, Nicholas
Churchlands Senior High School

Amato, Selemana
Mercedes College

Ambekar, Modika
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ambooken, Manuel
Morley Senior High School

Ambrosini, Laura
Wanneroo Secondary College

Ambrosini, Valentina
Shenton College

Amenabar, Albert Agustin
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Amin Dehghan, Fatemeh
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Anderson, Hannah
John Forrest Secondary College

Anderson, Isabella
Great Southern Grammar

Anderson, Mia
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Anderson, Olivia
Mater Dei College

Andrews, Isaac
Hampton Senior High School

Ang, Jacob
Willetton Senior High School

Ang, Leia
Churchlands Senior High School

Anthon, Charlize
Iona Presentation College

Anthony, Cameron
All Saints' College

Not For Publication
Aveley Secondary College

Not For Publication
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Arbon, Mya
Fremantle College

Arcaro, David
Aquinas College

Archer, Elisha
Woodvale Secondary College

Archer, Isla
St Luke's College

Ardillo, Camille
Fremantle College

Argentino, Christopher
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Arianto, Aberly
Rehoboth Christian College

Not For Publication
Fountain College

Aring, Natalie
Perth Modern School

Arjon, Beatrice
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Arland, Abigail
John Curtin College of the Arts

Armanios, Chanel
Penrhos College

Armstrong, Amber
John XXIII College

Armstrong, Dante
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Arney, Lyndon
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Arnold, Jessica
Woodvale Secondary College

Arnold, Kadyn
Providence Christian College

Arthurs, Grace
Woodvale Secondary College

Arun, Shruthi
Harrisdale Senior High School

Arvi, Harvina
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Asaka, Hanano
Churchlands Senior High School

Ashby, Rebecca
Kennedy Baptist College

Ashraff, Hadia
Aranmore Catholic College

Not For Publication
Guildford Grammar School

Ashwin, Aarabhi
Rossmoyne Senior High School

ATKINSON, Sebastian
Mazenod College

Not For Publication
Willetton Senior High School

Attwood, Jaslyn
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Attwood, Mia
Butler College

Augustine, Leah
Perth Modern School

Auton, Miya
Lumen Christi College

Avins, Shaela
Bunbury Catholic College

Axford, Mikayla
Perth Modern School

Ayalde, Jericho
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Ayers, Tatum
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Aylmore, Asher
John XXIII College

Azimi, Parastoo
Lumen Christi College

Azzaro, Holly
Sacred Heart College

Babu, Eva
Emmanuel Catholic College

Bacalso, Jericho
Kolbe Catholic College

Bacich, Benjamin
Swan Christian College

Bacon, Rachel
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus

Bailey, Edward
Applecross Senior High School

Bailey, Greta
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Bain, Alyssa
Bunbury Senior High School

Bain, Rebecca
Duncraig Senior High School

Baker, Isabella
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Baker, Jessica
Swan Christian College

Baker, Oliver
Christ Church Grammar School

Bakitch Von Krusenstern, Thomas
Shenton College

Bakti, Kierra
Corpus Christi College

Balasooriya, Rawija
Chisholm Catholic College

Balino, Ayanih Monik
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Baliwala, Zahra
Chisholm Catholic College

Balloch, Rohan
All Saints' College

Ban, Zane
Shenton College

Mazenod College

Banerjee, Urvi
Applecross Senior High School

Banh, Nico
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Banister-Jones, Laluca
Denmark Senior High School

Bano, Heather
Applecross Senior High School

Baradiya, Mahek
Bunbury Senior High School

Baraza, Jenell
Our Lady of Mercy College

Barbato, Lucas
Aquinas College

Barber, Ethan
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Barber, Tiana
Ballajura Community College

Barbitta, Julian
Shenton College

Barclay, Isla
Duncraig Senior High School

Barlow, Lily
Methodist Ladies' College

Barnaba, Lucca
Christ Church Grammar School

Not For Publication
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Barnes, Amy
Hedland Senior High School

Barnes, Shannon
Carine Senior High School

Barnett, Mischa
Willetton Senior High School

Barraclough, Paige
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Barrows, Ruby
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Barry, Hannah
John Forrest Secondary College

Bartholomew, Chloe
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Basnett, Luis
John Curtin College of the Arts

Bassett, Charlotte
Shenton College

Bassett, Isabelle
Methodist Ladies' College

Basson, Anke
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Battistessa, Kyah
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Baugh, Mannix
Newman College

Baumgartner, Daniel
Hale School

Beagley, Lola
Swan Christian College

Beaman, Olivia
Sacred Heart College

Beament, Kate
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Beasley, Cate
Perth College

Becker, Benjamin
Duncraig Senior High School

Becker, Jodie
Iona Presentation College

Beckett, Lara
Shenton College

Beckett, Sean
Duncraig Senior High School

Beckingham, Scarlett
Perth College

Beeson, Lucy
Manea Senior College

Begley, Angus
Christ Church Grammar School

Begovic, Teagan
Santa Maria College

Not For Publication
Providence Christian College

Belarga, Edwayne
Gilmore College

Belihu, Ephratah
Kingsway Christian College

Bell, Amelia
Kalamunda Senior High School

Bell, Cormack
La Salle College

Bell, Lachlan
Christ Church Grammar School

Bellotti, Harmony
Methodist Ladies' College

Belmont, Kai
Woodvale Secondary College

Belohlawek, Ashlyn
Atwell College

Bendotti, Lucas
Sacred Heart College

Benedict, James
Lynwood Senior High School

Benness, Charlee
Ashdale Secondary College

Benness, Torrey
Trinity College

Bennett, Mitchell
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Bennetts, Ryan
Coastal Lakes College

Benny, Milna
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Benporath, Drew
Guildford Grammar School

Benson, Harper
Perth Modern School

Berdychevskyi, Ivan
Scotch College

Beresford, Lilli
Penrhos College

Bergomi, Leonardo
John XXIII College

Not For Publication
Karratha Senior High School

Beros, Jac
Trinity College

Berrigan, Elliott
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Berry, Oliver
Guildford Grammar School

Berta, Zsofia
Shenton College

Bertschinger, Nadine
Shenton College

Bew, Adelie
Churchlands Senior High School

Beyan, Yassah
Gilmore College

Bhandari, Anya
Perth College

Bhat, Kiran
Aquinas College

Bhavsar, Vedshi
Greenwood College

Bhutani, Aakrish
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Biahgi, Aneisha
Belridge Secondary College

Biddulph, Katie
All Saints' College

Bidefeld, Hayley
Mindarie Senior College

Biggar, Taye
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Bignell, Rohan
Scotch College

Biju, Agna Mariya
Kelmscott Senior High School

Binish, Anjali
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Binti Azlan, Amani Farhana
Fountain College

Bird, Georgia
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Bishop, Jake
Butler College

Bishop, Sophie
Quinns Baptist College

Blackall, Alvaro
Sacred Heart College

Blagg, Abbey
Chisholm Catholic College

Blair, Luke
Our Lady of Mercy College

Blakely, Tiffany
Esperance Senior High School

Not For Publication
Hale School

Blayney, Hannah
Iona Presentation College

Blogg, Bethany
Kolbe Catholic College

Blyth, Charles
Eastern Goldfields College

Blyth, Isabella
Perth Modern School

Boatwright, Lily
Emmanuel Catholic College

Bockett, Liam
Belmont City College

Boehm, Lawson
Kent Street Senior High School

Bolt, Leila
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Boquest, Jacinta
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Borg, Chaz
Carey Baptist College Forrestdale

Bosch, Hannah
St James' Anglican School

Bosnyak, Brendan
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Boss, Imogen
Newman College

Bosveld, Rory
John Calvin Christian College

Botha, Amber
Albany Senior High School

Botha, Makayla
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Bourke, Zachariah
Guildford Grammar School

Bowden, Kayla
Mindarie Senior College

Boxshall, Hugh
Scotch College

Boyd, Darcy
Shenton College

Boyd, Ellie
Wanneroo Secondary College

Boydell, Bree
Esperance Senior High School

Boyle, Emily
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Bradbrook, Ella
Chisholm Catholic College

Bradley, Lilia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Bradley, Luke
St Luke's College

Bradshaw, Torah
Iona Presentation College

Bralich, Stirling
Shenton College

Bramah, Madeline
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Brancato, Benjamin
Como Secondary College

Brandes De Roos, Oliver
John Forrest Secondary College

Brasier, Hannah
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Brassard Ghadouani, Myriam
Shenton College

Breadsell, Madison
Holy Cross College

Breden, Susannah
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Breen, Sophie
Duncraig Senior High School

Brennan, Grace
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Brenton-Reed, Evangeline
North Albany Senior High School

Briggs, Lucas
Perth Modern School

Not For Publication
Shenton College

Bristow-Stagg, Emma
Iona Presentation College

Bromley, Jake
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Bron, Sarah
John Calvin Christian College

Brooker, Jamie
Perth Modern School

Broughton, Libby
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Broun, Ashton
Hale School

Brown, Alexa
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Brown, Amaya
Shenton College

Brown, Archie
Christ Church Grammar School

Brown, Ashlynn
Mother Teresa Catholic College

Brown, Bodhi
Central Midlands Senior High School

Brown, Caitlyn
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Brown, Cobey
Our Lady of Mercy College

Brown, Ella
Penrhos College

Brown, Holly
Kingsway Christian College

Brown, Kate
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Brown, Lachlan
Churchlands Senior High School

Not For Publication
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Brown, Olivia
St Mary MacKillop College

Brown, Tayla
St Mary MacKillop College

Brown, Thomas
Chisholm Catholic College

Brown, Tyson
Ashdale Secondary College

Bruce, Ashleigh
Iona Presentation College

Bruining, Jessica
Perth Modern School

Brusic, Ryan
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Bryant, Zahra
Prendiville Catholic College

Bryce, Jamie
Rehoboth Christian College

Mazenod College

Buckler, Ellis
Shenton College

Bucktin, Drina
Methodist Ladies' College

Buksa, Adrian
Churchlands Senior High School

Bull, Daisy
John Curtin College of the Arts

Bull, Keely
Corpus Christi College

Bullers, Emelia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Burbury, Maxwell
Scotch College

Burke, Niall
Sacred Heart College

Burke, Solei
Mercedes College

Burnett, Andrea
Penrhos College

Burnett, Struan
Willetton Senior High School

Burnett, Ty
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Burns, Eimer
Churchlands Senior High School

Burwood, Holly
All Saints' College

Buswell, Corey
Northam Senior High School

Butler, Cian
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Butler, Jett
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Butterworth, Chloe
Mater Dei College

Butterworth, Tiffany
Great Southern Grammar

Buur-Jensen, William
Scotch College

Bydder, Chelsea
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Byrne, Jack
All Saints' College

Not For Publication
Helena College

Byrne, Max
St Mary MacKillop College

Byrne, Yazmin
Margaret River Senior High School

Cabutaje, Louie
Melville Senior High School

Cadalig, Phoebe
Baldivis Secondary College

Calder, Angus
Trinity College

Calder, Tamzyn
Prendiville Catholic College

Cameron, Declan
Mount Barker Community College

Cameron, Nathan
Swan Christian College

Cameron, Zali
Mater Dei College

Campbell, Cooper
Scotch College

Campbell, Hannah
Holy Cross College

Campbell, Jackson
Lynwood Senior High School

Campbell, Max
Shenton College

Campbell, Mia
Kent Street Senior High School

Campbell, Oliver
Christ Church Grammar School

Campbell, Skye
Byford Secondary College

Cannon, Chloe
Wanneroo Secondary College

Cantatore, Rachael
Leeming Senior High School

Capelli, Mila
Perth College

Caratozzolo, Christian
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Carbery, Liam
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Carey, Matilda
Sacred Heart College

Carington Smith, Ella
Servite College

Carlyon, Jolie
Ridge View Secondary College

Carot Collins, Ariana
Canning Vale College

Carruthers, William
All Saints' College

Carter, Luke
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Cartwright, Sofia
Iona Presentation College

Cave, Emily
Churchlands Senior High School

Cave, James
Duncraig Senior High School

Cestrilli, Luca
Hale School

Chan, Adelle
Applecross Senior High School

Chan, Isabelle
Churchlands Senior High School

Chan, Jonathan
Applecross Senior High School

Chan, Kira
Leeming Senior High School

Not For Publication
Warwick Senior High School

Chandler, Lexi
Santa Maria College

Chang, James
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Chang, Matthew
Aquinas College

Chapman, Rylee
Ridge View Secondary College

Chappell, Luke
Holy Cross College

Charlebois-Kemp, Anna-Sofia
Penrhos College

Charlton, Adam
All Saints' College

Chatfield, Hannah
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Chatzimichail, Eve
Mercedes College

Chaudhry, Bhavya
Melville Senior High School

Chauhan, Vaishavi
John Forrest Secondary College

Chavez Nahui, Adrian
All Saints' College

Chen, Benjamin
Harrisdale Senior High School

Chen, Chung-Yu
Applecross Senior High School

Chen, Elaine Pye Lam
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Chen, Iris
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
St Norbert College

