Don’t forget! NEW VET Qualification Estimates (ESQUAL) reporting activity
From this yeareach school is required to report the VET qualifications that students are undertaking (this includes students who go offsite to access their training at external providers) as well as student details against each qualification.
From this yeareach school is required to report the VET qualifications that students are undertaking (this includes students who go offsite to access their training at external providers) as well as student details against each qualification.
Schools do not need to report the individual units of competence within each qualification however. Also schools are not required to update the ESQUAL file after the deadline unless there is a significant change in VET offerings.
Important to note – Each time the ESQUAL file is uploaded to SIRS it will completely replace the previous file. This means that if you wish to update the information in your ESQUAL upload file, make sure that all students are included in each upload rather than only uploading the updated students to ensure that all information is maintained on your school record in SIRS.
Refer to Section 4.3 VET qualification estimates (ESQUAL) of the Data Procedures Manual for further details of this mandatory reporting process.
The deadline for this data to be uploaded to SIRS is by Wednesday, 6 April 2016