Extension of transition period for training products endorsed between September 2015 to March 2016
RTOs will now have 18 months instead of 12 months from the date the superseding training product was released on the National Register (training.gov.au) to transition students to the updated training package qualifications or complete their studies and issue the appropriate certification.
RTOs will now have 18 months instead of 12 months from the date the superseding training product was released on the National Register (training.gov.au) to transition students to the updated training package qualifications or complete their studies and issue the appropriate certification.
This provision only applies for training products endorsed by the AISC from September 2015 until March 2016.
A list of qualifications has been provided to ensure a clear understanding of which products are in scope and have an 18 month transition period. Further updates to the list will be made as further decisions are made by the AISC through to 31 March 2016.
For the complete article click here