Chen, Matthew
Hale School

Chen, Nicholas
Leeming Senior High School

Chen, Sarah
Sacred Heart College

Cheng, Alexander
Churchlands Senior High School

Cherry, Charlotte
Perth College

Cherry-Bayles, Preston
Wesley College

Chesson, Saskia
Newman College

Chester, Darwin
John Curtin College of the Arts

Cheung, Casey
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Cheung, Yasmin
Willetton Senior High School

Chian, Shawn Gregory
Corpus Christi College

Chiang, Kobe Ka Chun
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Childs, Ariana
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Chin, Ethan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Chin, Kaylee
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Chinery, Lea
Warnbro Community High School

Chipman, Josephine
Mandurah Catholic College

Chipper, Jade
Seton Catholic College

Not For Publication
Christ Church Grammar School

Chiswell, Dylan
Shenton College

Chitarra, Mackenzie
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Chong, Anabelle
Methodist Ladies' College

Chong, Josiah
Churchlands Senior High School

Choo, Calix
Carine Senior High School

Chouhan, Vedika
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Choy, Ching
Lynwood Senior High School

Not For Publication
Scotch College

Ciccone, Liam
Kent Street Senior High School

Cladingboel, Lily
Shenton College

Clark, Chelsea
John Curtin College of the Arts

Clark, Lachlan
Hale School

Clark, Sienna
Carine Senior High School

Clarke, Amy
Woodvale Secondary College

Clarke, Amy
Esperance Senior High School

Clarke, Anna
The Studio School

Clarke, Sara
Margaret River Senior High School

Classen, Nika
Iona Presentation College

Clayden, Harry
CBC Fremantle

Clem, Georgiana
Kent Street Senior High School

Climo, Jasmyn
Woodvale Secondary College

Climo, Jorja
Woodvale Secondary College

Coates, Kieran
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Not For Publication
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Coenen, Grace
Iona Presentation College

Coghlan, Jasmine
Kennedy Baptist College

Cohen, Clare
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Cole, Edward
Aquinas College

Cole, Joshua
Wesley College

Collett, Niamh
Churchlands Senior High School

Collins, Alex
John XXIII College

Collins, Nicholas
CBC Fremantle

Collins, Talia
Mercedes College

Collis, Isabelle
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Comley, Jake
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Condon, Ashley
Belridge Secondary College

Conigliaro, Joshua
All Saints' College

Connaughton, Anya
Methodist Ladies' College

Connor, Portia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Cook, Erin
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Cook, Jetson
Trinity College

Cook, Lachlan
Christ Church Grammar School

Cook, Milana
Methodist Ladies' College

Cooke, Olivia
St Mary MacKillop College

Cooke, Sarah
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Cooksey, Charlotte
Melville Senior High School

Coomblas, Anton
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Cooper, Ben
Shenton College

Not For Publication
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Cooper, Jessica
Methodist Ladies' College

Not For Publication
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Coorey, Tehayi
Shenton College

Cope, Jonathan
Como Secondary College

Not For Publication
Swan Christian College

Corbett, Edie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Cordisco, Tirik
CBC Fremantle

Cornelius, Chezlina
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Corrie, Sophie
Santa Maria College

Corvaia, Thomas
Shenton College

Cosby, Amelia
Denmark Senior High School

Costantino, Aleisha
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Cousins, Charlie
Bethel Christian School

Cowcher, Abbey
Santa Maria College

Cowgill, Ellie
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Cox, Lara
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Not For Publication
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Crabb, Lara
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Crain, Annalise
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Crane, Mia
Emmanuel Catholic College

Crannage, Emily
North Albany Senior High School

Crausaz, Lucy
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Crean, Isabella
Helena College

Cremin, Aidan
Sacred Heart College

Cremin, Jack
Wesley College

Crew, Bridie
Duncraig Senior High School

Crisan, Esther
Carine Senior High School

Crockford, Amy
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Crofts, Via
Fremantle College

Crompton, Sophie
Ridge View Secondary College

Cronin, Matilda
Churchlands Senior High School

Croot, Aiva
Butler College

Cross, Thomas
Ellenbrook Christian College

Crossley, Stefanie
Willetton Senior High School

Croston, Grace
Australian Christian College - Southlands

Crouch, Rachael
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Crowley-Petroboni, Finn
Churchlands Senior High School

Cubeddu, Mia
Sacred Heart College

Cugley, Max
Shenton College

Cui, Dingyuan
Christ Church Grammar School

Cui, Haoyang
Hale School

Cung, Dinh Hai
Willetton Senior High School

Cunningham, Brianna
Great Southern Grammar

Curnow, Victoria
Mercedes College

Currie, Sienna
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Cutler, Brandon
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Czerw, Hayley
Chisholm Catholic College

Czichy, Ruby
John Curtin College of the Arts

Dabhi, Dharmadev
Ashdale Secondary College

Daby, Ruby
Swan Christian College

Dack, Matilda
Greenwood College

D'Addario, Carys
Guildford Grammar School

Daebritz, Zoe
Sacred Heart College

Not For Publication
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Dale, Amity
Newman College

Dale, Caitlin
Holy Cross College

Not For Publication
Chisholm Catholic College

Dale, Mia
Methodist Ladies' College

D'Alesio, Jack
Sacred Heart College

Daljac, Brooke
Kalamunda Senior High School

Dallimore, Elsa
Methodist Ladies' College

Damhuis, Chloe
Halls Head College

Daniels, Jamie
Kolbe Catholic College

Al-Ameen College

Dao, Amanda
Girrawheen Senior High School

Dare, Elijah
Kent Street Senior High School

Not For Publication
Duncraig Senior High School

Dark, Mary
Churchlands Senior High School

Darling, Zoe
Guildford Grammar School

Darmody, Blake
Como Secondary College

Dassanayake, Minuki
Harrisdale Senior High School

Davey, Doris
Coastal Lakes College

Davey, Kianah
Willetton Senior High School

David Selvendra, Sanjana
Santa Maria College

Davidson, Alexander
Como Secondary College

Davidson, Charlie
Manea Senior College

Davies, Carissa
Nagle Catholic College

Davies, Ella
Sacred Heart College

Davies, Kaywynette
Bunbury Baptist College

Davies, Linton
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Davies, Mair
Perth College

Davies, Nathalie
Shenton College

Davis, Annabelle
Methodist Ladies' College

Davis, Casey
Duncraig Senior High School

Davis, Hannah
Shenton College

Davis, Jayden
Kennedy Baptist College

Davis, Jet
Shenton College

Daws, Josh
Hale School

Dawson, Amelia
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Day, Beau
Christ Church Grammar School

Day, Emmi
Carine Senior High School

Day, Olivia
Iona Presentation College

De Agrela, Sharna
Melville Senior High School

de Graaf, Michaela
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

De Klerk, Leandi
Coastal Lakes College

de la Rie, Eve
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

de Lange, Wernigh
Kingsway Christian College

de Marchi, Nathaniel
Harrisdale Senior High School

De Masi, Mia
Mercedes College

de Nuccio, Gabriella
Mercedes College

De Roberto, Tiffany
Willetton Senior High School

De Villiers, Maria
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Cunderdin

Deacon, Harry
Mother Teresa Catholic College

Dean, Jackson
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Dean, Noah
All Saints' College

Not For Publication
Melville Senior High School

Dell, Emily
Mandurah Catholic College

Della Bosca, Tayla
Guildford Grammar School

Den Boer, Julia
John Calvin Christian College

Deng, Jingcheng
Christ Church Grammar School

Derbyshire, Meg
John XXIII College

Desai, Yatri
Rossmoyne Senior High School

DeSanges, Mia
Chisholm Catholic College

Devaney, Bonita
Quinns Baptist College

Dhal, Vaisnabi
Leeming Senior High School

Dharman, Vikasni
Como Secondary College

Dharsono, Ferisca
Methodist Ladies' College

Dhillon, Nadia
Shenton College

Di Falco, Nicholas
Sacred Heart College

Di Nardo, Stella
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Di Virgilio, Ashlee
Penrhos College

Diamantis, Layla
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Dickenson, Lucy
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Dickinson, Sam
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Diep, Tara
Morley Senior High School

Diffey, Jack
Fremantle College

Dillon, Nikalah
Eastern Goldfields College

Dimattina, Joseph
Hale School

Dimopoulos, Stephanie
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Dissanayake, Sandith
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Dixon, Laila
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Dixon, Tamara
John Forrest Secondary College

Djakaria, Sydney
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Do, Shayla
Perth College

Dobbe, Isaac
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

Dobra, Joel
CBC Fremantle

Dobson, Antonia
Kelmscott Senior High School

Dobson, Lucas
Helena College

Dobson, Xavier
Churchlands Senior High School

Dogic, Amra
Hampton Senior High School

Dohnt, Aeva
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Dominiak, Amy
Denmark Senior High School

Dominy, Beth
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Don, Milla
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Donald, Zachary
Emmanuel Catholic College

Mazenod College

Dondas, Jasmine
Kolbe Catholic College

Dong, Jingan
Harrisdale Senior High School

Dong, Tina
Chisholm Catholic College

Donnelly, Max
Hale School

Not For Publication
Prendiville Catholic College

Donovan, Ava
Santa Maria College

Not For Publication
Wesley College

Doust, Savanah
Karratha Senior High School

Dovey, Brooke
Australind Senior High School

D'Ovidio, Isabella
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Downey, Matthew
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Downs, Zoe
Kolbe Catholic College

Not For Publication
Safety Bay Senior High School

Doyle, Bridget
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Doyle, Lachlan
Sacred Heart College

Drakulic, Anastasia
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Dreyer, Andrew
Christ Church Grammar School

D'Rozario, Serena
John Curtin College of the Arts

Dry, Benjamin
Shenton College

D'Souza, Jakeb
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

du Toit, Carmen
Mandurah Baptist College

Duane, Emily
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Duckett, Peyton
School of Isolated and Distance Education

Dudley, Miller
Chisholm Catholic College

Duffield, Thomas
Scotch College

Duffy, Connor
Carine Senior High School

Dughmuch, Shahed
Morley Senior High School

Dulatre, Ayella
Wanneroo Secondary College

Dulay, Francheska
Harrisdale Senior High School

Dullard, Jaxon
Kalamunda Senior High School

Duncan, Phoebe
Kalamunda Senior High School

Duncan, Riley
Shenton College

Dunkling-Watts, Mia
Margaret River Senior High School

Dunn, Olivia
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Dunne, Jake
Kalamunda Senior High School

Duong, Kevin
Mercy College

Dutaillis, Ethan
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Duthie, Indra
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Dutton, Alana
John Curtin College of the Arts

Dymnicki, Madison
St Joseph's School

Dyson Mayne, Alexander
John Curtin College of the Arts

Dyson Mayne, Seth
Shenton College

Early, Isabelle
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Easthope, Chloe
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Eastman, Charlotte
Woodvale Secondary College

Eau, Isaac
Wesley College

Eaves, Charlee
Court Grammar School

Ebrall, Noah
Comet Bay College

Edey, Nicholas
Duncraig Senior High School

Edinger, Lachlan
Wesley College

Edmonds, Bonnie
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Edward, Ruby
Carine Senior High School

Edwards, Addison
Eaton Community College

Not For Publication
Northam Senior High School

Ekbote, Pearl
Providence Christian College

Elder, Joe
CBC Fremantle

El-Fayoumi, Adam
Willetton Senior High School

Elhag, Huda
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Ellery, Joel
John Curtin College of the Arts

Ellery, Tiana
Applecross Senior High School

Elliot, Iina
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Elliot, Rebecca
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Elliot, Sean
Trinity College

Elliott, Mischa
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Ellis, Jacinta
Willetton Senior High School

Ellis, Lachlan
Kalamunda Senior High School

Elms, William
Shenton College

Elsokkary, Mai
Ashdale Secondary College

Elson, Imogen
Willetton Senior High School

Embry, Samantha
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Endro, Olivia
Morley Senior High School

Eng, Kaitlyn
Morley Senior High School

Engdahl, Sophie
Churchlands Senior High School

Entwistle, Tamar
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Eppen-Van Der Aa, Elizabeth
Mandurah Catholic College

Ercleve, Isabella
Shenton College

Ericsson, Felicity
Great Southern Grammar

Etwel, Mohamed
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Eva, Rhiannan
Chisholm Catholic College

Evans, Charlotte
Newman College

Evans, Lauren
Australian Christian College - Southlands

Evans, Liam
Melville Senior High School

Evans, Rhama
Scotch College

Evans, Ruby
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Evans, Sophie
Shenton College

Evelyn, Ruby
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Eyal, Hadar
Manea Senior College

Ezekiel, Bram
Scotch College

Fallourd, Leonard
Shenton College

Fang, Leticia
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Applecross Senior High School

Farbey, Rhys
Applecross Senior High School

Farrell Monahan, Ella
Manea Senior College

Fasher, Evan
Applecross Senior High School

Faux, Ava
St Luke's College

Favazzi, Sophie
Sacred Heart College

FEAST, Soren
Mazenod College

Feisst, Samantha
Lumen Christi College

Fels, Molly
Mercedes College

Felsner, Sarah
Mercedes College

Fenner, Zac
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Fenwick, William
Churchlands Senior High School

