New website Launched! Preparing Secondary Students for Work
Take a look at the new national website developed to support the national Framework for VET and Vocational Learning delivered to Secondary Students, Preparing Secondary Students for Work.
Take a look at the new national website developed to support the national Framework for VET and Vocational Learning delivered to Secondary Students, Preparing Secondary Students for Work.
The website was designed to support the Preparing Secondary Students for Work - A framework for vocational learning and VET delivered to secondary students developed by a working group established under the Education Council which includes Education Ministers from all states and territories. Following extensive national consultations the framework was endorsed by the Council in December 2014.
The framework and all the associated resources on this website have been developed by Australian and state and territory governments in partnership with the education and training sector and peak industry bodies.
To assist schools to understand and use the framework a range of resources and tools are available.