Changes to the Department of Training and Workforce Development VETinfoNet Website
As of 1 July information currently available on the VETinfoNet website will be moved to the Department of Training and Workforce Development website at and the VETinfoNet website will be decommissioned. This update will ensure all VET sector information is centralised in one location.
As of 1 July information currently available on the VETinfoNet website will be moved to the Department of Training and Workforce Development website at and the VETinfoNet website will be decommissioned. This update will ensure all VET sector information is centralised in one location.
Many of you may currently use VETinfoNet to access the nominal hours guides through the training products search will be available in the Training Providers section of the Department’s website. The information relating to VET in Schools such as the VET in School Qualifications register, pre-apprenticeship in schools, or School based apprenticeships or traineeship business rules will be available in the Employees and Student’s section.
A redirect will be in place to allow users to update their bookmarks.
For further information please contact David Appleby, Manager Digital Training Services, by telephone on 62129733 or email