Fern, Molly
Corpus Christi College

Fernandes, Clyde
Great Southern Grammar

Fernandez, Jaida
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Fernandez, Koby
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

FERNANDO, Kurukulasuriya
Mazenod College

Mazenod College

Feurstein, Kent
Shenton College

Fidge, Tadhg
Guildford Grammar School

Fielding, Sam
Cape Naturaliste College

Fink, Tara
Eaton Community College

Finlay, Emily
Sacred Heart College

Fiorenza, Brooklyn
Mandurah Catholic College

Fiorini, Lucy
Belmont City College

Fisher, Brynn
Kennedy Baptist College

Fisher, Kya
Mindarie Senior College

Fisher, Riley
Bunbury Senior High School

Fisher-Bunting, Daniel
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Fishwick, Ashleigh
Duncraig Senior High School

Fitzgerald, Donovan
Cape Naturaliste College

Fitzpatrick, Anais
Shenton College

Fitzpatrick, Caleb
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Flannery, Jaimee
Champion Bay Senior High School

Fletcher, Eve
Shenton College

Fletcher-Harrison, Ned
Scotch College

Float, Jasmine
Sacred Heart College

Flowerdew, Paige
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Floyd, Darcy
John XXIII College

Flynn, Alexia
Perth College

Fogden, Jack
CBC Fremantle

Folarin, Olamide
Dale Christian College

Fong, Bronte
Perth College

Foote, Hudson
Trinity College

Ford, Riley
Trinity College

Forrest, Ava
Santa Maria College

Forshaw-Ellis, William
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Fortuna, Sofia
Baldivis Secondary College

Foster, Charlie
Mount Barker Community College

Foster, Isabella
Comet Bay College

Foster, Kaleb
Applecross Senior High School

Foster, Oscar
Scotch College

Fowler, Rocco
Trinity College

Franchi, Lucas
Comet Bay College

Francis, Summer
Shenton College

Franklin, Arna
St Joseph's College

Franklyn, Evelyn
Iona Presentation College

Not For Publication
Carmel School

Freeman, Bella
Wanneroo Secondary College

Frei, Baileigh
Fremantle College

Not For Publication
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus

French, Nimeesha
Mandurah Catholic College

Friday, Savannah
Kalamunda Senior High School

Friedlos, Chloe
Lumen Christi College

Friesen, Samaia
Nagle Catholic College

Frkovich, Chloe
Sacred Heart College

Frost, Dannielle
Great Southern Grammar

Fry, Emily
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Fulham, Grace
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Fulwood, Annie
Santa Maria College

Fulwood, Sebastian
Aquinas College

Funston, Charlotte
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Furlong, Isabella
John Curtin College of the Arts

Galati, Lilah
Manea Senior College

Gallop, Hayley
Esperance Senior High School

Galt, Jessica
Applecross Senior High School

Gamble, Harper
Newman College

Gan, Ern Lin
Willetton Senior High School

Ganda, Aven
Leeming Senior High School

Gandhi, Prina
Newman College

Gannaway, Madison
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Garbenis, Jude
Aranmore Catholic College

Garbutt, Mieka
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Gardner, Digby
Scotch College

Garland, Jaxon
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Garnett, Emily
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Garside, Scarlett
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Gaskell, Beatrice
Australind Senior High School

Gaspar, Flynn
Carine Senior High School

Gatti, Sascha
Iona Presentation College

Gauntlett, Jessica
Willetton Senior High School

Gavin, Elise
Iona Presentation College

Not For Publication
Warwick Senior High School

George, Annmary
Kingsway Christian College

George, Hayley
St Mark's Anglican Community School

George, Talisa
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Gerrans, Maddison
Methodist Ladies' College

Ghaly, Tony
South Coast Baptist College

Gibson, Ava
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Gibson, Harry
Christ Church Grammar School

Gibson, Olivia
Shenton College

Gick, Una
Manea Senior College

Gidley, Jacob
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Gilchrist, Sophie
Servite College

Giles, Ksenia
Seton Catholic College

Gill, Brody
Applecross Senior High School

Gill, Kaiya
Greenwood College

Gillam, Estella
Aranmore Catholic College

Al-Ameen College

Gillespie, Abby
Lynwood Senior High School

Gilling, Dion
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Gimeno, Bryce
Providence Christian College

Gizzarone, Sari
Corpus Christi College

Glass, Jacob
Hale School

Glendinning, Imogen
Duncraig Senior High School

Gliksman, Sienna
Perth College

Gloriod, Deikan
Hale School

Godinho, Brooklyn
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Godwich, Dominik
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Goel, Aryan
Willetton Senior High School

Goldsmith, Kayla
Fremantle College

Gomes, Natasha
Corpus Christi College

Gomez, Apryl
Lynwood Senior High School

Gonapinuwala, Dhinuk
Guildford Grammar School

Gonsalves, Tenielle
Chisholm Catholic College

Goodale, Sasha
St James' Anglican School

Goodall, Amelia
Iona Presentation College

Not For Publication
Como Secondary College

Gooding, Lachlan
Scotch College

Goodlet, Esther
John XXIII College

Goodridge, Jasmin
Mindarie Senior College

Goodwin, Ashton
Bunbury Senior High School

Goodwin, Scarlet
Iona Presentation College

Gordon, Archer
North Albany Senior High School

Gordon, James
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Gorgolis, Alexander
Hale School

Gorman, Thomas
Applecross Senior High School

Gosling, Ruby
Churchlands Senior High School

Gott, Riley
Trinity College

Gough, Ellie
Mindarie Senior College

Gough, Kalani
Denmark Senior High School

Gould-Lemmon, Eliza
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Gounder, Giriindra
Willetton Senior High School

Govender, Pavanasan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Granger, William
Bunbury Catholic College

Grant, Kailani
Nagle Catholic College

Grantham, Lara
Duncraig Senior High School

Gray, Lewis
All Saints' College

Gray, Nicholas
Sacred Heart College

Not For Publication
Carine Senior High School

Grbavac, Tess
Iona Presentation College

Greay, Adam
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Green, Ashanti
Melville Senior High School

Green, Gwendolyn
John Forrest Secondary College

Greenaway, Isaac
Christ Church Grammar School

Gregory, Alicia
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Greyling, Anè
Kalamunda Senior High School

Gribben, Samantha
John XXIII College

Not For Publication
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Griffiths, Adelle
Seton Catholic College

Griffiths, William
Woodvale Secondary College

Griggs, Erin
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Grocke, Kyla
Dianella Secondary College

Groocock, James
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Grose, Coen
CBC Fremantle

Grundlingh, Jurise
Eaton Community College

Guruge, Senomee
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Guy, Paige
Kennedy Baptist College

Guyton, Cassidy
Mandurah Catholic College

Gwynne, Mischa
Aranmore Catholic College

Hack, Saskia
Emmanuel Catholic College

Hackett, Niamh
Sacred Heart College

Hackett, Tess
John Curtin College of the Arts

Hadley, Teniel
St Luke's College

Hagon, Amelia
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Hailemichael, Meraf
Mercy College

Halberg, Leah
Perth College

Hales, Anouk
Sevenoaks Senior College

Hall, Jamie
Hale School

Hall, Summer
Halls Head College

Hall, Tarsuinn
Nagle Catholic College

Hallam, Benjamin
Applecross Senior High School

Halton, Lillie
Atwell College

Ham, Aidan
Wesley College

Hamilton, Austin
Aquinas College

Hamilton, Jack
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Hammond, Ashley
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Hammond, Cate
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Handoyo, Annamary
Rehoboth Christian College

Hansen-Knarhoi, Max
Christ Church Grammar School

Hanson, Lucie
Great Southern Grammar

Hararr, Sahejpreet Kaur
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Hardie, Olivia
Santa Maria College

Hardie, Rhys
Hale School

Harding, Taylah
Hampton Senior High School

Harish Perumal, Vinayaghem
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
Albany Senior High School

Harker, Milla
Collie Senior High School

Harries, Jasmine
Willetton Senior High School

Harris, Brooke
Emmanuel Catholic College

Harris, Kian
Darling Range Sports College

Harris, Phoebe
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Harris, Rachel
Greenwood College

Harris, Xavier
Hale School

Hart, Matthew
CBC Fremantle

Hart, Rory
Christ Church Grammar School

Hart-Berrick, Zyakah
Aranmore Catholic College

Hartcher, Sarah
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Hartstonge, Ethan
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Harvey, Imogen
Emmanuel Catholic College

Hassan, Hussein
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
Greenwood College

Hatchett, Sebastian
Mindarie Senior College

Hattingh, Adrian
Quinns Baptist College

Not For Publication
Helena College

Hatton, Jasper
Christ Church Grammar School

Hatzistavridi, Georgia
Chisholm Catholic College

Hawke, Joe
Great Southern Grammar

Hawkins, Caleb
Belmont City College

Hay, Tom
Christ Church Grammar School

Haye, Claire
Canning Vale College

Hayes, Benjamin
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Hayes, Charlotte
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Haylan, Che
Ashdale Secondary College

Hayles-Stenhouse, Amelie
Churchlands Senior High School

Hazeldine, Zoe
Penrhos College

Hazell, Laura
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Heald, Luke
Kelmscott Senior High School

Healy, Lucia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Hearn, Finley
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Hebble, Bonnie
John Curtin College of the Arts

Hedditch, Claire
Narrogin Senior High School

Helberg, Stefan
Hale School

Hemley, Chloe
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Hemy, Ashlee
Perth Modern School

Henderer, Katie
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Henderson, Emma
Denmark Senior High School

Henderson, Kate
Mandurah Catholic College

Henery, Lachlan
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Heng, Luca
Willetton Senior High School

Henley, Georgia
Sacred Heart College

Henstock, Evie
Prendiville Catholic College

Henwood, Mitchell
Scotch College

Henwood, Xavier
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Hewitt, Jed
Hale School

Hewitt, Tara
Shenton College

Hewson, Taj
Coastal Lakes College

Heyink, Emma
Margaret River Senior High School

Heyning, Adriaan
Christ Church Grammar School

Heyward, Meghan
Carey Baptist College Forrestdale

Hicks, Eleni
Shenton College

Higgins, Olivia
Great Southern Grammar

Hill, Chloe
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Hill, Dean
Bunbury Senior High School

Hill, Lucas
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Hill, Max
Canning Vale College

Hill, Olivia
Great Southern Grammar

Hill, Wakelin
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Hill-McNally, Kyle
Swan View Senior High School

Hills, Jacob
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Hillyard, Maximilian
Christ Church Grammar School

Hilton, Emma
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Hincks, Mitchell
Kennedy Baptist College

Hitihamu, Nethula
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Hmun, Kevin
Emmanuel Christian Community School

Ho, Cindy
Perth College

Ho, William
John Forrest Secondary College

Hoang, Nguyen
Willetton Senior High School

Hoarau, Clara
John Curtin College of the Arts

Hobbs, Frank
Living Waters Lutheran College

Hobbs, Lincoln
Christ Church Grammar School

Hogan, Christian
La Salle College

Hogan, Henry
Christ Church Grammar School

Hohl, Kaili
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Holdcroft, Evelyn
La Salle College

Holland, Nuala
Perth Modern School

Holland, Peter
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Holland, Sarah
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Hollingsworth, Callum
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Holmes, Aimee
Lakeland Senior High School

Holmes, Ella
Shenton College

Holobotovskyy, Victoria
Emmanuel Christian Community School

Holohan, Oscar
CBC Fremantle

Holyoake, Sunissa
Kennedy Baptist College

Hone, Julian
Applecross Senior High School

Hooper, Adam
Perth Modern School

Hope, Lucy
Bunbury Senior High School

Hopewell, Mackenzie
Lumen Christi College

Hopkins, Jed
John XXIII College

Horak, Paige
Penrhos College

Horgan, Violet
Perth College

Horsfall, Jorja
Bunbury Senior High School

Horsfield, Nieve
Comet Bay College

Horton, Angus
CBC Fremantle

Horton, George
Shenton College

Hosking, Owen
Wesley College

Hosur Sridharaswamy, Hruthvik
Chisholm Catholic College

House, Digby
Hale School

Howard, Angelina
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Howard, Emily
Santa Maria College

Not For Publication
Rehoboth Christian College

Howard, Rosie
Mindarie Senior College

Howard, Sienna
Iona Presentation College

Hua, Jessica
Morley Senior High School

Hubble, Alice
Iona Presentation College

Huckson, Zoey
Shenton College

Huggett, Emma
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Hughes, Anja
St Brigid's College

Hughes, Anthony
Scotch College

Hughes, Charlie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Hughes, Laura
Leeming Senior High School

Hughes, Verity
Perth Modern School

Hui, Rainier
Applecross Senior High School

Huizinga, Kiera
John Calvin Christian College

Humphreys, Niamh
Prendiville Catholic College

Hunt, Amy
Bunbury Catholic College

Hunter, Akira
Rehoboth Christian College

Hunter, Amy
Bunbury Catholic College

Hunter, Elijah
Rehoboth Christian College

Hurba, Isabel
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Hurworth, Helena
Guildford Grammar School

