Application for permission to use School Curriculum and Standards Authority materials

Questions marked with an asterisk ( * ) are required and must be filled out. If after clicking the submit button the form reloads, it will be because one or more required questions were not filled out. Please review the form and look for highlighted questions with error messages. Also, any files chosen for upload will need to be chosen again.

1. Applicant Information

2. SCSA material requested (precise details required)

3. Publication/resource to contain SCSA material

Click the 'Add' button to add an additional publication/resource (maximum of 3 per application)

+ Add

Additional publication/resource

Click the 'Add' button to add an additional publication/resource (maximum of 3 per application)

+ Add

Additional publication/resource

4. Additional information

Click the 'Add' button to upload additional files (maximum of 5 per application)

+ Add

- Remove

Before pressing submit, please ensure that all questions marked with an asterisk ( * ) have been filled out. If after clicking the submit button the form reloads, it will be because one or more required questions were not filled out. Please review the form and look for highlighted questions with error messages. Also, any files chosen for upload will need to be chosen again.

If you do not receive a response within seven (7) business days, please email