Student page

Student number

When logging in for the first time the student's username is the WA student number.

Your WA student number is an 8 digit number which the School Curriculum and Standards Authority allocated to you. Typically, your student number would start with  a 23......

Please note: If you have misplaced or forgotten your student number, for privacy reasons we cannot provide this number by phone or email.


Your initial password has been set to default as Nnddmmyyyy where:
Nn = first two letters of student's family name: first as upper case, second as lower case excluding any apostrophe 
ddmmyyyy = student's date of birth in day month year format.
E.g. Mr O'Pearson born 18/03/2002 would be Op18032002

*If your family name has less than 2 characters or you have no family name then use Ab instead
E.g. Ab18032002


Log in to the student portal

Past Results

The student portal is accessible for current Year 12 students.

For past results please complete the Application Form – Copy of Results / Certificate of secondary education in Western Australia form available on the Applications and Order Forms page of our website

The completed form can be emailed to

Marks adjustment process

If you have any questions relating to the marks adjustment process for ATAR courses, please access the Your Marks brochure via

If you have any queries relating to the calculation of your ATAR, you must contact TISC via


If you are unsure about your password or your account has been locked:

  • try Forgotten Password function (only works with your first 10 tries); or
  • email (monitored from Monday to Friday between 8.00am to 4.30pm)
    • You must provide within your email:
      • Full name
      • Student Number and School Name
      • Date of Birth
      • Home address details as they would appear in your WASSA
    • In some cases we may call you directly to confirm your details and your request.

Any changes to your student record need to be discussed with your school.