Hussey, Molly
Santa Maria College

Hutchison, Ciaran
Duncraig Senior High School

Huth, Christopher
Applecross Senior High School

Hutton, Ellyse
Churchlands Senior High School

Huynh, Ella
Willetton Senior High School

Huynh, Thi Thuy Tien
Lumen Christi College

Hwang, Junsung
Perth Modern School

Hyde, Sarah
John Curtin College of the Arts

Iacono, Orlando
Aquinas College

Iannolo, Monaye
John Forrest Secondary College

Not For Publication
Foundation Christian College

Ilandarage, Sethumi
Harrisdale Senior High School

Ilic, Elena
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Illangasinghe, Dinali
Willetton Senior High School

Inamdar, Shardul
Perth Modern School

Infirri, Eva
Newman College

Inglis, Spencer
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Not For Publication
Yanchep Secondary College

Ingrey, Sara
Busselton Senior High School

Inocencio, Chelsea Yzobel
St Norbert College

Intrada, Emma
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Not For Publication
Mandurah Baptist College

Iqbal, Yahyaa Usman
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Ireland, Meg
John Forrest Secondary College

Irons, Stephanie
Willetton Senior High School

Irwin, Natalie
Prendiville Catholic College

Ismadiyanti, Siti
Lynwood Senior High School

Italiano, Anthony
Ashdale Secondary College

Not For Publication
Cape Naturaliste College

Jackson, Reagan
La Salle College

Jackson, Samuel
Great Southern Grammar

Jacob, Paige
Kelmscott Senior High School

Jacob, Tyson
Kearnan College

Jacobs, David
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Jacobson, Amelia
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Jacquin, Noah
Mindarie Senior College

Jain, Aarna
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Margaret River Senior High School

James, Olivia
Mandurah Catholic College

James, Talesha
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Harvey

Jamieson, Maisie
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Jansen, Verity
Chisholm Catholic College

Jarman, Katherine
St Mary MacKillop College

Jarvis, Tom
Wesley College

Jauncey, Sahara
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Jayawardhana, Hamesh
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Jeayes, Lauren
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Jee, Hannah
Perth Modern School

Jeelaga, Lakshmideep
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Jefferies, Isaac
Duncraig Senior High School

Jeffs, Jasmine
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Jenkins, Laila
Mundaring Christian College

Jenkins, Lia
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Jenner, Madelyn
Mater Dei College

Jensen, Ella
Ridge View Secondary College

Jesani, Khiran
Ashdale Secondary College

Jespersen, Adam
Hale School

Jethva, Jay
Churchlands Senior High School

Jeyageethan, Rangana
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Jian, Rongrong
Thornlie Senior High School

Jiang, Alex
Hale School

Jijo, Merlyn
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Jin, Song-en
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Johari, Keane
Aveley Secondary College

John, Lexie
Carey Baptist College Forrestdale

Johns, Ali
Guildford Grammar School

Johnson, Amy
Emmanuel Catholic College

Johnson, Joshua
Willetton Senior High School

Johnson, Lachlan
Kennedy Baptist College

Johnson, Layla
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Johnson, Rachel
Kennedy Baptist College

Johnson, Shane
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Johnston, Darcy
Sacred Heart College

Johnston, Lisinda
Mercedes College

Johnston, Millicent
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Johnston, Poppy
Cape Naturaliste College

Johnston, Tomaizena
Atwell College

Jolin, Leslie
Ashdale Secondary College

Jones, Charlee
Tranby College

Jones, Che
Shenton College

Jones, Chloe
Swan View Senior High School

Jones, Jamie
Mundaring Christian College

Jones, Kiara
Kearnan College

Jones, Leeselle
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Jones, Lily
Applecross Senior High School

Jones, Sophia
Iona Presentation College

Jones, Zachary
Albany Senior High School

Jones-Webb, Riley
Fremantle College

Jordan, Lara
Penrhos College

Jorge, Ciela
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Jose Augustine, Adith
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Joseph, Isabell
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Joubert, Sienna
Kingsway Christian College

Jovic, Kate
Margaret River Senior High School

Judge, Jahaan
Scotch College

Jung, Yuchan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Kaban, Jenna
Applecross Senior High School

Kachappilly, Merin
Willetton Senior High School

Kago, Marley
St Norbert College

Kahane, Addison
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Kallam, Vinitha
Canning Vale College

Kamei, Yuzu
Mundaring Christian College

Kammerer, Tahlia
Mandurah Catholic College

Kanawati, Faris
Atwell College

Kane, Jasmine
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Kang, Xin Yue
Willetton Senior High School

Kapoor, Tanisha
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Kapp, Philippa
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Karasawa, Anna
Shenton College

Kariuki, Amani
Perth Modern School

Kartadinata, Declan
Corpus Christi College

Kasdorf, Elise
Mercedes College

Kaur, Harkirat
Perth Modern School

Kaur, Jasleen
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Kavanagh-Shorter, Maia
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Kawaz, Naomi
Carmel School

Keane, Chelsea
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Kearney, Fraser
All Saints' College

Keays, Archer
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Keefe, Tessa
St James' Anglican School

Keegan-Rodgers, Hannah
Mindarie Senior College

Keen, Veronica
John Forrest Secondary College

Keep, Layla
Southern River College

Keet, Jeandre
Swan Christian College

Kegg, Joshua
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Keller, Estelle
Newman College

Kelly, Declan
Mater Dei College

Kelly, Emilia
Iona Presentation College

Kelly, Georgia
Santa Maria College

Kelly, Isabel
Ashdale Secondary College

Kelly, Loki
Hale School

Kelly, Lucas
Aranmore Catholic College

Not For Publication
Warwick Senior High School

Kelso, Ruby
Perth College

Kennedy, Charly
Governor Stirling Senior High School

Kennedy, Cushla
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Kennington, Ruby
John Curtin College of the Arts

Kent, Victoria
Prendiville Catholic College

Keogh, Charlotte
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Ker, Charmaine
Perth College

Kerbel, Jacob
Carmel School

Kereopa, Ryder
St James' Anglican School

Kerlin, Priya
Churchlands Senior High School

Kessell, Madison
Mercedes College

Key, Jayda
Duncraig Senior High School

Not For Publication
Kiara College

Khanna, Aaryan
Hale School

Khasanova, Amina
Methodist Ladies' College

Khatri, Yuvraj
Carine Senior High School

Khehra, Roozal
Canning Vale College

Khoo, Megan
Perth College

Khurram, Adam
Southern River College

Kiehne, Zander
Kelmscott Senior High School

Killigrew, Noah
Trinity College

Killoh, Amy
Harrisdale Senior High School

Kilpatrick, Grace
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Kim, Zechariah
John Calvin Christian College

King, Lachlan
Christ Church Grammar School

Kiriyanthan, Ryan
Harrisdale Senior High School

Kirk, Lillith
Aveley Secondary College

Kirkaldy, Tess
Shenton College

Kiss, Dakota
Penrhos College

Kitcher, Araminta
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Kitson, Tahlia
Iona Presentation College

Klingberg, Josie
Iona Presentation College

Kluczniak, Antonie
Living Waters Lutheran College

Knapp, Joel
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Knoote, Katerina
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Knowles, Cameron
Applecross Senior High School

Koay, Mia
Applecross Senior High School

Koch, Hunter
Halls Head College

Kok, Fiona
Perth College

Kolker, Giordana
St Brigid's College

Koneswaran, Thushara
Churchlands Senior High School

Koo, Angeline
Canning Vale College

Korzec, Lauren
Churchlands Senior High School

Kosky, Benjamin
Shenton College

Koteswaran, Latika
Willetton Senior High School

Kowald, Jed
Wesley College

Kozakai, Kai
Rossmoyne Senior High School

K'Pru Nay Mu, -
Kelmscott Senior High School

Kraft, Lauren
Belmont City College

Krieser, Jordan
CBC Fremantle

Kruger, Clara
Applecross Senior High School

Kucera, Leon
John Curtin College of the Arts

Kuckelkorn, Leah
Kalamunda Senior High School

Kuenen, Nait
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Kurniadi, Roman
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Kwek, Emma
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Hampton Senior High School

Lai, Cristal
Perth College

Lai, Joshua
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lai, Nicholas
Perth Modern School

Laing, Chloe
Mundaring Christian College

Lambert, Louie
Holy Cross College

Lambrecht, Mitchell
Hale School

Lammerts Van Bueren, Tessa
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Lamond, Torin
CBC Fremantle

Landers, Olivia
Swan View Senior High School

Landsborough, Finn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lane, Liam
Christ Church Grammar School

Lang, Harry
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Lang, Ruby
Churchlands Senior High School

Lantzke, Ella
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Lauder, Ari
John Curtin College of the Arts

Laws, Reece
Shenton College

Layco, Karl
Divine Mercy College

Layman, Tyler
Kennedy Baptist College

Lazakovic, Ella
Kolbe Catholic College

Lazaro, Kris Alvinz
Divine Mercy College

Le, Lava
Mercy College

Le, Owen Minh Tam
Perth Modern School

Le Coultre, Suzanne
Kingsway Christian College

Ledger, Chloe
Shenton College

Ledsey, Franziene
Kelmscott Senior High School

Lee, Jonah
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Lee, Jonathan
Perth Modern School

Lee, Josie
Mandurah Baptist College

Not For Publication
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Lee, Rachel
Perth College

Lee, Saya
Perth Modern School

Leeder, Noah
Manea Senior College

Lee-Steere, Charis
Esperance Anglican Community School

Leighton, Jasmine
Santa Maria College

Leo, Khee Jee Amy
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Leo, Marlynn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Leonard-Kelly, Tully
Perth Modern School

Leong, Lauren
Applecross Senior High School

Leong, Rui
Morley Senior High School

Leong, Ryan Ngee Foong
Perth Modern School

Lerno, Zafirah
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Letch-Avenell, Indiana
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Levy, Finn
Sacred Heart College

Levy, Mia
Carmel School

Lewis, Charlie
Wesley College

Lewis, Josephine
Shenton College

Not For Publication
Como Secondary College

Not For Publication
Yanchep Secondary College

Li, Royce
All Saints' College

Li, Xinzhu
Willetton Senior High School

Liebenberg, Alby
Wesley College

Liesis, Jade
Prendiville Catholic College

Liew, Aidan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Liew, Syun
Willetton Senior High School

Lillicrap, Nathan
Bethel Christian School

Lim, Coen
Kennedy Baptist College

Lim, Evelyn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lim, Jiajing
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lim, Kallysta
Santa Maria College

Lim, Mandy
Willetton Senior High School

Lim, Richard
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Lim, Sebastian
Harrisdale Senior High School

Lin, William
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lin, Yan Yee
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Linden, Iris
Penrhos College

Lindsell, Jonah
Trinity College

Ling, Angela
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Linto, Lucas
Aranmore Catholic College

Lipari, Jade
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Lippiatt, Isobel
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Little, Matilda
St Mary MacKillop College

Liu, Ray
Perth Modern School

Liveris, Keira
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Lloyd, Keilarni
North Albany Senior High School

Lobo, Jasmine Joy
Kiara College

Lochore, Benjamin
Perth Modern School

Not For Publication
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Lockyer, Isabella
Sacred Heart College

Lomma, Veronique
Santa Maria College

Long, Chloe
Shenton College

Lonnon, Bronte
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Lord, Chester
Churchlands Senior High School

Lori, Dannielle
Lumen Christi College

Lou, Pak Kei
Corpus Christi College

Loughnan, Julian
Newman College

Love, Tabitha
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Lovell, Cohen
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Lovelock, Bronte
La Salle College

Loxton, Jack
Australind Senior High School

Lu, Mikki
Willetton Senior High School

Lubis, Aqila Azziliano Farrel
Melville Senior High School

Lucas, Annabel
St James' Anglican School

Lucas, Anton
Shenton College

Ludlow, Joshua
Swan Christian College

Ludwig, Max
Shenton College

Luna, Amelie
Chisholm Catholic College

Luxton, Hugo
Hale School

Ly, Patrick
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Lycho, Elise
Chisholm Catholic College

Lydeamore, Annabelle
Great Southern Grammar

Lydon, Dashiell
Shenton College

Lye-Cull, Aurelia
Applecross Senior High School

Lynch, Ciara
Sacred Heart College

Lynch, James
John Curtin College of the Arts

Ma, Lisa
Emmanuel Catholic College

Ma, Tammi
Chisholm Catholic College

Macdonald, Isla
Shenton College

Macfarlane, Sarah
John XXIII College

Macgregor, Jackson
Darling Range Sports College

Not For Publication
Prendiville Catholic College

Maclennan, Kendra
Methodist Ladies' College

Macneall, Daniel
Carine Senior High School

Madigasekara, Nirmali
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Magno, Dustine
Kolbe Catholic College

