Syllabus Delivery Audit

The Syllabus Delivery Audit (SDA) is a senior school moderation activity whereby schools are required to submit a course outline and assessment outline when offering either a new course or a recently reviewed course in Years 11 and 12.

The SDA operates with other moderation activities to provide a broader picture of assessment practices in a course and at a school for a particular course.

The purpose of the SDA is to ensure that schools are implementing the correct syllabus and to ensure comparability between schools and support fairness for all students no matter which school they attend.

In any given year, for a selection of ATAR, General and/or Foundation courses, schools may be required to submit a course outline and assessment outline for a given course to the Authority for review. These documents and the criteria on which the syllabus delivery audit is based are described below.

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Each course outline will be reviewed using the following criteria.

Course outline criteria Response options
includes all the content from the current syllabus
  • meets requirements
  • revise the course outline using the current syllabus
  • revise the course outline to remove content that is not in the current syllabus
  • revise the course outline to include all content from the current syllabus
provides an appropriate timing for the delivery of the syllabus content
  • meets requirements
  • revise the course outline to provide an appropriate timing of delivery of the syllabus content
provides an appropriate sequence for the delivery of the syllabus content
  • meets requirements
  • revise the course outline to provide an appropriate sequence of delivery of the syllabus content

Each assessment outline will be reviewed using the following criteria.

Assessment outline criteria Response options
uses the assessment types specified in the current syllabus
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline using the assessment types specified in the assessment table of the current syllabus
uses assessment type weightings that conform to the assessment table in the syllabus
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline to meet the assessment type weightings specified in the assessment table of the current syllabus
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure assessment task weightings add to the assessment type weighting
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure assessment type weightings add up to 100
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure assessment task weightings add up to 100
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure all assessment task weightings are a minimum of 5%*
includes an appropriate number of tasks
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure that the number of assessment tasks of each assessment type is consistent with syllabus requirements
  • decrease the number of assessment tasks to avoid overassessment
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure that the total number of assessment tasks is no greater than eight*
provides a representative sampling of the syllabus content
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline to provide a representative sampling of the syllabus content
  • revise the assessment outline to remove assessment of content that is not in the current syllabus
includes a general description of the nature of the task and a brief description of the syllabus content for each task
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline to include a description of the syllabus content for each task
  • revise the assessment outline to include a description of the nature of each task
indicates appropriate timing of the assessment tasks
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline to include the timing of each assessment task (i.e. the week the task will be conducted or the start and submission date of a task)
is consistent with the course outline
  • meets requirements
  • revise the assessment outline to ensure that the scheduling of the assessment tasks matches the sequence of delivery in the course outline
  • revise the course outline and/or the assessment outline to ensure consistency with the naming of each assessment task
  • revise the course outline and/or the assessment outline to ensure consistency with the timing of each assessment task
  • revise the course outline and/or the assessment outline to ensure consistency with the language used for each assessment task

*Applies to Years 11 and 12 syllabuses introduced from 2022.

Schools are advised, through the 7 to 12 Circular, of courses that will be involved in the Syllabus Delivery Audit in that particular year in the correspondence titled, ‘Information to schools’.

Further information about the Syllabus Delivery Audit is provided in the Syllabus delivery audit School Coordinator Handbook and the Syllabus delivery audit Teacher and Head of Learning Area (HoLA) Handbook.

Syllabus Delivery Audit Handbooks