Student Declaration and Permission

The following students are required to complete the Student Declaration and Permission in the student portal at

  • all Year 12 students
  • Year 11 students who are studying ATAR Unit 3 and Unit 4 and sitting the 2025 Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) course examinations.

Please note: students will be required to complete the Student Declaration and Permission when they log in to the student portal before they can gain access to other important information, such as their course enrolments, examination timetable/s and results.

Student Declaration

All categories of students as listed above will need to declare that they are aware of the requirements to achieve the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and for sitting the 2025 ATAR course examinations. Please refer to the Year 12 Information Handbook available on the Authority website at

Student Permission

All students, as listed above, will be asked to give permission for the following:

(a)   release of their name should they win an award

The School Curriculum and Standards Authority (the Authority) award winners are published in the media and on the Authority’s website, if permission to do so has been given by the student.

(b)   use of schoolwork for creating support materials

The Authority is seeking permission for the use of the schoolwork produced during 2025, e.g. assignments, projects, portfolios, test, school-based exam responses.

(c)   use of examination responses (written and practical)

The Authority is seeking permission for the use of:

  • ATAR course written and practical examination responses (copyright owned by the student); and
  • images and sound recordings of the student in photographs, audio recordings and audiovisual recordings that are made during the ATAR course practical examinations (copyright owned by the State of Western Australia).

Resource development

The use of schoolwork material (b) and examination responses (c) as specified above may be used in resources developed by the Authority in carrying out its functions relating to the development and accreditation of courses and the standards, assessment and certification of student achievement.

The material will be used under the following terms:

  • anything which identifies the student or school will be removed from the material before use by the Authority.
  • the Authority may make the resources containing the material available in whole or in part, in print and electronic formats, and on the Authority’s website. The resources containing the material may be copied, or made available on an intranet, for non-commercial purposes in schools offering the WACE.
  • This permission continues indefinitely until the student revokes it by notifying the Authority in writing that he/she no longer wants the material to be used by the Authority. The Authority will not provide payment for the use of the material.

Students must (if under 18 years of age) have discussed their responses with their parents/guardians before submitting them online. Students cannot complete the Student Declaration and Permission unless they click on ‘Yes’ to the condition ‘I have discussed my responses with my parents/guardians’.

To complete the Student Declaration and Permission in the student portal, go to and follow the login instructions. Students are requested to complete the Student Declaration and Permission online by Thursday, 28 August 2025.