Mahajan, Rahul
Applecross Senior High School

Maharaul, Hrishikeshsinh
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Mahinay, Dexi
St Joseph's College

Mahmood, Haid
Shenton College

Mairata, Lily
Carine Senior High School

Makin, Daniel
Shenton College

Maksura, Wasima
Governor Stirling Senior High School

Not For Publication
Kingsway Christian College

Malcolm, Gemma
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Male, Ymogen
Shenton College

Malik, Wania
Kelmscott Senior High School

Mallinder, Ellie
Mandurah Catholic College

Malone, Hayden
Northshore Christian Grammar School

Mammoliti, Samarah
Newman College

Manios, Nikoletta
Swan Christian College

Manivelan, Gayatrri
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
Fremantle College

Mann, Hayley
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Manning, Joshua
Kennedy Baptist College

Manning, Madison
Mindarie Senior College

Mansouri, Nila
Willetton Senior High School

Manuel, Elana
Churchlands Senior High School

Not For Publication
Newman College

Marchetti, Tahnee
Mandurah Catholic College

Al-Ameen College

Margono, Joshua
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Mariano, Mary
Warwick Senior High School

Marinko, Isobel
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Maroni, Charli
Chisholm Catholic College

Marr, Mia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Marra, Innocenzo
Hale School

Marramiero, Milan
Servite College

Marshall, Drew
Corpus Christi College

Not For Publication
Atwell College

Marston, Josephine
Hope Christian College

Martin, Adison
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Martin, Blake
Kent Street Senior High School

Martin, Katherine
Perth Modern School

Martin, Macy
John XXIII College

Not For Publication
Trinity College

Not For Publication
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Masihtehrani, Elena
Churchlands Senior High School

Maslen, Asha
Duncraig Senior High School

Mason, Chenoa
Sacred Heart College

Not For Publication
Willetton Senior High School

Master, Mithrem
Swan Christian College

Masters, Rhys
Sacred Heart College

Mata, Chloe Mia
Kolbe Catholic College

Materia, Ava
Shenton College

Math, Claudia
Willetton Senior High School

Mather, Ciara
Swan Christian College

Matthews, Ella
Seton Catholic College

Matthews, Esther
Governor Stirling Senior High School

Matuszkiewicz, Benjamin
Trinity College

Maudgill, Nimrat
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Maund, Gabriel
Aquinas College

Mavrick, Charles
Aquinas College

Maxted, Poppy
Presbyterian Ladies' College

May, Jack
Cape Naturaliste College

May, Sophie
Ashdale Secondary College

Mayaluri, Naga
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Mayne, Evan
Aquinas College

Not For Publication
John Paul College

Mays, Chaenna
Willetton Senior High School

Mazandarani, Ruby
John Curtin College of the Arts

McAfee, Ella
Sacred Heart College

McAllen, Cassandra
Fremantle College

McArdle, Julia
Grace Christian School

McAuliffe, Emily
Presbyterian Ladies' College

McAullay, Jacob
Shenton College

McBride, Elizabeth
Helena College

McClymont, Amberly
Cape Naturaliste College

McCrae, Gracie
John XXIII College

McCready, Molly
Woodvale Secondary College

McDonald, Jessica
Shenton College

McDonald, Joni
Presbyterian Ladies' College

McDonnell, Juliana
Coastal Lakes College

McDowell, Noah
Melville Senior High School

McEniry, Daniel
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

McEntyre, Luke
Halls Head College

McFerran, Michael
Corpus Christi College

McGaffin, Leah
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

McGeown, Roisin
St Mary MacKillop College

McGill, Claire
Swan Christian College

McGill, Preston
Manea Senior College

McGlone, Bethany
Mindarie Senior College

McGoldrick, Aisling
John XXIII College

McIntosh, Mischa
Methodist Ladies' College

McKay, Ari
CBC Fremantle

McKay, Mischa
Mandurah Catholic College

McKenzie, Addison
Mandurah Catholic College

McKie, Marcus
Scotch College

McKissock, Chloe-Monique
Seton Catholic College

McLeod, Isaiah
St Joseph's College

McLernon, Luke
John XXIII College

McMillan, Erin
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

McMillan, Max
Sevenoaks Senior College

McNeil, Grace
John Forrest Secondary College

McNelis, Jamie
John Curtin College of the Arts

McPherson, Alex
Methodist Ladies' College

McQuire, Stella
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

McVeigh, Scarlett
All Saints' College

Mead, Sienna
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Meakin, Jennifer
Willetton Senior High School

Mee, Louisa
Mercedes College

Meerton, Kieran
Emmanuel Catholic College

Mehta, Aan
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Mehta, Parisa
Governor Stirling Senior High School

Melville, Daniel
John Curtin College of the Arts

Mendham, Kathryn
Greenwood College

Mendis, Dineth
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Not For Publication
Scotch College

Merton, Isabelle
South Coast Baptist College

Messer, Siena
Methodist Ladies' College

Messercola, Georgia
Santa Maria College

Mestrovic, Damon
Kolbe Catholic College

Mettam, Tayla
Swan Christian College

Mews, Rose
Carine Senior High School

Meyer, Maximillian
Shenton College

Meyer, Thomas
Christ Church Grammar School

Meynell, Sofia
Kolbe Catholic College

Mienie, Ethan
Grace Christian School

Mihaljevic, Antonio
CBC Fremantle

Miles, Grace
Melville Senior High School

Not For Publication
Safety Bay Senior High School

Milford, Owen
Bunbury Senior High School

Miller, Daniel
Trinity College

Miller, Inez
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Miller, Luis
Byford Secondary College

Miller, Non
Carine Senior High School

Millington, Caitlin
Sacred Heart College

Mills, Chloe
St Brigid's College

Mills, Toby
Eastern Hills Senior High School

Minorgan, Caitlin
Kennedy Baptist College

Not For Publication
Canning Vale College

Misamen, Janaiah Eunice
Perth Modern School

Mithen, Jackson
CBC Fremantle

Moala, Olivia
Sacred Heart College

Moen, Annabel
Carmel School

Moghimizadeh, Behrooz
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Mohammad Amani, Oktay
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Mohammadi Rad, Arad
Bunbury Senior High School

Mohasi, Rohan
Mindarie Senior College

Mohd Ibrahim, Nur
Melville Senior High School

Not For Publication
Albany Senior High School

Moloney, James
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Molony, Emily
Santa Maria College

Monaco, Bianca
Santa Maria College

Moncur, Caitlin
John Curtin College of the Arts

Monks, Nova
Broome Senior High School

Monsoon, Clancy
CBC Fremantle

Not For Publication
Willetton Senior High School

Monterosso, Cara
Iona Presentation College

Montini, Angelina
South Coast Baptist College

Moodelly, Riyanna
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Moolman, Nadia
Kent Street Senior High School

Not For Publication
Churchlands Senior High School

Moore, Laura
John XXIII College

Moore, Olivia
Mercedes College

Not For Publication
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Morgan, Dusty
Geraldton Grammar School

Morgan, Renee
Kennedy Baptist College

Morgan-Harvey, Neria
Bunbury Senior High School

Morkell, Anna
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Morley, Harriet
Kennedy Baptist College

Moroz, Layla
Iona Presentation College

Morphett, Jonathon
John XXIII College

Morris, Rose
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Morris, Tommy
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Morrison, Isaac
Fremantle College

Morrison, Lily
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Morrison, Lucy
Applecross Senior High School

Mossman, Madison
St Brigid's College

Moulds, Finola
Nagle Catholic College

Mounsey, Shayanne
Dalyellup College

Moxey, Joshua
Hale School

Moyle, Austin
Mercy College

Muggeridge, Brady
Atwell College

Muir, Kate
Santa Maria College

Mazenod College

Mullaley, Paige
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Muller, Lewis
Carine Senior High School

Mullings, Lucas
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Mulvey, Taig
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Munro, Stephanie
Methodist Ladies' College

Not For Publication
Byford Secondary College

Not For Publication
Melville Senior High School

Murad, Ilsa
Carine Senior High School

Murfin, Jack
Swan Christian College

Murison, Isabelle
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Muriuki, Imani-Marie
La Salle College

Murphy, Amelia
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Murphy, Kye
Carine Senior High School

Murphy, Olina
John Curtin College of the Arts

Murphy, Soma
Margaret River Senior High School

Murray, Ashley
Morley Senior High School

Murray, Elise
Karratha Senior High School

Murray, Emily
Como Secondary College

Murton, Quinn
Broome Senior High School

Muruga Raj, Jissnu
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Music, Haris
John Forrest Secondary College

Muthumuni Arachchige, Nilani
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Mwisongo, Asante
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Nadkarni, Akshay
Christ Church Grammar School

Nagar, Dhruv
Melville Senior High School

Nagel, Ivan
Rehoboth Christian College

Naismith, Jasmine
John XXIII College

Naismith, William
Trinity College

Nalder, Emma
Willetton Senior High School

Namdin, Kezia
Perth Modern School

Nancarrow, Lucy
St Norbert College

Napoli, Luca
Mater Dei College

Narula, Niyati
John Forrest Secondary College

Nathan, Heloise
Newman College

Navaneethakrishnan, Nanthana
Lumen Christi College

Navarrete, Diego
Atwell College

Navarro, Shannen Mae
Kiara College

Nayda, Matthew
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Neesham, Elliott
CBC Fremantle

Neesham, Jamie
CBC Fremantle

Neill, Annika
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Neill, Jaxon
Aquinas College

Nel, Riley
Aquinas College

Nelson, Logan
Mindarie Senior College

Nelthorpe, Aya
Methodist Ladies' College

Nelze, Georgy
Shenton College

Neppe, Danielle
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Neveri, Botond
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Newbegin, Georgia
Applecross Senior High School

Not For Publication
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Ngan, Damien
Hale School

Ngo, Raymond
Leeming Senior High School

Nguyen, Aidan
Perth Modern School

Nguyen, Anh
Mercy College

Nguyen, Brian
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Nguyen, Dylan
Wesley College

Nguyen, Ha An
Sevenoaks Senior College

Nguyen, Hai Minh
Perth Modern School

Nguyen, Huu Nhat Nam
Mercy College

Nguyen, Long
Perth Modern School

Nguyen, Phoebe
Ashdale Secondary College

Nguyen, Rooney
Chisholm Catholic College

Nguyen, Terry
Chisholm Catholic College

Nguyen, Tiana
Ashdale Secondary College

Nguyet, Kate
Morley Senior High School

Ni Shiochain, Bronwyn
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Nicholas, Josiah
Duncraig Senior High School

Nicholas, Kasey
Prendiville Catholic College

Nicholls, Maya
Santa Maria College

Nicholson, Ava
John Curtin College of the Arts

Nicholson, May
Shenton College

Nieves, Anthony Lance
Morley Senior High School

Nijo, Irene
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Nikolov, Lauren
Duncraig Senior High School

Nikolovski, Megan
Servite College

Nishi, Nayonika
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Nixon, Rose
Lumen Christi College

Noble, Matilda
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Nolan, Alana
St James' Anglican School

Nolan, Alison
Sacred Heart College

Nolan, Lucinda
Santa Maria College

Nolan, Saraya
Butler College

Nolasco, Chelsea Ais
Emmanuel Christian Community School

Noonan, Jet
All Saints' College

Nordhoff, Xavier
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Norman, Sean
Perth Modern School

Norman, Selina
Rehoboth Christian College

Norman, William
Trinity College

Norris, Tayla
Prendiville Catholic College

North, Olivia
Great Southern Grammar

Not For Publication
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Nyanzu-Young, Kabenla
Eastern Goldfields College

Nygren, Hannah
Nagle Catholic College

Nymann, Emma
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Oakley, Georgia
Shenton College

Oakley, Olivia
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

O'Brien, Lucas
Applecross Senior High School

O'Connell, Meaghan
Helena College

O'Connor, Annie
Australind Senior High School

Not For Publication
Yanchep Secondary College

Oddy, Alissa
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

O'Donnell, Ethan
Ashdale Secondary College

Not For Publication
Churchlands Senior High School

Odorisio, Sienna
Perth College

Oh, Dawon
Kolbe Catholic College

Not For Publication
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Okazaki, Sho
Perth Modern School

Oldfield, Jesse
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

Oliver, Charles
Morley Senior High School

Olney, Amber
Penrhos College

O'Meara, Lily
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Omelchuk, Ivan
Applecross Senior High School

O'Neill, Finn
Hale School

O'Neill, Grace
Halls Head College

O'Neill, Michael
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Ong, Celine
Kingsway Christian College

Ong, Daylan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ong, Jezlyn
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Ong, Ruthie
All Saints' College

Ooi, Aaron
All Saints' College

Ooi, Krystal
Applecross Senior High School

Oon, Ewen
Baldivis Secondary College

O'Reilly, Evie
Guildford Grammar School

Ormsby, Jeremy
Comet Bay College

O'Rourke, Reuben
Australian Christian College - Southlands

Orr, Kimberley
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Orsini, Jada
Carine Senior High School

Ortega Olate, Francisco
Kolbe Catholic College

Ortiz Jaramillo, Tomas
Mater Dei College

Orton, Jasmine
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Osborne, Chloe
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Oskarsson, Soley
Duncraig Senior High School

Osterberg, Hayden
Willetton Senior High School

O'Sullivan, Isabel
Sacred Heart College

O'Toole, Hayley
Mindarie Senior College

Otto, Harry
Hale School

Ottone, Sofia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Oversby, Hannah
Corpus Christi College

Overton, Sarah
Willetton Senior High School

Owen, Isabel
St Brigid's College

Owens, Shaylah
Applecross Senior High School

Oxley, Tayte
Willetton Senior High School

Oyeniyi, Samuel
Christ Church Grammar School

Ozaraga, Hannah
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Pachioli, Kato
Trinity College

Paila, Kalliopi
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Pal, Eshaly
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Palmer, Eloise
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Palmer, Eloise
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Palmer, Tanesha
Ballajura Community College

Pamarthy Rao, Kalyani
Southern River College

Panashe, Cheryl
Kingsway Christian College

Pandey, Arya
Perth Modern School

Panegyres, Liam
Hale School

Not For Publication
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Papantoniou, Eva
John XXIII College

Parimi, Siva Sasank
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Park, Juneyong
Perth Modern School

Parker, Abbey
All Saints' College

Parker, Alisha
Swan Christian College

Parker, Charlie
Scotch College

Not For Publication
Newman College

Parker, Sophie
Santa Maria College

Parlongo, Marc
Chisholm Catholic College

Parmeshwar, Naimish
Canning Vale College

Parry, Grace
Iona Presentation College

Parry, Noah
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Partington, Ky
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Partridge, Caitlin
John Curtin College of the Arts

Partridge, Evie
Mercedes College

Pascoe, Riley
Ballajura Community College

Patel, Dhvani
Emmanuel Catholic College

Patel, Kashvi
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Patel, Kathan
Shenton College

Patel, Nishi
Perth Modern School

Patel, Pranjal
Churchlands Senior High School

Patel, Pruthvi
Ashdale Secondary College

Paterson, Emily
Applecross Senior High School

Paterson, Esther
Perth Modern School

Paterson, Grier
Melville Senior High School

Paterson, Kinley
Melville Senior High School

Paterson, Liam
Manea Senior College

Paton, Bethany
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Patterson, Mikayla
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Paul, Alen
Kelmscott Senior High School

Pavey, Rebecca
Santa Maria College

Peady, Bridie
Sacred Heart College

Pearse, Denham
Applecross Senior High School

Pearson, Ella
Carmel Adventist College

Pearson, Sierra
Wanneroo Secondary College

Not For Publication
Churchlands Senior High School

Pelpola, Veedhi
Willetton Senior High School

Pempengco, Anne Michelle
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Penberthy, Milla
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Peng, Yuxin
Applecross Senior High School

Penrose, Bill
John XXIII College

Pens, Oliver
Australian Christian College - Southlands

Pepper, Caitlin
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Perera, Handunge Don Yasith
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Perger, Nicholas
Wesley College

Perkins, Cassandra
Prendiville Catholic College

Perpitch, Alia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Perrozzi, Isabella
La Salle College

Perry, Asha
Shenton College

Perry, Devan
Cape Naturaliste College

Peters, Peter
Baldivis Secondary College

Peters, Peters
Baldivis Secondary College

Peters, Zoe
Chisholm Catholic College

Peterson, Emma
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Peterson, Lexi
Santa Maria College

Petherwick, Jaya
Shenton College

Pethick, Alfie
Christ Church Grammar School

Petrie, Lily
John Curtin College of the Arts

Petrou, Alexandria
Perth Modern School

Peuchot, Ellie
School of Isolated and Distance Education

Pezzano, Jordana
Penrhos College

Pforr, Leah
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Pham, Emma
Chisholm Catholic College

Pham, Nam
Mercy College

Pham, Toan
Servite College

Phan, Kayla
Atwell College

Phan, Naaman
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Phang, Owen
Churchlands Senior High School

Phillips, Jai
Emmanuel Catholic College

Not For Publication
Manjimup Senior High School

Phillips, Ruby
Iona Presentation College

Phoea, Jesse
Corpus Christi College

Phoea, Noel
Corpus Christi College

Piaccia, Allegra
Iona Presentation College

Picciolo, Ella
Mercedes College

Pieri, Ruby
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Piestrzeniewicz, Paige
Emmanuel Christian Community School

Pietroniro, Joshua
St Norbert College

Pik, Wade
Comet Bay College

Pike, Sienna
Our Lady of Mercy College

Pilkington, Michael
Carine Senior High School

Pillera, Elaria
Chisholm Catholic College

Pillinger, Liv
Iona Presentation College

Pilmer, Kyra
Belmont City College

PILOT, Ethan
Mazenod College

Pincus, Julian
Chisholm Catholic College

Pismiris, Alexandra
Ashdale Secondary College

Pitchen, Giorgina
Applecross Senior High School

Pittman, Emma
Guildford Grammar School

Piwowarek, Annika
Sacred Heart College

Not For Publication
John XXIII College

Plant, Olivia
Canning Vale College

Playford, Natasha
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Plowman, Millie
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Plug, Hamish
North Albany Senior High School

Pobke, Clarice
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Podmore, Ruby
Duncraig Senior High School

Pogson, Chloe
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Poh, George
John Forrest Secondary College

Polimeno, Noah
Seton Catholic College

Pollen, Emily
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Poole, Hollie
Shenton College

Not For Publication
Chisholm Catholic College

Popham, Ella
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Popovic, Ana
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Poppe, Timothy
John Calvin Christian College

Porritt, Bree
Mindarie Senior College

Porter, Angus
Governor Stirling Senior High School

Porter, Emily-Rose
Cyril Jackson Senior Campus

Porteus, Joshua
Carine Senior High School

Portillo, Alex
Applecross Senior High School

Post, Chloe
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Potutan, Jann Mikaela
Belmont City College

Poulinet, Evie
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Not For Publication
Leeming Senior High School

Pover, Kiara
Dalyellup College

Powell, Ashleigh
Willetton Senior High School

Powell, Lucinda
Grace Christian School

Power, Isaac
St Luke's College

Prabhu, Sudiksha
Lumen Christi College

Prasil, Lukas
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Predovnik, Allura
Duncraig Senior High School

Preedy, Lilanie
Bunbury Senior High School

Prendiville, Austin
Scotch College

Prescott, Ela
Baldivis Secondary College

Preston, Lucas
John XXIII College

Preston, Noah
CBC Fremantle

Price, Ella
Woodvale Secondary College

Price, Lotte
Shenton College

Pride, Kathryn
Perth College

Prince, Edvin
Corpus Christi College

Pring, Grace
Kent Street Senior High School

Pronk, Joshua
Belridge Secondary College

Properjohn, Allysa
Santa Maria College

Prosser, Jasmin
Willetton Senior High School

Puccio, Peyton
Manea Senior College

Pugalendhi, Nanthini
Canning Vale College

Puiu, Carla
Sacred Heart College

Punchihewa, Senuthi
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Purcell, Georgie
Hampton Senior High School

Purcell, Leah
Iona Presentation College

Purser, Rory
Scotch College

Pushpanathan, Charlotte
Churchlands Senior High School

Puthumana, Elizabeth
Corpus Christi College

Putland, Amelie
Iona Presentation College

Putri, Syafina Naura
Belmont City College

Puttagunta, Srithan
Trinity College

Pyne, Zanna
Methodist Ladies' College

Qiu, Yu
Perth Modern School

Quartermaine, Allyra
Morley Senior High School

Queiros, Ava
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Quick, Lily
Great Southern Grammar

Quigley, Ruby
Penrhos College

Quinn, Emma
Woodvale Secondary College

Quinn, Mary-June
Applecross Senior High School

Rabeling, Gypsi
John XXIII College

Raddon, Darby
Helena College

Radegonde, Ellynie
Coastal Lakes College

Radford, Shem
Rehoboth Christian College

Rahimi, Hanifa
Morley Senior High School

Rahman, Alfi Nur
Willetton Senior High School

Raine, Zachariah
Shenton College

Rajagopalan, Ariana
Merredin College

Rajakaruna, Declan
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Ramachandran, Shama-Maria
Willetton Senior High School

Ramaprasad, Ruhi
Shenton College

Ramos, Emmanuel
Manea Senior College

Ramos, Riley
Kolbe Catholic College

Ramsay, Ashlin
Willetton Senior High School

Ramsden, Thomas
Swan Christian College

Ranamuka Kankanamalage, Poojani
Perth Modern School

Randall, Morgan
Kingsway Christian College

Ranjbar, Nooria
Mercedes College

Not For Publication
Providence Christian College

Rankin, Jodie
All Saints' College

Ransley, Chloe
Margaret River Senior High School

Ranson, Lucy
Applecross Senior High School

Rapoff, Montana
Newman College

Ratneswaran, Dilaksan
Aranmore Catholic College

Rattenbury, Liya
John Curtin College of the Arts

Ravi, Aaron
All Saints' College

Rawling, Laney
Ashdale Secondary College

Rawlings, Frauke
Nagle Catholic College

Ray, Lincoln
Pinjarra Senior High School

Rayner, Paige
Halls Head College

Razif, Eyshan
Leeming Senior High School

Rea, Áine
John Curtin College of the Arts

Rechichi, Renton
Willetton Senior High School

Reed, Willa
John XXIII College

Reed-Baynes, Jasmyn
Cape Naturaliste College

Not For Publication
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Regnault, Shantè
Swan View Senior High School

Reichardt, Neve
Duncraig Senior High School

Reid, Fionn
Churchlands Senior High School

Reid, Olive
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Reid, Olivia
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Reid, Summer
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Reidy, Malachy
Shenton College

Reilly, Sienna
Leeming Senior High School

Reimers, Finlay
Carine Senior High School

Rennick, Simon
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Renouf, James
Christ Church Grammar School

Renton, William
CBC Fremantle

Repacholi, Savannah
Applecross Senior High School

Reynolds, Violet
St Mary MacKillop College

Rezagholilou, Rezvaneh
Shenton College

Rezkalla, Michael
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Rhodes, Bree
Willetton Senior High School

Rice, Benjamin
Halls Head College

Richards, Layla
Churchlands Senior High School

Richards, Livinia
John Curtin College of the Arts

Richardson, Amelie
South Coast Baptist College

Richardson, Ethan
Kennedy Baptist College

Riches, Callum
Carine Senior High School

Richings, Matilda
Applecross Senior High School

Rickarby, Teah
Methodist Ladies' College

Rickard, Neve
Iona Presentation College

Ricupero, Alessia
Lumen Christi College

Ridge, Jade
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Rigby, Gracie
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Riley, Lucas
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Rimal, Devashree
Perth College

Rintoul, Olivia
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Ristovsky, Andre
Christ Church Grammar School

Ro, Kayla
Santa Maria College

Robbie, Annika
Methodist Ladies' College

Roberts, Harry
Leeming Senior High School

Roberts, Lachlan
Hale School

Roberts, Luc
Hale School

Robertson, Colette
Santa Maria College

Not For Publication
Comet Bay College

Robinson, Finn
CBC Fremantle

Robinson, Flynn
Scotch College

Robinson, Poppy Ann
La Salle College

Roche, Callum
Lakeland Senior High School

Rochester, Caleb
Willetton Senior High School

Not For Publication
Morley Senior High School

Rodgers, Jenna
Kennedy Baptist College

Rodrigues, Jai
Christ Church Grammar School

Rodrigues, Natalia
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Rodriguez Boly, Sofia
Willetton Senior High School

Rodwell, Max
Wesley College

Roecker, Luke
Great Southern Grammar

Not For Publication
Mandurah Baptist College

Rogers, Harley
Greenwood College

Rogers, Joshua
Kalamunda Senior High School

Rollin, Matthew
Willetton Senior High School

Ronaldo, Roger
St Mary MacKillop College

Roper, Ella
Esperance Anglican Community School

Rorrison, Angus
Bold Park Community School

Rosales, Andre
John Paul College

Roscoe, Rebecca
Hampton Senior High School

Rose, Lila
Manea Senior College

Roselli, Annabella
Mater Dei College

Not For Publication
Penrhos College

Ross, Amon
Prendiville Catholic College

Not For Publication
Duncraig Senior High School

Rosser, Maximus
Hale School

Ross-Williams, Chloe
Ashdale Secondary College

Rowand, Brodie
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Rowe, Anita-Joy
Churchlands Senior High School

Rowson, Taj
Aquinas College

Roxburgh, Daniel
Australind Senior High School

Rubab, Tausif
Australian Islamic College (Kewdale)

Rucci, Poppy
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Rudas, Sidney
Kalamunda Senior High School

Rupesh, Meenakshi
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Rupesh, Rheya-Lavina
Melville Senior High School

Rushton, Taya
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Rustam, Jake
Duncraig Senior High School

Ryan, Alicia
Sacred Heart College

Ryan, Jettson
Emmanuel Catholic College

Ryan, Tatum
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Sabouri, Matthew
Prendiville Catholic College

Sabu, Agneta
Willetton Senior High School

Sachdeva, Rishit
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Sadeghi, Elena
Ashdale Secondary College

Saegusa, Hina
All Saints' College

Saini, Devanshu
Perth Modern School

Sakane-McClelland, Hana
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Salamone, Paige
Kennedy Baptist College

Salang, Isabela
Comet Bay College

Saldanha, Joshua
Mercy College

Salinas, Brianna
Kalamunda Senior High School

Salisbury, George
Prendiville Catholic College

Sam, Gladson
Harrisdale Senior High School

Samaan, Sedra
Landsdale Christian School

Sammut, Jordan
Aveley Secondary College

Sampson, Joseph
Duncraig Senior High School

Samson, Bella
John XXIII College

Samuel, Isaac
Providence Christian College

Sanchez Dijkwel, Jan
Como Secondary College

Sanders, Christopher
Prendiville Catholic College

Sanders, Kyelan
Mandurah Catholic College

Sanders, Vanora
South Coast Baptist College

Sandhal, Mayank
Swan Valley Anglican Community School

Sandhu, Eesher
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Sandilands, Fergus
Great Southern Grammar

Sanfilippo, Antonio
Trinity College

Sanfilippo, Siena
Aranmore Catholic College

Sangster, Nate
Servite College

Santos, Keara
Shenton College

Sargent, Charlotte
Kolbe Catholic College

Sartori, Samuel
Hale School

Saunders, Sophie
Merredin College

Savage, Oliver
John Curtin College of the Arts

Sawicki, Anna
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Sawyer, Beau
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Sayson, Vinson Paul
Gilmore College

Scartozzi, Maia
Mercedes College

Sceresini, Sabrina
Penrhos College

Schaafsma, Eden
Margaret River Senior High School

Schaller, Sophia
Kolbe Catholic College

Schiaffini, Sofia
Aveley Secondary College

Schibeci, Nate
Como Secondary College

Schifferli, Tessa
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Schmidt, Carmen
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Schneider, Darcie
Perth Modern School

Schofield, Ava
Duncraig Senior High School

Schonfeldt, Nicolas
Kingsway Christian College

Schoof, Amy
Manea Senior College

Schoof, Norah
John Calvin Christian College

Schwartz, Liam
Ashdale Secondary College

Scott, Amarlee
Duncraig Senior High School

Scott, Amelia
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Scott, Emily
Perth College

Scott, Skye
Mindarie Senior College

Scott, Stefanie
Mercedes College

Scott, Xavier
Chisholm Catholic College

Seah, Samantha
Ellenbrook Secondary College

Sebastian, Donal
Perth Modern School

Secco, Duke
Guildford Grammar School

Sedgewick, Brodie
Como Secondary College

See Toh, Kate
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Selesnew, Bianca
Iona Presentation College

Selman, Eloise
Methodist Ladies' College

Senior, Joshua
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Senthil Kumar, Rithika
Penrhos College

Sequeira, Yoshabel
Mater Dei College

Serginson, Evangeline
Penrhos College

Seth, Kiefer
Duncraig Senior High School

Severinsen, Eva
Ridge View Secondary College

Shah, Krish
Harrisdale Senior High School

Shah, Reeya
St Andrew's Grammar

Shah, Shyna
Perth Modern School

Shah, Tiya
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Not For Publication
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Shahrul Azmir, Ariz
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Shaikh, Shabib
Willetton Senior High School

Shaji, Timothy
Carey Baptist College Harrisdale

Shamsuddin, Darian
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Shanker Singh, Ayavanth
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Shannon, Lucy
Kolbe Catholic College

Shao, Ao
Canning Vale College

Sharafizad, Jordane
Sacred Heart College

Sharma, Ishita
Leeming Senior High School

Sharma, Yajat
Fremantle College

Sharman, Ella
Santa Maria College

Sharp, Brooke
Bunbury Catholic College

Sharpe, Declan
Duncraig Senior High School

Shaw, Anna
John Wollaston Anglican Community School

Shaw, Kasey
Seton Catholic College

Shaw, Seth
Perth Modern School

Shaw, Sunniva
Applecross Senior High School

Sheahan, Emily
Belridge Secondary College

Sheen, Aisha
John Curtin College of the Arts

Sheik, Afsheen
Como Secondary College

Shen, Meng Ling
Morley Senior High School

Sherin, Lily
Shenton College

Sherlock, Tayla
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Shibu, Sereena
Willetton Senior High School

Shinghal, Gayatri
Shenton College

Short, Jacob
Joseph Banks Secondary College

Short, Mikayla
Newman College

Shyju, Joyal
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Shymko, Isabella
Methodist Ladies' College

Sia, Janelle
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Siah, Isaac
Swan Christian College

Siciliano, Kahlia
Churchlands Senior High School

Siddhpura, Ansh
Harrisdale Senior High School

Al-Ameen College

Siford, Eirwyn
Perth Modern School

Sigler, Kahleah
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Signal, Corey
Trinity College

Silva, Amisha
Perth College

Sim, Campbell
Indie School Western Australia

Simkin, Rose
Santa Maria College

Simons, Elliot
Balcatta Senior High School

Simpson, Bronte
Margaret River Senior High School

Simpson, Katelyn
Chisholm Catholic College

Simpson, Lara
Carine Senior High School

Simpson, Phoebe
Duncraig Senior High School

Simpson, Shanti
Methodist Ladies' College

Sims, Joely
Chisholm Catholic College

Singarajah, Joshua
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Singh, Ayush
Kelmscott Senior High School

Singh, Kristine
Santa Maria College

Singh, Sachin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Sitparan, Saieesan
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Skinner, Summer
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Not For Publication
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Slater, Ellie Mae
Duncraig Senior High School

Slater-Gauci, Charlotte
Guildford Grammar School

Smargiassi, Coco
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Smart, William
Hale School

Smedley, Alex
Carmel Adventist College

Smetana, Samuel
John XXIII College

Smith, Abbey
Wanneroo Secondary College

Smith, Anabel
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Smith, Ashleigh
All Saints' College

Smith, Claire
Our Lady of Mercy College

Smith, Ethan
Shenton College

Smith, Jodie
Mindarie Senior College

Smith, Joshua
Byford Secondary College

Smith, Kate
John Forrest Secondary College

Smith, Madeleine
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Smith, Piper
Peter Carnley Anglican Community School

Smith, Poppy
Penrhos College

Not For Publication
Yanchep Secondary College

Smith, Ye Eun
Perth College

Smutny, Emily
Iona Presentation College

Smythe, Cadence
St Norbert College

Snook, Riley
All Saints' College

Snow, Jamie
All Saints' College

Softley, Scarlet
Applecross Senior High School

Not For Publication
Fountain College

Somers, Szeanna
Lumen Christi College

Son, Yunwoo
Applecross Senior High School

Song, Charlie
Applecross Senior High School

Soo, Carrie
Willetton Senior High School

Sowman, Alex
Trinity College

Spagnolo, Ben
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Spence, Bianca
Ashdale Secondary College

Spencer, Elivia
Shenton College

Sperring, Ava
Duncraig Senior High School

Spicer, Kayla
Penrhos College

Spillman, Amy
Mindarie Senior College

Spirek, Monet
Methodist Ladies' College

Spiro, Rose
Carine Senior High School

Sprengel, Joss
Methodist Ladies' College

Squirres, Kyla
Corpus Christi College

Sra, Ranika
Shenton College

Stacey, Emma
Willetton Senior High School

Stafford, Georgia
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Not For Publication
Warwick Senior High School

Stanley, Jake
CBC Fremantle

Stanton, Brianna
Mandurah Baptist College

Starcevich, Jonah
John Paul College

Stayt, Daniel
Warwick Senior High School

Steadman, Eve
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Steadman, Kenley
Mindarie Senior College

Steed, Toby
Lynwood Senior High School

Steffens, Mark
Duncraig Senior High School

Stennett, Madison
Mother Teresa Catholic College

Stenslunde, Jack
Aquinas College

Not For Publication
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Stephen, Charlotte
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Stephenson, Olivia
Shenton College

Stergiou, Filippos
St Andrew's Grammar

Stevanovic, Aleksej
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Stevenson, Angus
Applecross Senior High School

Stewart, Hannah
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Stewart, Tamara
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Steyn, Melissa
Melville Senior High School

Stickney, Daniel
Wesley College

Stielow, Marshall
Wesley College

Stirling, Emmeline
Lesmurdie Senior High School

Not For Publication
Sacred Heart College

Stocks, Lily
Manjimup Senior High School

Stoitis, Jorja
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Stoney, George
Scotch College

Stopher, Bethany
Woodvale Secondary College

Not For Publication
Ocean Reef Senior High School

Strang, Amelie
Churchlands Senior High School

Not For Publication
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Strickland, Charles
Christ Church Grammar School

Strijk, Mia
Carine Senior High School

Strobos, Elora
John Curtin College of the Arts

Stuart, Gabrielle
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Stubbs, Lucas
Mater Dei College

Sturk-Ralls, Pippa
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Sturley, Jacinta
John XXIII College

Su, Bianca
Kelmscott Senior High School

Su, Leo
Churchlands Senior High School

Suarez, Maria
Chisholm Catholic College

Suk-Udom, Supapit
Shenton College

Sullivan, Katherine
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Sullivan, Rosie
Churchlands Senior High School

Sumilang, Joymiel
Gilmore College

Sunil, Alena
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Supanz, Lachlan
Sacred Heart College

Suresh, Amal
St Norbert College

Suthar, Taksh
Mercy College

Sutherland, Kate
Duncraig Senior High School

Sutherland, Lilly
Iona Presentation College

Swain, Scarlett
Great Southern Grammar

Swallow, Byron
Lakeland Senior High School

Swan, Benjamin
Christ Church Grammar School

Sweeting, Amity
Santa Maria College

Sweetman, Kan
Trinity College

Syed, Jacques
Aquinas College

Sylvester, Ryder
Swan Christian College

Syme, Jasper
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Symons, Hannah
Perth Modern School

Szandtner, Ruth
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Not For Publication
North Albany Senior High School

Tabadero, Eliza
Morley Senior High School

Tabeshfar, Mena
Shenton College

Tabi, Alyssa
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Tafti, Aaron
Christ Church Grammar School

Tan, Aaron
Applecross Senior High School

Tan, Aaryn
Applecross Senior High School

Tan, Addison
Applecross Senior High School

Tan, Charlotte
Churchlands Senior High School

Tan, Ellie
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Tan, Jaden
John XXIII College

Tan, Jasmin
Bunbury Catholic College

Tan, Jayson
Shenton College

Tan, Owen
Kennedy Baptist College

Tan, Zi Heng
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Tana, Louise
John XXIII College

Tanaka, Kota
Manea Senior College

Not For Publication
Carine Senior High School

Tang, Benjamin
Guildford Grammar School

Taniora, Stormy-Lee
Tom Price Senior High School

Tapp, Lauren
Quinns Baptist College

Tarbotton, Ayla
St Mary MacKillop College

Tardin Anda, Davi
John Curtin College of the Arts

Tasovac, Tayla
Santa Maria College

Tassone, Natalia
Chisholm Catholic College

Tavas, Svenjun
Rockingham Senior High School

Tay, Bethany
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Tay, Josh
Churchlands Senior High School

Tay, Mathias
Byford Secondary College

Taylor, Aislinn
Mindarie Senior College

Taylor, Campbell
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Taylor, Emily
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Taylor, Emma
Applecross Senior High School

Taylor, Harrison
Shenton College

Taylor, Lucas
Como Secondary College

Taylor, Olivia A
Carine Senior High School

Taylor, Rebecca
Mindarie Senior College

Taylor, Scott
Comet Bay College

Taylor, Zac
Living Waters Lutheran College

Teakle, Tiani
Santa Maria College

Tearle, Eleanor
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Teasdale, Luka
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Teh, Hock
Shenton College

Teh, Trisson
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Temov, Zoe
Newman College

Teo, Jean
Rehoboth Christian College

Teo, Manami
Kalamunda Senior High School

Teoh, Calvin
Christ Church Grammar School

Terribile, Ava
Newman College

Thalhammer, Abbey
Ashdale Secondary College

Thatcher, Jake
Byford Secondary College

Thaung, Amara
Chisholm Catholic College

Thazhatha, Anna
Kelmscott Senior High School

Theobald, Hayden
Trinity College

Thetford, Matilda
John XXIII College

Thew, Sofie
Irene McCormack Catholic College

Thiess, Marley
Southern River College

Thirwani, Nandini
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Thomas, Georgia
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Thomas, Grace
Mercedes College

Thomas, Jayme
Helena College

Thomas, Joel
Grace Christian School

Thomas, Levi
Carmel Adventist College

Thomas, Suzanne Anna
All Saints' College

Thomas-Loehn, Emily
Mundaring Christian College

Thompson, Evelyn
La Salle College

Thompson, Jacob
Como Secondary College

Thompson, Monique
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Thompson, Phoebe
Great Southern Grammar

Thomson, William
Trinity College

Thorpe, Max
Scotch College

Thum, Aiden
All Saints' College

Not For Publication
Perth Modern School

Tibbitts, Sadie
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Timms, Erin
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Ting, Emily Zhi Xuan
Willetton Senior High School

Tinley, Mia
Santa Maria College

Tite, Eleanor
Helena College

Tobin, Lucas
Esperance Anglican Community School

Todd, Matthew
Kennedy Baptist College

Toeante, Marcel
Applecross Senior High School

Tognetti, Keisha
Ashdale Secondary College

Tomasich, Rafajel
CBC Fremantle

Tomazin, Abigail
Rehoboth Christian College

Tomlinson, Marcie
Churchlands Senior High School

Toms, Leo
South Coast Baptist College

Tonello, Sophia
Chisholm Catholic College

Tonnessen Carvajal, Matthew
Shenton College

Tonts, Alice
Perth College

Tram, Chelsea
Ashdale Secondary College

Tran, Chantelle
Perth College

Tran, Lachlan
Christ Church Grammar School

Tran, Sharleen
Servite College

Tranter, Olivia
Newman College

Treloar, Indyanna
Hedland Senior High School

Treloar, Nicholas
Christ Church Grammar School

Treloar Hudson, Ciana
John Curtin College of the Arts

Tresise, Corey
Mater Dei College

Trew, Charlie
Carine Senior High School

Trew, Ella
Carine Senior High School

Trichilo, Cosimo
Sacred Heart College

Tsakiris, Lara
Byford Secondary College

Tsocas, Stella
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Tsokos, Eliza
Iona Presentation College

Tucker, Brielle
Kingsway Christian College

Tucker, Jasmine
Applecross Senior High School

Tucker, Jessica
John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School

Tuia, Euan
Bunbury Catholic College

Tung, Samuel Ben Liang
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Tuohy, Amelie
Kalamunda Senior High School

Turnbull, Ethan
Churchlands Senior High School

Turnbull, Joely
Bunbury Senior High School

Turner, Audrey
John Curtin College of the Arts

Turner, Flynn
Como Secondary College

Turner, Nicole
Albany Senior High School

Tweedie, Mikayla
John Curtin College of the Arts

Twyman, Rachel
Carmel School

Tyasjati, Gilang
Lynwood Senior High School

Mazenod College

Ung, Felix
Fremantle College

Urbani, Soleil
Kingsway Christian College

Uresh Kumar, Arjun
Christ Church Grammar School

Vagaja, Erik
Perth Modern School

Vague, Lucas
Ashdale Secondary College

Vajda, Hannah
Corpus Christi College

Valenta, Chloe
Bunbury Senior High School

Valentino, Richard
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Van Aarde, Mieke
Woodvale Secondary College

van der Heide, Cameron
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

van der Klauw, Taj
Perth Modern School

van der Merwe, Annemarie
Kingsway Christian College

van der Merwe, Layla
Kingsway Christian College

van der Riet, Michiel
Narrogin Senior High School

Van Der Westhuizen, Lea
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Van Der Wijngaart, Eleanor
Dale Christian College

Van Der Zanden, Jacinta
Santa Maria College

Van Herk, Kayla
Bunbury Senior High School

van Reenen, Megan
St Stephen's School - Carramar Campus

Van Rensburg, Demi
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Van Schelven, Tanika
Comet Bay College

van Wyk, Amelie
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Vanderstoep, Zoey
Mandurah Baptist College

Variyan, Xavia
Corpus Christi College

Vasich, Jeremy
South Coast Baptist College

Vasudevan, Tania
Willetton Senior High School

Vearing, Jamison
Hale School

Vecchio, Lola
Chisholm Catholic College

Vegunta, Giridhar
Leeming Senior High School

Veljanoski, Aleena
Sacred Heart College

Venter, Julian
John Calvin Christian College

Ventouras, Isaak
Scotch College

Ventura Rossi, Victor Hugo
Kiara College

Vere, Bethany
Shenton College

Verhouven, Aidyn
La Salle College

Verma, Sunishka
All Saints' College

Versaico, Jaida
Holy Cross College

Vescio, Lainey
Corpus Christi College

Vetter, Kirsten
Shenton College

Vincent, Anya
Mater Dei College

Vincent, Veronica
Corpus Christi College

Vinciguerra, Louise
Lumen Christi College

Vines, Phoebe
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Vinnicombe, Bronte
Methodist Ladies' College

Visagie, Carmen
Shenton College

Visser, Adrian
Perth Modern School

Vitsas, Stephen
Hale School

Vladich-McKenzie, Lucas
Belmont City College

Vo, Grace
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Vo, Thi
Girrawheen Senior High School

Vollprecht, Koby
Mandurah Catholic College

Voloczi, Emma
Woodvale Secondary College

Voong, Caitlyn
Shenton College

Vukman, Blake
Christ Church Grammar School

Vuong, Harrison
Kelmscott Senior High School

Wade, Amy
Mercedes College

Wagenaar, Josie
John Calvin Christian College

Waite, MacKenzie
Hedland Senior High School

Walker, Holly
John Forrest Secondary College

Walker-Dowsett, Eliza
Aveley Secondary College

Walkley, Olivia
Manea Senior College

Wallace, Zac
Fremantle College

Wallbridge, Fletcher
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Wallwork, Darcy
Wesley College

Walpot, Emily
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Walter, Jaxon
Hale School

Wan Noorasbudiman, Wan Nurqistina
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wandel, Oliver
Scotch College

Wang, Anna
All Saints' College

Wang, Matthew
Christ Church Grammar School

Wang, Sherina
Applecross Senior High School

Not For Publication
School of Isolated and Distance Education

Ward, Amy
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Ward, Benjamin
Lake Joondalup Baptist College

Ward, Camryn
Bold Park Community School

Ward, Sofie
Pinjarra Senior High School

Wardell-Johnson, Felicity
Applecross Senior High School

Warden, Kynan
Mundaring Christian College

Ware, Mackenzie
Woodvale Secondary College

Warman, Georgia
Iona Presentation College

Warnock, Jack
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Warren, Bethan
Penrhos College

Warren, Grace
Iona Presentation College

Warren, Lucy
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Warren, Pyper
Mandurah Catholic College

Waters, Darcy
Presbyterian Ladies' College

Waters, Ivy
Great Southern Grammar

Watkins, Ethan
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Watson, Beverly
St Norbert College

Watters, Ava
Applecross Senior High School

Watts, Aimee
Perth College

Wayne, Breanna
Melville Senior High School

Webb, Alex
Melville Senior High School

Webb, Kayla
Tom Price Senior High School

Webster, Chloe
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Webster, Laura
Western Australian College of Agriculture - Denmark

Webster, Rosie
Guildford Grammar School

Wedge, Sara
Cape Naturaliste College

Wee, Charlton
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Weir, Amber
Helena College

Weir, Oscar
Perth Modern School

Not For Publication
Mandurah Baptist College

Weller, Bianca
Albany Senior High School

Welsh, Quinn
Frederick Irwin Anglican School

Not For Publication
Shenton College

Weng, Haocheng
Hale School

Wenzel, Lila
Great Southern Grammar

Wertheim, Sophia
Perth College

Wesseldine, Benjamin
Hale School

Wesson, Paige
Woodvale Secondary College

West, Bailee
Mandurah Catholic College

West, Owen
St Stephen's School - Duncraig Campus

Westerhout, Grace
Santa Maria College

Western, Matilda
Melville Senior High School

Weymouth, Lylah
Aranmore Catholic College

Wheldon, Elizabeth
Kelmscott Senior High School

Whiffin, Yolandè
OneSchool Global WA

White, Emarni
Australind Senior High School

White, Madox
Hale School

Whitehead, Katherine
Penrhos College

Not For Publication
Kolbe Catholic College

Whiting, Ethan
Prendiville Catholic College

Whiting, Hudson
Christ Church Grammar School

Widderick, Elizabeth
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Wiese, Sophie
Shenton College

Wieser, Eve
Iona Presentation College

Wignell, Elizabeth
Santa Maria College

Wijaya, Chloe
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wijemanne, Thenuk
All Saints' College

Wijesuriya, Sathmi Chanara
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wildy, Rosie
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Wilkes, Isabelle
Shenton College

Wilkins, Ella
Seton Catholic College

Wilkinson, Amy
Penrhos College

Willey, Indiana
Mandurah Catholic College

Williams, Arjun
Helena College

Williams, Ashlyn
Nagle Catholic College

Williams, Charlie
Belridge Secondary College

Williams, Ewan
Perth Modern School

Williams, Georgia
Great Southern Grammar

Williams, Holly
St George's Anglican Grammar School

Williams, Lysbeth
Shenton College

Williams, Millie
Mater Dei College

Williams, Sebastian
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Williams, Zara
Kennedy Baptist College

Williamson, Kelly
Byford Secondary College

Willis-Fulford, Karri
Seton Catholic College

Willison, Annabel
St Mary MacKillop College

Willison, Jasmine
Hampton Senior High School

Willson, Ashlee
Methodist Ladies' College

Wilsenach, Emma
Kingsway Christian College

Wilson, Hugo
Aquinas College

Wilson, Imani
Chisholm Catholic College

Wilson, Lani
Sacred Heart College

Wilson, Philippa
Great Southern Grammar

Wilson, Samuel
Geraldton Senior High School

Wilson-Clark, Grace
Mercedes College

Wimalasinghe, Brianna
Leeming Senior High School

Windberg, Charli
Kearnan College

Winduss, Ryder
Darling Range Sports College

Winter, Isabelle
Perth College

Wise, Aldwyn
Shenton College

Withey, Misha
Mindarie Senior College

Not For Publication
North Albany Senior High School

Wittenoom, Thomas
Christ Church Grammar School

Witton, Helene
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Wong, Alex
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Wong, Tiffany
Iona Presentation College

Wood, Ciara
Sacred Heart College

Wood, Imogen
Halls Head College

Wood, Sebastian
Helena College

Woodall, Evie
Great Southern Grammar

Woodard, Rian
Perth Modern School

Woodgate, Ava
Kolbe Catholic College

Wood-Hill, Ruby
Karratha Senior High School

Woodhouse, Annabelle
Esperance Senior High School

Woodley, Caitlin
Lynwood Senior High School

Woods, Jacob
CBC Fremantle

Woods, Patrick
Hale School

Wools-Cobb, Niamh
Sacred Heart College

Worsley, Ruby
Margaret River Senior High School

Wozniak, James
Mercy College

Wright, Alicia
Harrisdale Senior High School

Wright, Ava
Georgiana Molloy Anglican School

Wright, Bree
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Wright, Cassidy
Willetton Senior High School

Wright, James
Applecross Senior High School

Wright, Zachary
St Mark's Anglican Community School

Wu, Jiazhen
St Mary MacKillop College

Wyatt, Zoe
Willetton Senior High School

Wylie, Annabelle
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Not For Publication
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Xia, Qixuan
Hale School

Xie, Samara
Methodist Ladies' College

Yaman, Alby
Shenton College

Yamauchi, Mya
Carine Senior High School

Yang, Angela
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yang, Fucheng
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yang, Tianhao
Willetton Senior High School

Yang, Tommy
Peter Moyes Anglican Community School

Not For Publication
Greenwood College

Yang, Zinuo
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yangzom, Chhimi
Churchlands Senior High School

Yap, Joey
Willetton Senior High School

Yates, Joshua
Margaret River Senior High School

Yau, Keisha
St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

Yau, Nathan
CBC Fremantle

Yeates, Lucas
Kalamunda Senior High School

Yenugula, Sashi Priya
Hampton Senior High School

Yeo David, Rachel
Melville Senior High School

Yiftah, Sagi
Carmel School

Yii, Grace
Willetton Senior High School

Yong, Yi
Willetton Senior High School

Young, Darcy
Karratha Senior High School

Young, Gemma
Mindarie Senior College

Young, Ivy
Churchlands Senior High School

Young, James
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Young, Miranda
Santa Maria College

Young, Rohan
Ursula Frayne Catholic College

Younghusband, Luke
Greenwood College

Yu, Mikayla
St Hilda's Anglican School for Girls

Yuen, Arianna
Carine Senior High School

Yuen, Caitlin
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Yum, Chloe
Kennedy Baptist College

Yum, Jaun
Perth Modern School

Yurisich, Sajer
Margaret River Senior High School

Zatuchny, Alon
Mount Lawley Senior High School

Zeeb, Meleina
St Norbert College

Zein, Lara
Aranmore Catholic College

Zhang, Gongyue
Willetton Senior High School

Zhang, Jenny
Churchlands Senior High School

Zhang, Sophia
Perth Modern School

Not For Publication
Perth Modern School

Zheng, Matthew
Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School

Zheng, Zhi Rui
Canning Vale College

Zhong, Angelina
Canning Vale College

Zhou, Joshua
Corpus Christi College

Zhu, Xinghua
Willetton Senior High School

Zhuo, Daniel
Rossmoyne Senior High School

Zoobi, Nabil
Canning Vale College

Zucchi, Ana
Hampton Senior High School

Zulkifli, Zaara
Ridge View Secondary College